
the sky screape with a fog (double trouble)

So when time at September 11 on the airplane, so when grade 4 students. He was an classmate named Joross, and it was his birthday so he was going to Japan. And it's an 14 hours ride. And when everyone was eating the cake, the lights flickered and after that the lights off, more than 3 minutes and 40 seconds. And during the lights of a boy named Nathaniel, and he was hearing screaming and he looked at a window and he saw the one and only Sky scraper, he is fast he's skin is the same color as the sky wanna know how Nathan saw the Sky scraper since at the morning he is black and the time back them was 3:40 because it was a long party. But then the Sky scraper jump in the airplane window and was stronger enough to destroy the window. And a girl named ysabella got eaten by the Sky scraper it was so bloody around the seats even around the seats 107 and 106,108,105,104,103 and Zion was scared but the airplane went to the wrong way this all time!. It's was about hit the twin towers but Nathan,Joross,Zion and Dea,Christina jump out of the airplane and had trampoline so Nathan brought it down to the bottom so we all landed safely but not christina and Zion found a chuwawa but he realized he was in the ¥{€=®[£} street, an unknown street with a scary creature named the Puppet their. So they saw the puppet and his hand turned into a pistol and starts shooting at all the classmates. So everyone started running in a goofy way and Zion was riding the chuwawa, and there were running for 10 minutes until they found an un destroyed building so they went in and Zion left the chuwawa outside and he was left inside crying. But there was an turtle on upstairs and Zion was happy but until the Puppet their broke a wall on the building and shot the turtle and Zion was sad and Nathan said "come on Zion we got to get out of here it not safe here anymore." But Zion said "No I have to save the turtle" So when Zion turn away for Nathan he saw the turtle get shot in he's very own eyes so Zion listened to Nathan and ran away. And Joross said "come on! Nathan and Zion we don't have much time left the fog monster thing or whatever. Just come on you two!" So they Dea found a 2 motorcycle so Nathan ride the 1 motorcycle and Zion ride the 2 motorcycle and Dea went to Zion and Joross went to me and Joross said "Let's go! Nathan!" And Zion said "let's this escape this fog monster." And they went driving go so fast more the 20mph and the Puppet their said this in a dreadful voice: "Haha I'm very fast I can catch up to you kids" and when Zion listened to what he said he tell Nathan " go faster he's fast to you know" so Nathan went fast he said " Thanks for the tip Zion!" But he saw very long mud puddle Nathan and Zion stop. And Nathan said oh no Zion it's the end were so near the airport I can see it but he saw an bullet form the Puppet Their

It said "haha you can't escape me" but before he shoot the classmates a 16 year old brother named Kyle have a shotgun and shot the Puppet their and it flew away. And Kyle said "Nathan you're safe and your classmates too!" And Nathan said "you too" so Zion ask "Why were you not on the airplane?" So Kyle laugh so hard and tell Zion that Kyle was late. And Zion said how did you find us thou? Kyle said "I knew that a had an assignment to finish so I put a tracker on his left arm check Zion" So he check Nathan's left arm and was surprised and Kyle said "It was an gift from my birthday :) it's 2024 away way" so we went back home to Minglanilla but the Sky scraper was watching Nathan this i'm whole time! And followed Nathan on his way back home. And the a few years later at 2026 when Nathan and Kyle was Watching tv Kyle had an amber alert saying: there's been missing people and it's very hard to find them but the cameras don't work they usually go missing at night so becareful when going outside at night!. Ohno said Nathan it must be the sky scraper and Kyle said don't be dumb said kyle. :) and Nathan was calm down but on this evening Nathan and Kyle went outside holding weapons and he saw the Sky scraper before he could catch them Kyle put a flamed crackpipe on the lower part of the sky screaper and the slower part was burning and the creature on the lower part was burning and died but the upper part was angry so he attack Nathan but Kyle said "Don't worry Nathan" and he place a bomb with a dynamic and a grenade on the upper part of the sky screaper and the sky scraper was dead and. A few years later on 2034 on the Philippines news the puppet their was send back to space. And Nathan said "how are great friends are doing in life" THE END.