
Chapter Twenty-Three

As Long Yan stepped out of the basketball hall, the voice of the system resounded in his mind.


[Host detected completion of in-team physical training]

[Reward: 1 stamina, 1 speed, 1 strength]

Listening to the announcement from the system, his heart brimmed with happiness.

"Open panel!" he exclaimed, eager to check his updated data.

[Host: Long Yan]

(Height: 180cm)

(Weight: 68kg)

(Stamina: D+)

[Speed: C-]

(Power: C+)

[Bounce: B-]

[Mastery skills: Primary dribbling skills, full-court projection skills,

super start, fast recovery, phantom interception, accurate passing, 'C' shaped

dribbling, aerial change of hands, and dunk]

"Not bad at all." He thought to himself, examining his updated stats and skills.

"I've gained quite a few skills from just one practice session. If I can improve my physical strength to match it, it will be perfect."

Examining the data on the board, he nodded in agreement with his own assessment.

He recognized the need to improve his dribbling skills, especially when facing formidable opponents like Kogure, where slight distractions could lead to potential breakdowns.

If he were to face a top defender like Shinichi Maki, the chances of being tackled would be significantly high.

However, with strong physical strength, he could rely on his three-point projection to become a formidable scoring machine.

Engaging in the corresponding training would lead to noticeable improvements in his physical fitness, even if they were incremental.

Curiosity arose within him regarding the heights he would reach in the upcoming match against Ryonan.

He had long desired to face the team's ace, Akira Sendoh.

With this thought in mind, he clenched his fists and let out a resounding roar.

"Ah! Eat, drink, and continue training!"

He took a determined stride and ran toward the bank located near Shohoku High School.

Arriving at the bank, he retrieved his bank card from his wallet and checked the balance.

Suddenly, a wave of excitement coursed through his body.

The balance on the card amounted to more than 3 million yen.

"Just as I expected," he murmured, pleased with the outcome.

"Alright, I'll call Ayako and treat her to a meal. It's only fair to return the favor,"

He decided, withdrawing 100,000 yen from the account.

Taking out his phone, he dialed her number.

Shortly after, they met at the designated location.

"Ayako, what would you like to eat today?" Long Yan asked, ready to fulfill his promise.

He reached out and took the bicycle from her hand, scratching the back of his head awkwardly.

He decided to cut to the chase and asked directly.

This time, being a wealthy individual, he knew that as long as she made a request, there would be no major issues to worry about.

"Hahaha, make sure to bring the money this time."

She playfully remarked, flashing a smile resembling a crescent moon.

"You can count on me," He responded, his chest puffed out with a confident air.

His affluent demeanor elicited a burst of joyful laughter from her, resembling the sound of a tinkling silver bell.

"Alright, then I'll call and inform my parents first." She said calmly.

Despite her excitement, she still felt a sense of responsibility toward her family.

After ending the call, she furrowed her brow, pondering the nearby delicious food options that lay ahead.

He patiently waited as various culinary options crossed her mind.

Finally, her thoughts settled on ramen.

"How about ramen?"

"Ramen? I'm good with that," He responded, nodding in agreement.

Under her guidance, the two strolled through the alleys until they reached a humble ramen restaurant.

Its appearance lacked extravagance or fancy decorations, but the enticing aroma wafting from inside was enough to stimulate their appetites.

As expected, food speaks louder than mere street talk.

"Let's go. I come here often, so I can assure you it's not a sketchy place," Ayako declared confidently, taking a stand in front of the ramen restaurant.

"Hahaha, Ayako, I couldn't agree more. Let's go, I'm starving,"

Long Yan replied with a chuckle, straightening the bicycle and making his way inside the restaurant.

Though the restaurant might not have a fancy reputation, it didn't matter to him now that he had money in his pocket.

Money spoke louder than any rumors.

Finding an available spot near the window, the two sat down and placed their orders.

As they waited for their meals, they engaged in casual conversation.

"Long Yan, don't you have anyone in your family who cares about you?" She asked, her eyes widening as she posed the question directly.

"Sigh... Don't even mention it," He responded with a hint of sadness in his voice, nodding nonchalantly.

His parents were distant when he crossed over.

The chances of them eating together or even seeing each other were extremely slim.

As she noticed the melancholy in his expression, her motherly instincts kicked in, and her smile softened.

"But it's okay. I'll be there for you in the future,"

She reassured, patting his shoulder with a comforting hand.

There was a comforting air of a big sister emanating from her, which explained why even Sakuragi was willing to respect her.

"It feels nice," He agreed, his spirits lifting as he chuckled along with her.

Ayako, with her wonderful personality and genuine kindness, proved to be a friend worth cherishing.

She possessed a pure and sensible heart that fostered deep friendship between them.

Before long, a steaming bowl of beef ramen was placed before them, exuding a delightful aroma.

The generous portion of beef draped over the noodles was visually enticing.

"Ayako, I'll eat first," He declared, his gaze fixed on the mouth-watering bowl of beef ramen.

After a rigorous training session, this was the perfect time to enjoy a satisfying bowl of beef ramen.

Ayako, observing him devouring his food like a wolf, couldn't help but express concern.

"Take your time eating and don't rush. If you want more, I'm familiar with the owner."

"One more bowl!" He exclaimed without hesitation, his appetite clearly is not satisfied yet.

Within a few minutes, he emptied his bowl and eagerly called out to the boss for another serving.

Her eyes widened in surprise.

"Is this really a wealthy heir?" she thought to herself, amazed by his voracious appetite and lack of restraint.

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