6 – Oh, Please

My eyes fluttered open as I saw the familiar face beside my bed.

"Chase?" I croaked as Chases' head shot up and looked at me.

Wow, not everything used to be such an effort before.

"Skyler! You're awake." Relief passed through his eyes.

"How are you feeling?"

"Uh...fine. I think." I answered and tried to get out of bed.

I stood for a few seconds and took step when my legs buckled beneath me. I hoped no one heard my fathers' 𝘭𝘪𝘵𝘵𝘭𝘦 outburst. I didn't want anyone to know.

"Whoa." Chase quickly came over to help me. "You got it?"

I nodded.

I leaned on Chase as we reached the door and felt confident enough to walk on my own. I breathed relief as I didn't die going down the stone steps.

We just got to the village square when a voice called from behind us.

"Hey, dad," Chase said, turning around as he spotted him.

"Skyler. How've you been keeping?" He asked, nodding in my direction and looking down at my legs as though they were going to turn into jell-O.

They sure felt it.

"Mr. Adamson. Can say that I've been better."

"Well, I do hope you recover quickly. Winter is drawing far too near."

He looked at Chase. "I need your help. Can you help me move some stuff?"

Chase turned to me. "I'm helping Skyler w–"

I cut him off. "No, I'm fine. Go ahead."

I sent him my don't-argue look.

"You sure?" His eyebrows furrowed.


He gave me one more look before walking ahead.

I carried on walking past all the people and their old, ratted out stalls. The smell of stews and other food wafted past my nostrils as I breathed it in.

My oblique started to burn, making every movement more painful. My legs didn't stop nonetheless but came to a halt when I viewed my fathers' men training.

I could've given someone third-degree burns right there.

My fists clenched by my sides as I watched them. I could do so much better than what they were doing.

They looked 𝘴𝘭𝘰𝘱𝘱𝘺.

Turning around, not wanting to see anymore, I caught Hunter looking at me. My mind immediately went blank and my anger seeped out of my pores.

He grinned at me.

I looked into his calm hazel eyes. A pat on my shoulder made me turn around.

"Skyler? Oh, thank the Heavens you're okay. Anvis requested your presence." Chloe said.

I turned back around to look at Hunter but instead faced a stall selling newly polished ornaments.

Why did I feel disappointed?

Was it that?

I turned on my heel, following Chloe.

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