

I can't see anything anymore, it's not like in a place without light, I don't see black it's different and scary.

'System where am I? Am I still in his imagination? '


'How is it possible ? Didn't you kill his avatar and himself? '

[Yes, I totally annihilated him but his imagination still exists]

'Shouldn't it have gone too?'

[Yes it should]

'Shouldn't you be omnipotent ?! How is it possible ?'

[I am, but being omnipotent actually only means being able to do everything but does not mean infinite power, and I apparently didn't have enough power to destroy it as well]

'Isn't that the same? If you can do everything you should be able to annihilate everything! '

[I can annihilate everything, but this imagination is also omnipotent and it is more powerful than me, remember that it is from this imagination that we were both born]

'How ? It is not even endowed with conscience anymore! '

[Exactly, so it's completely harmless]

'Okay, tell me can I take control then?'

[No but I can]

'But you can't destroy it'

[I have enough power to take control of it but not to destroy it, why didn't you ask to be omnipotent and omniscient yourself?]

'Okay, can you absorb it?" And I don't want to be omnipotent it must be boring, I would rather do it alone if I want to,

let alone be omniscient if you were gifted with feelings you would know why, besides you weren't supposed to know everything ?

[I can absorb it, it won't end directly in its destruction but rather like a transformation, since it no longer has consciousness it is possible.

I cannot read your thoughts since I am protecting them from me as well, when you speak to me directly by thought it is of course allowed.]

'Ok do it now.'

After I finished I was no longer in this strange nothingness but I was in space I feel, yes I remember I am in the solar system of the planet where Felix lived.

'Change my body into a child like Gloxinia from Seven Deadly Sins, I want white hair, black eyes with red irises without pupils, a slim body and a height of 1.50m. '

The same size as Frieza, I don't understand why that annoys him I find it charismatic for some.


'Ok with this appearance however on this earth I would be noticed, system gives me the ability of Tetsuya Kuroko not to be noticed but I want to be able to deactivate it whenever I want.

And tell me how many times are you more powerful after the absortion ?'

[Done you can deactivate it thinking about it and it's a simple addition I am now approximately 2.12 times more powerful]

'There is a God in this universe ?'

[No, but there is many alien races but nothing supernatural]

Well I'm safe I will stay on this planet and learn all I can.

'I want Alucard's lineage and all of his skills and knowledge except his omnipresence and I want immortality bestowed by the Fountain of Youth of Seven deadly sins,

since Alucard said that there is no real immortality his is not total ;

give me too the Doomsday lineage and the Kal-El lineage.

I want a universal energy reserve that can be used for anything: ki, chakra, magic etc ...

Which increases in quantity and quality as I drink blood and power from whoever I drink it from.

Give me the knowledge of Multi Cloning naruto and immune my soul to any manipulation, change or destruction.'

[Done Skotadi]

Cool the preparations are finished and I am OP, thanks to the line of Kal-El I put to fly towards the sun, and I am slow too slow I did not absorb enough sun rays for long ...

I asked the system to teleport me to the surface of the sun and now I feel myself getting stronger much faster then I feel that I catch fire and my skin melts,

shit ! Pain ! I hadn't thought about it it's horrible so horrible I don't have the energy to scream but I endure I don't want to become powerful without any experience of pain,

if I run into an opponent one day that is harder than me I would suffer and I don't want to be like those MCs who rely too much on their system either.

I am still much too weak but I regenerate myself almost instantly and I burn less and less quickly.

After a few hours I no longer burn or it is rather that my regeneration does like that, I start to practice multi cloning.

After a few minutes I get there but I lack energy I can only do 20 but I feel my energy grow and regenerate thanks to the sun also it's slow but better than nothing.

"Clones listen to me, I will send you to earth where you will feed on blood, enlarge our army by absorbing their souls and go to libraries and universities while also gaining knowledge by sucking blood from students and professors !"

"Okay we are ready"

'Teleport them'


And as time goes by, as my energy reserve grows, I create more clones than I send to earth which supplies me with energy faster.

After 10 years hard work, all the knowledge of this earth has been learned by my more than 50,000 clones, there are only a thousand human beings left, i did nothing to animals i am not a savage immoral !

I have become powerful, one of my clones having 10% of my physical power could after a single punch destroy a volcano which is very powerful in this universe;

I have become very tolerant of pain, my willpower has strengthened, and I currently have almost 8 billion fighters in my legion.

But now I'm starting to feel lonely, I need some company.

I start to dispel my clones slowly 1 per minute it's manageable, all the new knowledge comes to me I feel good,

about thirty days later, all this knowledge is in my head.

I want to leave, I'm sick of this universe, of this land, but I don't want to reincarnate, I don't understand why in most fanfic MCs are reborn in any case I will teleport there;

I remake 100 clones that I leave in this universe to go and take care of these alien races and I go on an adventure!

'Ok system open a portal for me on the boat the MC takes at the start of the plot.' I say, thinking of this world as fabulous as it is dangerous.

[Done, good departure]

Chapitre suivant