
Ambush by Senju

Night Time.

A whole squad of Uchiha are currently walking in the Forest. The sky is pitch black and the big white moon is shining brightly lighting up their souvenirs.

All of the Uchiha that is in the squad are shock and also confused. They never before in their lives saw such one man slaughter 'hundreds of Senju.'

The man that is currently in the lead is walking is Shun. After that battle against the Senju, the Uchiha naturally chooses Shun as their leader.

As they kept waking in the vast darkness, a group of fierce fighters are 1 kilometer away from them. They are the people from the Senju.

Senju Camp.


"Where is our companions, why haven't they come back, we had an excellent strategy to completely wipe out those Uchiha scum."

Hearing the commander's words, the rest of the Senju didn't say anything, they're also worried about the squad.

Almost everyone of them are related to one another. So seeing them killed will inevitably lead towards guilt.

The middle-aged man that is talking is Haru Senju. He has been on the battlefield for almost twenty years. He saw many of his Clan Members come and go.

Gradually over the last decade and half, his heart has hardened and also his emotions shut down completely. His wife and children were killed in the War.

The Uchiha killed her and her child. After that incident happened, Haru has an unbreakable hated towards the Uchiha.

He made it his mission in life to kill and slaughter all of the Uchiha and with his achievements and accomplishments, he is third in charge of leading the Senju.

After hearing that his Clan members aren't back, his killing intent surged causing the remote camp and it's atmosphere to go silent.

Haru said,' We launched an all-out attack on the Uchiha tomorrow, we will not stop until, we completely eradicate all of the Uchiha scum."

After hearing those words, Haru said,' Dismissed!"~ all the Senju exited the camp leaving Haru there to come up with a battle plan.

Next Day.

Time: 10:00 A.M.

The huge yellow Sun is shining brightly on the new day. Trees are gently flowing and clouds are hanging down with beautiful shapes.

But this beautiful weather and atmosphere wouldn't stop the battle to come.

After having a good night sleep, Shun orders the Uchiha to get up from their sleep and continue walking.

After putting on their battle armor and their custom-made Clan's crest on their body, they continued to be on guard.

They know that this era is the most brutal and volatile era in history. So, having a good night sleep is basically like having a peaceful life.

"Their are the Uchiha."~

Hearing the scouts words, a band of Senju sat and positioned themselves on top of a mountain. They are summoning their Chakra waiting for their attacks.

Shun wrinkles his eyebrows a little bit, then a cold expression appeared on his sharp and cold like face.

He immediately turned his head towards the top of mountain and sense at least 100 Chakra signatures all at least Jounin level.

Shun said,' Defend and block the Senju attacks , now."~ hearing those words, the Uchiha expression immediately became very vigilant and senses the Senju.

Shun said,' Go!"~


A herd of Uchiha ran up the mountain, but the Senju were prepared they immediately released a herd of Ninjutsu at the moving Uchiha.


The huge mountains becomes unstable to bear the force of the countless Ninjutsu all their way. A Senju appeared in front of the mountain and said,' Die Uchiha scum!"~

"Fire Style: Fire Dragon Storm!"~

Countless Fire Dragons appeared in the form of a thunder storm rushes towards the Uchiha.


*BOOM*!~ *BOOM*!~ *BOOM!*

Arms, legs, knee caps, all fell down the mountains leaving bloody trails of hot soon to be cold corpses.

The Senju are dominating the Uchiha right now. After seeing the Uchiha come out alive, they knew that their relatives were dead.

Shun saw this and made some hand signs.

"Fire Style: Phoenix Dragon Annihilation!"~

A huge Phoenix made of Fire comes out of the sky roaring with ferocity. All of the Senju and Uchiha looked up and saw that diabolical abomination.

"Quick, release your strongest Ninjutsu to stop that thing."~

Hearing those words, A huge portion of Senju immediately made some hand signs. They know if that Ninjutsu lands on the mountain, even their bodies won't be found.

"Earth Style: Double Strengthening Boulder Jutsu!"~

"Water Style: Water Dragon Tsunami!"~

All of the Senju released attack that are a Fire attacks weakness. They know that Water Style can stop Fire and Earth can block Fire as well.



A huge explosion occurred wiping out the entire mountain-side. The Water Style and Earth Style Ninjutsu were rendered useless to that Fire Style attack.

Over 80% of the Senju were killed in that attack. Haru watched on top of the mountains with horror as he just witness a huge Fire Style Jutsu that completely wiped out the Senju.

He hurriedly rushes down the mountains going to save the Senju. He thought that since the Uchiha doesn't have Madara or Izuna right now, they can easily wipe out these Uchiha.

But they thought wrong, they never expected a monster that is the same as Madara appeared on the Uchiha side. Now, he realized how the Senju got wiped out.

Haru appeared where the dust were swarming the air. He looked up and saw a young looking man, a 20 year-old no doubt.

His long black hair and pitch-dark emotionless eyes staring the scene that he caused. A huge dark-red Humanoid-Chakra Avatar is surrounding him.

His pupils contracted, when he saw that, he remembered when Izuna was surrounded with that same Chakra Avatar, but the coloring was different.

Now seeing it again, brought back horrible memories that he wish they can just stay buried. He forcibly grabs his Kunai and rushes towards Shun.

Shun with Susanoo wrapped around him turned his head ever so slightly. He a figure with short black hair and brown eyes.

He is wearing a barroom armor and with the Senju Clan logo on his armor. Shun with his Mangekyo Sharingan activated sense his Chakra.

He sense that his Chakra is Mid-Kage level, seeing his Chakra like that, a cold smile appeared on Shun's face.

Haru looked at Shun with fighting intent in his eyes with his hand seals ready, he said,' I'll fight with all my strength and kill you for the Senju."

Hearing those resolute words, a mocking smile appeared on Shun's face he said,' Since you want to die that badly, I'll gladly grant you your wish."

Getting into his stance, Shun said,' I'll slaughter you and throw your body in hell, where your wife and kids are at, Haru."

Seeing Haru's raging expression on his face, Shun knew he got him.

Shun said,' Shall we dance!"~

(AN: Comment, Comment please)

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