
New Bonds

Infinity remembers that guy's statement on his potential and wonders if this is what he was talking about.

Infinity exclaims, "I guess that one nigga was right; it looks like my Ego is overclocking."

Tsurugi, with no time to waste forms blades rooting from all of his fingers. In which he shoots out like bullets. 

Tsurugi exclaims "Let's see how you deal with this Infinity, I'm starting to get my mojo as an assassin back."

Infinity, prepared to zoom past the attacks is surprised by the sudden increase in velocity. As Tsurugi's long-awaited passion for killing had returned. His Ego had boosted exponentially.

Each of the blades aimed at Infinity land. Not only do they pierce him in vital points, but they explode on impact. In which Tsurugi continues his onslaught with a sledgehammer as his initiative and quick-thinking is shown in direct display.

He swings the Sledgehammer recklessly, in which Infinity is able to duck, but Tsurugi was one step ahead. With an unpredictable blade being materialized with Tsurugi's other hand. Tsurugi lets the blade rip, Slashing the chest of Infinity in horrifying fashion. As he smiled in the face of despair.

Infinity quickly reacts, in a moment of shock and fear. Punching Tsurugi away. Before then clearing his mind, remembering the situation at hand.

Infinity, once again charging in to face Tsurugi, now pushes a completely different pace as he accelerates rapidly with the intent to incapacitate Tsurugi in an instant.

Infinity uses 'Quick Draw,' a sword draw in which he gathers Ego solely in his arms and legs and propels at a ridiculous speed towards his opponent. Combined with Infinity in 'Overclock,' it instantly knocks the wind out of Tsurugi, along with an amplified screech coming from Tsurugi. As his bones crushes and his ribs shattered.

Infinity, ready to finish the fight, winds up a strike aimed towards Tsurugi's head. As Infinity dashes in, he sees something—a knife, minuscule inside Tsurugi's hand. At the speed Infinity is moving, he wouldn't be able to dodge or counter this strike. As he closes in, Infinity decides if he is going to die to this, he will take Tsurugi with him. Accelerating even further to reach Tsurugi.

However, as you are already aware, Ego is everything in this world. Without Ego, these attacks can no longer exist. They cease to exist. Tsurugi's Ego had depleted. Which in extension, had dismantled the attack.

Infinity sees him fall and begins to slow; the side effects of overclock are settling in. He collapses beside Tsurugi.

"You were something else huh?" Tsurugi exhales.

Infinity responds, "You weren't half bad either."

After such an intense battle, the two hold an air of acknowledgment for one another.

Tsurugi states, "I heard you were strong, so I wanted to abuse your power to increase my own Ego; that monster who left when I arrived seems to be stronger than both of us."

Infinity laughs, "Yeah, he kind of beat the fuck outta me."

Tsurugi says, "What if we team up for a bit? If we both want to beat that guy, what's the harm in going after him together?"

Infinity gazes up to the sky and thinks for a second.

Tsurugi reiterates his idea,"You gonna air me like that?"

Infinity responds, "I guess it could be worth while. Tryna get a bite to eat?"

Tsurugi chuckles, "I don't even think I can move right now man."

The two laugh as they stare up, unaware of the events that would unfold in due time.