
Skill Overdose

Set in a modern world, Liam Keene, a person who had witnessed his parents killed, changed the way of living his life entirety when he decided to take revenge on the people who murdered his parents while also discovering another dark part of society as he tries to realize where his 'system' came from. _______ ___ __ _ Longer Synopsis : Witnessing his parents being killed in front of him, Liam unknowingly changed the way he thought about the world, while still having the thought of making the killers pay for what they had done to completely messed up his life. But time still passes as well as the emotions and beliefs that one had felt before... Unless something happened that made them want to remember that tragic moment. Exactly 5 years later after that day, Liam suddenly saw a window floating in front of him. A system. The one thing he thought that could change his life. Oddly enough, several minutes after that, his friend came to him with men from a dangerous organization on his trail. And later, he learned that this organization was the same one that ordered people to kill his parents. "Starting today until the day you die. We will be chasing you and we will try to kill you with our own hands whatever it takes." Just like the man said to him, since that day, as he kept walking forwards, he would just go deeper and deeper into the filth and danger of the world his living in. His once-peaceful life became a chaotic mess that he would have to fix with nothing but his blood and sweat. And the system. _______ ___ __ _ C-Come join the autho-... L-Liam to his journey to make the story... uh... his life good... or uh... better? _______ ___ __ _ (Note: Chapters are currently in an editing process. Expect that some parts of the story written in the unedited chapters have variation from what the author originally imagined.)

Pyurnt · Urbain
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32 Chs


Time was slowed.

Liam was the only one "normal". He was immune to the slowness of time because it's his own skill so he was the only one normal.

All of his senses and his thinking ability were much faster than normal and it simply made around him unbelievably slower. But to his point of view, his body and brain were still working and processing normally and for him, he was very, very fast.

Time was relative so a person within the natural order of time would never have had notice that he was slowed unless he also had a godly skill like Liam had.

The steel bar that was about to hit him in a mere second was slowed down to an incredible degree and was barely even moving. It could even seemed like it stopped if one wouldn't have to turn their full focus into it.

Shortly after, Liam regained his sanity and began calming down as he looked at his surroundings.

"Wha-What is... A skill. T-this is a new skill. I..." Liam said as soon as he noticed that everything, with him as an exception, was in a slow motion.

"I need to kill... Kill this guy right now. For me and for my family's sake."

He was still filled with strong emotions but he can manage it better than earlier before his skill was activated. He gazed at the steel bar that the guy was holding for a second then he took a side step and walked near the left side of the guy.

He thought that this was his chance so he moved the dagger that he's holding upwards then he aimed and pointed it at the guy's neck.

Liam's hand was trembling. This was the first time that he would experience trying to kill someone. Even just a thought of killing a person makes him somehow scared yet he will have to do it with his own hands right now.

He don't want to do it but he had no choice. The normal people may not notice but the innocent world was slowly changing into a battlefield where the weak ones would be trashed by the strong and powerful people. Liam was also aware of that because he had seen it with his own eyes. If there was a bright society or community then there was also a dark one.

Liam slowly moved the dagger to prod the guy's neck but then...

『 The skill [Dull Time] will be deactivated in approximately 1 second.』

Liam was stunned. He didn't know that the skill can only be used for a short period of time. He took a few steps back to get away from his enemy, then he immediately took a random defensive stance.


The steel bar hit nothing but the air.

"W-what in the... H-how!?" The guy widened his eyes.

He was stupefied after seeing that the kid he was trying to stab with the steel bar earlier disappeared.

His body shook non-stop. He turned his body to his left side and saw the kid normally standing there.

He was frightened and let the steel bar escape the grasp of his hands. The creepy look on his face was nowhere to be seen, his expression turned into something like... despair.


The guy lost all his energy because of the consternation he felt and so, he collapsed on the ground. His body was facing Liam while sitting on his butt and gazing at him with a look of bewilderment in his eyes.

"Ahhh! Wraaaagh! M-monster!"

The guy screamed continuously every time he glances at Liam. He rotated his body and began crawling away from him.

Liam was dumbfounded. How can a person who was usually strong and agile, a person that came from a harmful organization, be a freak like this?

Screaming and crawling. He thought that this can only be done by a crazy person or a person who suffers from a trauma. Trauma. Perhaps this guy was traumatized by what Liam had done earlier because his psychological state and mental fortitude was really weak.

He was traumatized by a skill.

It was possible. How can anyone not be shocked after seeing an impossible scene? Unfortunately, that scene was made by the guy himself. If only he haven't tried to stab Liam earlier or if only they didn't come barging in his house, he would've never experienced something like this. Now he was so shocked that it caused him to become traumatized.

Liam heaved a sigh of relief. He tossed the dagger away. He himself also lost all of his energy and fell on his butt.

'I almost died. Again. For two times in a row. I was also saved by the system too, but how can I express my gratitude? Shout to the world that my system is the greatest?'

"Ah! then it could give me an extra skill. hehe."

He stopped himself from daydreaming more and noticed that he was slowly fatiguing. He felt that it has something to do with the system so he opened it to check what was the cause. The first thing he saw was a notification window that appeared in front of the stat window.

『 Your Stamina is below 30%. It will give you a [Fatigue] effect. The [Fatigue] made from the system will not be removed by any skill. 』

'Ah. So that is why. My perception is sure working properly.'

Liam released a short laugh as he thought of something.

He then continued to check the system and his stat window.

Stat Window

Name: Liam Keene

Level: 10

Job: none

HP: 53

MP: 2

Stamina: 27%


Strength: 15

Dexterity: 16

Intelligence: 8

Endurance: 10

Perception: 15

[Skill Menu]


Task: 48

"Hm? My stamina is so low... I guess I've been moving like crazy."

Liam shook his head.

He still felt strange and decided to check the skill menu.

Skill Menu

[ Every skill can be upgraded by doing it repeatedly that or by using 10 Skill Distribution Points. ]

Passive Skills:

> Health Recovery

> Firmness {CD 10 mins}

> Regeneration

> Immunity

> Hyperthymesia

Active Skills:

> Athletic Lv. 2 - {5 MP, 1 min CD}

> Crystal Vision Lv. 1

- {5 MP, 1 min CD}

> Accurate Throw Lv. 2

- {1 MP, 5 sec CD}

> Appraisal Lv. 1

- {0 MP}

> Discerning Eye Lv. 1 - {5 MP, 10 sec CD}

> Mental Boost Lv. 1 - {5 MP, 10 sec CD}

> Skill Absorption Lv. 1 -{0 MP, 1 hr CD}

> Stealth Lv. 1 - {5 MP, 1 min CD}

> Dull Time Lv. 1 -{5 MP, 25% STA, 9 hrs CD}


> Skill Absorption - lets the user absorb one skill of another person and learn it normally. (Can be activated if that person is beaten unconscious or killed by the user.)

> Stealth - lets the user move stealthily.

> Dull Time - Slows the time for the user in a 1:10 ratio for 20 seconds.

"Damn... This Dull Time skill will suck me up. And I can only use it 2 times a day. It's a heavenly defying OP skill! Though the requirements or something isn't entirely good, the cooldown is so looong... It's fair enough."

Liam grumbled after reading the skills

He continued reading down and suddenly tilted his head.

[Lets the user move stealthily.]

"What the hell...! How is this gonna help me to understand it clearly? Move stealthily? Oh yeah, it makes sense. Sense my foot..."

Liam face-palmed after reading the vague description of the skill that he even cursed inwardly.

He didn't really like to think absurdly when he was already trying to relax.

He was still suffering from fatigue so he chose to sit back, relax, and restore his Stats.

But suddenly...


"Keurk! Wraak!"

A series of disgusting sounds were being made by the guy, who was hardly rolling on the shattered glass, behind him.

The guy was continuously being pierced by the countless piece of shattered glass, but it seemed like he doesn't care about anything right now.

His skin was slowly turning blue while making those unsatisfying sounds like he was choking.

A moment later, the guy's movement halted the same time the noise he made stopped.

Apparently, he died from choking and from crazily rolling on the shattered glass that was caused by being traumatized to an extent.

But Liam still didn't know that he died yet.


Liam replenished his stamina for up to 30%, He was hesitant at first but then he decided to stand up and walked near the guy and take a look.

But then...





Liam was surprised by the multiple notification chimes which echoed through his mind.

He was stock-still for a second or so because of it but soon came back to his senses.

'What's up with the system today?'

Liam was about to open the system but stopped and took a look outside when he heard a siren of a police car.


Liam relaxed his mind because he saw the police were already here and came barging in but he was also disappointed with the fact that they were already so late.


A police officer said with his handgun aiming at Liam.

"W-wait!? I'm not the criminal here!" Liam said to the police officers that were walking towards him with a look of scorn in their eyes.


The police officer in the front of the rest shouted at Liam then he pressed the trigger safety.

Liam was hesitating to crouch and move his hands.

He was just standing still because he really didn't want to be ordered around for something he didn't even do.

But what can he do?

He was also being ordered by a police officer who was aiming a handgun at him.

He then crouched down soon.

The other two police officers that were searching around the house are puzzled.

Judging by their surroundings, it was a robbery and murder.

How can a person be this sick?

It was messy and bloody in the living room.

Other than Liam, they found two men laying down stiff on the floor. They took the mask from the first guy and he has a chunk of blood coming from his mouth and plenty of bruises in his body while the other guy without a mask have countless bruises and many small wounds that are caused by the shattered glass that pierced in his skin.

The police officer in front of Liam was about to smack him on the back of his head to make him unconscious but he soon stopped when he heard a footstep that comes from the staircase.

"Mr. Hanes! I'm glad that you're safe. We would arrest all of these guys right now. You can question him in the police station."

The officer said as he took out a shackles from his pocket.

It was Ian who came down. He looked at the guy who the officer was about to shackle.

"Wait, Chief Tenly! He is my friend. He's not the criminal. He protected me from those two guys on the floor."

Ian said as he pointed the two guys on the floor.

"How can it be? Two criminals going on one ordinary person. Are you sure he's your friend sir? If he is then he's also just a second-year student, right?" The chief was skeptical about it and some sudden questions slipped from his mouth.

"What the–!? Oh, you think I'm crazy? Just look at his injuries! Does he even look like a well-trained criminal? Compared it to the other guys there. And is their mask still not enough to convince you that they are criminals!?" Ian shouted furiously.

He was angry that the officers questioned him, and his friend.

"Sigh. Anyways, you're so late. Ah, is driving a police car for 20 minutes also makes you stupid? Call an ambulance right now! Recommend the highly trained ambulance staff!" Ian spoke to them like was an authority that have a higher position than them.

"I-I'm... We're sorry sir. We didn't think properly this time. The ambulance will come here soon. We will arrest them now." The chief apologized at Ian, then they walked near the two guys.

The chief was shocked after observing the one without a mask.

The guy has turned blue and with some white foam forming in his mouth, his expression looked like he had seen a ghost before his current state became like it.

"Uh, sir... Your friend... Did he do this to the two criminals... C-can he tell us how and why?" The chief said with an alarmed expression.

"He's currently shocked by the recent happenings. He can't think and talk properly right now. But obviously, it's self-defense. He can tell you all the details after he is completely healed. And also ask that guy what does he want from me."

"Yes, Of course. We should take our leave and arrest this guy, sir Hanes. We would immediately tell you if he answered the question you asked for, sir. Ah, wait for the ambulance to come, a friend of Mr. Hanes."

The police officers then went to their police car with the shackled, unconscious guy while the other guy who's nothing but a lifeless body was being held by another officer.

"Uhm..." Liam was still standing there after watching the great scene unfold.

He was rendered speechless the entire time.

He can't remember when and how did his best friend become bossy as hell.

A moment later, he glanced at Ian once more.

"Hey, Ian... Should I call you boss or sir? Or do you want to be called master?"

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"You were ordering around a three police officer like you were a higher position than them. And a CHIEF apologized to you. How the hell can you even asked me what am I talking about!?"

"Oh... that is... just a small thing. Yeah. Don't worry about it. You know that my father's company is pretty big right?"

Of course, Liam knew that company.

After all, that was where his mother and father used to work before they passed away.

"Yeah, I know that, but I didn't know that it was this great! Wait. You're so brave to the officers, why the hell didn't you help me beat those guys eh? You're just hiding like a freak upstairs."

"Hey stop teasing me! I'm not that great at fighting. Thank you for protecting me earlier. I don't how but you've become strong. Strong ones are great but nonetheless..."

Ian paused for a second before his expression changed.

"How... How the f*ck are you even standing with that many and massive injuries! ARE YOU A MONSTER! A normal person would even cry and want to die if he has a small portion of your overall injuries and yet you are here standing and talking to me like any other normal person... What the f*ck! Is you're shoulder a butthole!?!"

Blah! Blah! Blah!

Ian continuously grumbled, shouted, and cursed Liam.

And here is our Liam, just scratching his right cheek and averting his gaze away from Ian.

He was now calmer than earlier, now that he's talking with his best friend and knowing that he's safe.

He did not dare to tell Ian about the system he got.

The system was his only tool to get his life better, he could protect the people he wants to protect and he could also put an end to his vengefulness by relying on the system if he wanted to and he knows that Ian doesn't want him to do all of that.

"Oh my god! This is an emergency! Take him to the stretcher! He has critical wounds! Come on!" A beautiful voice of a human echoed throughout the room that made both Ian and Liam turned their head to the direction of it.

What they saw was a pretty young lady wearing a white, gentle hospital uniform.

She was continuously giving an order to the rest of the ambulance staff as soon as she saw all the injuries that Liam have.

"I'm sorry sir. We can't let you get on the vehicle. If you want to follow him then go to our hospital." The lady said to Ian as she went out of the house with the people that carried the stretcher.

Liam was on the stretcher and was still conscious while he was looking at Ian and winked at him with a dazzling expression on his face.

"heh. A beautiful petite woman with short blonde hair and pretty brown eyes wearing a nurse uniform and a skirt. I know that's one of the types of girls that you want. hehe. You lucky bastard." Ian said to himself while looking at the happy-faced Liam in a stretcher that was being carried to the vehicle.

Liam was now inside the ambulance.

'Shit! If I sleep then my injuries will be healed! I can't do that in this vehicle filled with medical people. The crazy doctors, or even the scientists will examine my virginit... I mean my body right away! Ahhh-! It's not good but...'

He can only sigh inside his heart as the vehicle was beginning to move.

'...Anyways, what a beautiful sight this is.'

He can't take his eyes off the lady, who was currently treating his injuries.


Pyurntcreators' thoughts