
Skill Overdose

Set in a modern world, Liam Keene, a person who had witnessed his parents killed, changed the way of living his life entirety when he decided to take revenge on the people who murdered his parents while also discovering another dark part of society as he tries to realize where his 'system' came from. _______ ___ __ _ Longer Synopsis : Witnessing his parents being killed in front of him, Liam unknowingly changed the way he thought about the world, while still having the thought of making the killers pay for what they had done to completely messed up his life. But time still passes as well as the emotions and beliefs that one had felt before... Unless something happened that made them want to remember that tragic moment. Exactly 5 years later after that day, Liam suddenly saw a window floating in front of him. A system. The one thing he thought that could change his life. Oddly enough, several minutes after that, his friend came to him with men from a dangerous organization on his trail. And later, he learned that this organization was the same one that ordered people to kill his parents. "Starting today until the day you die. We will be chasing you and we will try to kill you with our own hands whatever it takes." Just like the man said to him, since that day, as he kept walking forwards, he would just go deeper and deeper into the filth and danger of the world his living in. His once-peaceful life became a chaotic mess that he would have to fix with nothing but his blood and sweat. And the system. _______ ___ __ _ C-Come join the autho-... L-Liam to his journey to make the story... uh... his life good... or uh... better? _______ ___ __ _ (Note: Chapters are currently in an editing process. Expect that some parts of the story written in the unedited chapters have variation from what the author originally imagined.)

Pyurnt · Urbain
Pas assez d’évaluations
32 Chs


In the main hall.

Liam stood up. He walks slowly towards the fedora guy while he was calmly checking all of the system's notification since he killed the terrorist in the VIP Floor until now.

『 By being a true warrior in just a mere few minutes, you have gained a Passive Skill called [Warrior's Will]. 』

『 The skill [Warrior's Will] will eventually wake up the user after getting forcefully unconscious by an enemy. The more dangerous the situation is, the sooner it will activate. 』

『 Your stats are all above 20 points. The control of your overall strength and 50 EXP Points shall be the reward for it. 』

『 You perfectly put all your strength into one place, your right arm. The skill [Arms Strengthening] has been gained by you doing it. 』

『 The skill [Arms Strengthening] makes both of your arms contain 50% of your own Strength and another 50% increase of Strength. Its main purpose is to make the user's arm have a great strength but at the same time, it won't drain all of the user's current strength. 』

『 The Dexterity Attribute has been chosen. 7 points of Dexterity has been given 』

『 You obtained the Techniques of [Blunt Weapons] and obtained a skill called [Athletic]. 』

『 By absorbing the same skill twice, the skill will automatically be leveled up. 』

『 The skill [Athletic] has been upgraded. The [Athletic] skill has been changed into [Mesomorphic]. 』

『 The skill [Mesomorphic] raises the Dexterity by 12 (+4), Endurance by 10 (+2), and Strength by 5 of the current attributes for 15 mins(10 mins+). {5 MP}. 』

『 You successfully defeated an enemy with 2 levels higher than you. You gained 30 EXP Points, 3 ATR Points, and 1 Skill Points. 』

'Hm. So that's why I woke at the right timing. It saved my life. Anyways, that's a lot of windows and it's all good.'

Liam was about to check the status window when he saw something familiar within the terrorist's upper body.

He took a quick look and immediately recognized it. In the neck, there was a dark-colored tattoo.

"Dark... Society."

The fedora guy was frozen in his place when the aura of the young man changed drastically again.

A cold shiver suddenly ran down his spine.


For the first time in a really long time, he felt the thing that he overcame completely. He was scared, frightened, and terrified every time his eyes locked into the body of the young man that he used to treat like a dog.

"W-What happened to him that he had a sudden change? A fearful... change." The fedora guy said with his trembling mouth.

Even though his eyes were not facing directly towards him, there was a dark, ominous aura oozing out and somewhat gazing at him.

Trembling in fear, he tried to step away.

'When you think someone is stronger than you, don't you dare run away or I will be the one who will kill you if you did...'

He stopped when he recalled what his master said to him. He now remembered where he felt his last fear.

'You're going to be the one who will let them run away. Remember that Rynn.'

It was from his own master, who taught him to control his own emotions and his disorder.

The fedora guy, or Rynn, quickly cleared his thoughts. He regained his composure and brought out his two daggers.

'I'm just going to kill this guy and I'm off to killing that Hanes kid. This is truly getting out of hand."

He immediately came back to being 'emotionless'.

Liam looked back, can't cease his emotions anymore, he stood up.

He walked slowly towards Rynn who was already in a position to fight with two of his daggers.

Every step Liam took was a pressure to Rynn but he still remained looking unaffected by anything.

His walking came to a halt when he saw a thick with a medium-length wooden staff down on the floor. He eventually picked it up and touched from its end to another.

Liam held it up and stretched his hand backward. He then threw it towards his target, fast but smooth, with the help of his 'Accurate Throw' skill.

Rynn was a bit stunned when he did a sudden throw before dodging it with a side step. When he went back to his old position, Liam was already nowhere to be seen.

He quickly raised his cognizance and felt a presence behind him.

He saw Liam holding the staff that he threw just a moment ago.

Before Liam even move from his spot earlier, he already activated two of his acting skills.

The first one is the 'Mesomorphic' skill that helped him buff all of his physical attributes especially his speed, then the 'Stealth' skill that completely removed the sound of his movements and increased the smoothness of his attack or strike execution.

He quickly moved the staff and prepared to strike with it.

With the help of two of his techniques, the 'Assassination' and 'Blunt Weapon' one, he masterfully hit Rynn in his vital point from to his legs.

Rynn immediately recovered from the shock and moved his dagger towards Liam's face, but he hit nothing but air.

Liam took the chance and in 1 second, he successfully hit another two of his vital points. It was so strong that the thick staff broke from the impact caused by the hit.

Rynn seemed to suffer from the pain but it looked like nothing happened to him, either because he endured it very well, or he just didn't care.

He quickly turned around and saw Liam with his arms that looked slightly thicker and larger than earlier.

He was shocked and took a glance at his face unconsciously.

Liam looked at Rynn with a glint of coldness in his eyes, then he slowly opened his mouth and said "You're dead."


"Breaking News! At exactly 17 minutes ago, at the Main Area of City E-5, Loud explosions can be heard coming from the NYX Hospital. The police already made a move just a few minutes after the explosion but somehow they can't seem to get near the building, either due to the traffic, accidents, or even some crime, but the higher-ups are still continuing to recruit some other police to get there..."

In a room filled with nothing but amenity and superfluity, there was a middle-aged man with a formal attire, watching a news in a large screen that almost fits in an entire wall of a room.

He seems to be displeased by the news because he was sitting in a large leather office chair with a deep furrow forming in his eyebrows, but at the same time, he was giving an extremely composed aura.

He tilted his head and opened his mouth. "Hey, Nathan. What hospital did my son said he would go off to?"

Just before the voice vanished through thin air, a young man in his late-20s took a few steps forward before sweeping his gentle, black tuxedo with his hand. With how gentle and serious he looked, you can definitely know that he's a secretary or a private bodyguard in just one glance.

"Earlier, he said that he would go to the NYX Hospital, sir."

"Is he back in the mansion now?"

"Sir, near the mansion or even near our organization's buildings, there has been no report about seeing the son of yours."

"Hn. Do you think that he is still in that hospital." The middle-aged man said, pointing the large screen with his chin.

"93% chance that he's still inside there hiding away from the terrorists like normal people would do. If somehow he's still inside that hospital, there is also this 3% chance for not being safe from those terrorists, unless their objective is connected to him, it will make the chance incredibly higher."

"Did you already send some people to go there?"

"A dozen of men, since a few minutes ago, but they have been stuck in the high ways, underground ways, overpass, and even the shortcut roads, together with some police or reporters after having a traffic accident or other serious problems in the way."

"Hn. My silly son is in there for sure, but why is he there again?"

"For his best friend or his so-called 'brother', Liam, who was badly injured and was sent to the hospital, sir."

"Ah. That Liam kid. I think I saw a great potential to him when I met him a few years ago at his parents' funeral unlike any other kiddos out there. Anyways, should I personally come there and give them money or something to make them stop."

"You can't sir. The situation there is dangerous. The explosion is caused by multiple grenades and it was probably a massacre made by those terrorists inside. Just a mere money can't completely fill their filthy hearts."

"fufufu. so Violence is what they want, eh? Okay, let's give them peace. Bring me there. Four guards. Helicopter."

"But, sir!"

"What? They could kill me, like that'll ever happen? Even if they hurt my body with grenades, the pain will be just a mere memory when I use 'that' right? So also bring it too."

"Yes, sir. I will come too and provide protection and information."

"Hm. Okay. Stay low key by paying the media and saying them in advance that we'll go there? Or ride in a large chopper, while we're wearing a heavy and thick bullet-proof suit."

"We have a bullet-proof tuxedo which is thin and light, it looks perfect and also very defensive so it will be the safest si-"

"Yes, nice choice. Ride in a chopper then. Come on, let's go, and fly into the daylight. haha!" The middle-aged man stood up and smiled after looking at the young man beside him.

"Yes sir, Mr. CEO, Hanes."


In a room with dark-colored walls and antique decorations, faint. Three guys were facing each other while sitting on a beautifully-designed wooden chair. They were divided by a long wooden table and were opposite to each other.

There were two men in their mid-thirties and a young man was sitting beside the other man.

They seemed to be confused after watching a piece of news.

The guy with the black coat who was sitting beside the young man turned his head towards the guy who was still looking at the TV screen, looking serious.

"Hm? Isn't that your apprentice's mission? He took so long that it actually came in the news. I heard that there's only one person they're looking for. Why is this-"

"Hey. If you don't want a fight, don't talk. A problem occurred can't you notice. No trained man in our organization can take that long unless a big problem might have occurred." The guy said as he stood up and removed his brown leather coat, leaving his maroon-colored shirt and his pure golden chain necklaces that shone bright as his diamond earrings.

He walked towards the door and wore a dark-red coat from the hanger stand before stopping again and looking back at the guys before him. "I'm going to head out real quick. Make sure to train your new kid harder cause I really want mine to fight him now."

A cold glint emitted in his eyes and proceed to exit the room.

"Hm? Did I say something wrong?" The guy with a dragon tatted in his face down to his neck said confusedly.

"No, master. He was just angry that I'm better than his apprentice."

"haha! really? fufu. You're really good at making me laugh. I thought you were just a smart ass, the first time I saw you."

"I'll take that as a compliment, master. Anyways, is it just me or does he have an intention to go to the hospital all by himself?"

"You're certainly right, kid. He's going straight outta here to there real quick."

"That hospital is three kilometers away from here. Over twenty minutes with a car due to heavy traffics today, so he's probably going to be late, if the said 'problem' occurring there is bad."

"hahaha. You're taking us 'mediums' way to lightly. If there's a big problem just like what you said, why should we take a car? Didn't I say that our own feet will be faster than those cars? I think even the slowest out of all of 'us' can run 8 meters per second. Calculate that, smarty."

"Sorry, master, and sure, I'd do that. Let's say that, that cold guy can run up to five meters per second. Three kilometers will have to get him over ten minutes."

"Hm? Nice guess, but for him, I think five minutes will get him there."


"You motherf**ker. You just hit me in the face didn't you?" Rynn said with a furious face.

Liam was surprised at first when the 'emotionless guy' earlier got angry, then he looked at him with a faint smile before slowly opening his mouth and said "huh? Can't you feel your own blood pouring out from your shiny nose?"

He stepped away swiftly after saying the words that he thought, might aggravate his enemy more.


sorry for the short chapter.

Pyurntcreators' thoughts