
Six Years Too Long

The Fourth Hokage's body was never found, but they never suspected that was because he hadn't died. Minato Namikaze wakes up six years after the devastating Kyuubi attack, alone in an overgrown clearing with not a scratch on him. Disoriented and confused, he does exactly what any father would do in this situation. He fights through the pain, gets up, and goes to find his son. He trudges through the pounding in his head and forces himself to move-- to go and find him, because that masked man was still out there, and Minato is willing to do anything to protect his little ball of sunshine. Needless to say, the blonde kage wasn't expecting so much time to have passed. Nor is he very impressed with the way the village has been treating his son all these years. note:this does not belong to me its originally made by strawhat_pirate on AO3

turkishcat · Anime et bandes dessinées
Pas assez d’évaluations
14 Chs


Third person pov

Shikaku Nara did indeed know how to get the word out. All he had to do was drag Inoichi out into the lobby of the Hokage building and talk loudly about how he couldn't believe Minato was back after six years, and how he was so glad the man was somehow still alive. The receptionist soaked the whole thing up like a sponge and immediately started spilling the beans to the next person who came by, who was equally as willing to spread the word. The entire tower seemed to know by the time Minato was actually allowed to leave, gasping and whispering, some even cheering for him as he went by.

Minato fiddled with the key to he and Kushina's old home nervously. They hadn't lived together in it very long, only moving out of their shared apartment when they realized Kushina was pregnant. Even still, they'd worked hard to make it as warm and welcoming as they could for Naruto. He could still very clearly envision the pictures hanging on the wall and the new furniture they'd splurged on. The corners they'd babyproofed and the dog door they'd put in for Kakashi's ninken despite the boy's insistence that he wouldn't be imposing enough for it to be necessary. The nursery, colored a soft indigo with images of shuriken and kunai painted on carefully by Kushina herself. The thought of seeing it again, covered in dust and unused by the family he'd loved so much, made his throat feel tight.

Again, he could imagine Kushina yelling at him and whacking him over the head for his distress. Just because he wasn't going to get what he'd envisioned didn't mean his family was gone. Kakashi and Naruto were still here, and they still needed him! She would want him to keep his head held high. If he moped too much she'd definitely beat his ass in the afterlife for 'wasting time'. Minato took a deep breath and told himself he'd allow himself to grieve later. He had to get settled here and make sure Naruto and Kakashi were both okay. They all had a lot of adjusting to do, and he was determined to make sure everything went as smoothly as humanely possible.

He immediately started the hunt for Kakashi and Naruto in the shopping district of Konoha, darting around like a madman trying to sense for his son's chakra. He got more than a few startled looks as he jogged along, head scanning back and forth to make sure he didn't miss them by mistake. He offered polite smiles to anyone who happened to meet his eyes, winking when he saw vaguely familiar faces. It was comical to see people stop what they were doing completely and process. Though, he did have to admit to feeling guilty watching a nin who was clearly off-duty drop his groceries into a couple of heaps at the sight of him.

It didn't take long to track down his student and son. Naruto's immense chakra hit before he even saw the pair. What really slowed Minato down was the sudden change in atmosphere the closer he got. Civilians rushed past with ducked heads. Silence edged with whispers ebbed its way into the street, replacing the usual bustle of sounds you'd usually expect to find on a commercial strip such as this. Minato immediately felt the same anger that had gripped him earlier return in tenfold. His casual stroll turned stiff, and his brows dropped into a tense furrow.

Kakashi was chatting amicably with Naruto, holding the boy's hand while hosting at least eleven bags on the other arm. Naruto looked a little nervous, gripping Kakashi's hand with a scared ferocity and forcing himself to smile. The expression would've been entirely convincing had he not seen it on Kushina's face a million times when they were both younger. Kakashi was far more open about he felt, his cheerful expression breaking every so often so he could shoot glares at anyone who whispered too loudly or stared a little too long. Minato felt a wave of fondness crash through him at the sight of his student's protectiveness. It wasn't much, but it was a small breath of relief to see Naruto at least didn't have to deal with this alone. Not anymore.

He smoothed out his expression, wishing more than anything that he had his coat. He'd never once wanted to flaunt his position as the Fourth Hokage before. The power that came with the title wasn't something he'd ever held over someone's head, and the attention he got when he used to go out into public had been embarrassing and a little flattering before. Now, he wanted people to know who he was. Wanted to stake his claim and let the world know that this was his son, and that anyone messing with him was messing with Minato too.

"Naruto, Kakashi!" He chirped cheerfully. Naruto whipped around, eyes going wide like he was shocked to see that Minato had come back. The genuine look of exuberance that broke out across his son's face was everything. He was starting to see just how desperately he needed to invest in a camera. Minto spun the house-key on his finger a few times for them to see. "Look what I've got!"

"Dad!" Naruto gasped out almost reverently, like he couldn't believe Minato was there and walking towards him. He hesitantly let go of Kakashi's hand, looking up at the masked man to see if it was okay. Kakashi swallowed the coo that threatened to wiggle up his throat, nodding to the blonde. Naruto looked absolutely floored by the permission. Exhilarated, he turned and darted for his dad, who was all too willing to open his arms and receive him.

The whispers stopped abruptly as Minato caught Naruto in his arms, spinning them around once to absorb the momentum the little boy had brought when he crashed into him. Naruto let out a hysterical laugh, hugging his dad as though seeing him again was the best thing to ever happen to him. Kakashi grinned as he approached, distributing half of the bags he'd gotten into the hand Naruto had abandoned. Minato raised an amused brow at the sight. Kakashi shrugged.

"He needed clothes." The Hatake said. Minato laughed.

"I'll reimburse you as soon as they give me my bank account back." Minato said lightly. Naruto pulled back, grinning at his dad.

"Kashi even got me new kunai for the academy! New!" Naruto said, trying to shake his father back and forth but only succeeding and rocking himself. He was pretty much vibrating with excitement. "And, and, and, he said he'd teach me how to throw them! Like, for real!"

Minato's smile thinned slightly. He shot a glance at Kakashi who was conveniently looking away. A huff of laughter left him.

"Sounds like Kakashi is trying to steal you from me already." Minato spun on his heel, heading away from the stares and towards their house. Kakashi scoffed and moved to follow, falling into step next to his sensei. "What else did you get? We'll have to go pick paint out for your room later, too."

Naruto looked awed by the idea. Pick out paint? For his room? Today couldn't possibly be happening. He was going to wake up any minute now in the same dingey apartment and eat the same instant ramen he always did. And then he'd sit alone and contemplate going outside, and then decide not to because he didn't want to get yelled at. That's what was going to happen. Gazing at his dad, he was in disbelief. How could someone like him possibly be related to someone so amazing? He felt solemn thinking about it. Him? With the Fourth Hokage for a father? When he thought about it like that, anyone would laugh.

Today was unlike anything Naruto had ever experienced. He wondered if this was what was normal for other kids. Shopping trips to get the things they needed and a feeling of love so strong it threatened to blossom out of his chest and into a big, pink flower. He can almost understand Kashi's affection better than he can his dad's. Kakashi has been his shadow for a long time now. For as long as Naruto can remember, actually. Watching him, bringing him gifts and tucking him in. Fixing basic things around his apartment, he suspects, like his leaky faucet and light fixture. How can... How can his dad just come here and decide to love him without knowing him? Does he know what Naruto is-- that he's different? Will he change his mind if he does?

Minato seemed to notice the sobering of his son, his smile dropping a little. He looked to Kakashi for answers. The copy-cat nin looked just as confused as he did, shrugging cluelessly as Naruto's grip on his father's shirt loosened a little. It was probably the most heartbreaking thing Minato had ever experienced in his entire life. He wished he could bundle Naruto up and never let go. Minato wasn't going to let him get hurt anymore if he had anything to say about it.

"Hey," Naruto murmured quietly, his voice impossibly small. He glanced at his father's face almost as though afraid he'd get in trouble for asking. "Th...Th-This is real, right?"

Minato sucked in a sharp breath of air. He smiled.

"Yes, Naruto." Minato tightened his grip on him. "This is real. I know things are hectic and it came out of nowhere, but you'll see. Things are going to be different now. I promise."

Naruto didn't quite look convinced, but the boy was smiling and rushing off on another tangent about he and Kakashi's adventures before Minato could dwell on it too much longer.

Minato had expected to be sadder, coming back to the house. But how could it be when Naruto dropped out of his arms and ran into the open living room, spinning around and kicking up a cloud of thick dust in his wake. His eyes were shining so brightly-- so happily. He lit up the entire space just like Minato always knew he would, and the man couldn't do much but stand there and watch as he took it all in. His eyes traced every nook and cranny of the space, his little head whipping back and forth when new details would catch his eye. He beamed, staring at his father with open awe and thrill that makes him look like he's glowing.

Minato can already see the life they're going to have. Naruto running around with reckless abandon, tracking mud inside and throwing kunai in the house even though Minato will tell him not to. He can see the dirty pawprints Kakashi's ninken will leave once he convinces the young man to stop cooping them up in that apartment of his, as Minato is sure his masked student hasn't moved since his death. He can imagine game nights and pillow forts, and dinners eaten in the living room because they've covered the dining room table with too much junk that needs organizing. It's therapuedic.

"Am I really allowed to live here?!" Naruto gasps, looking away from his dad and returning to his inspection of the area. Minato can't stop his smile, his shoulders losing the tension they'd previously held. Kakashi walked past him with ease, dropping the bags by the door and smiling.

"After we clean it up a little." Kakashi allowed, ruffling the kid's hair. Minato shook his head a little.

"Exactly! And there's no time like the present, so lets get at it." Minato raised his fist. Naruto threw his hands up and whooped.

There are still cleaning supplies under the sink. Naruto tackles the countertops with reckless abandon. There's still running water and electricity; though, a lot of the lightbulbs flicker oddly from disuse. Kakashi sends a clone off to go retrieve some more. Minato can't help but feel impressed by his ability to hold a solid clone so easily. Naruto also seems particularly fascinated by the technique, watching Kakashi's hands move and gasping at the copy of him that emerges from the produced cloud of smoke.

They focus on the main area. Minato doesn't think he's ready to touch the bedrooms yet. Naruto doesn't ask either, sticking to the main living area dutifully. He beats the life out of the couch's throw pillows, causing several allergy attacks. He just cackles and carries on with it, rolling around on the actual couch cushions in order to get the dust off. He dirties his clothes in the process, but such is to be expected of a child his age. Kakashi pulls a camera out to snap a few pictures. Minato's gratefulness is infinite. He can almost envision his the many scrapbooks that will be made in his mind's eye.

Naruto seems to be the only one of the trio not completely worn out after cleaning. He's still teeming with energy, bouncing off the walls and talking about a million things at once. Minato can't be anything other than fond of the boy, watching him make extravagant motions with his hands from his place wedged between Kakashi and his dad. The blonde has already declared that Kakashi will live here, obviously. Kakashi had opened his mouth several times to say he already had an apartment only to be cut off every single time. It's as hilarious as it is effective. Minato could never get Kakashi to concede to moving in. Naruto convinces him within fifteen minutes.

"Maa, I hope you like dogs, Naruto." Kakashi patted the boy's head as though he were one. "I have quite a few."

Naruto whipped towards him, eyes sparkling. Kakashi got the distinct impression that he'd just sealed his fate.