
Shrine Of Legacies

A long-forgotten servant has been loyal for countless years doing his mandated daily activities. Before his masters were destroyed, he served. After they were annihilated, he served. Until the very object of his assignment was destroyed he felt free and became free. Zamright was left with no path, no goals and he was never a child with lofty ambition. In the countless years he performed his assignment he had dampened his emotions to the lowest level. However, as he returned to his motherland, he was met with a multitude of choices: should he leave it to be destroyed, or should he save it? With no grand desire to be a ruler, one thing led to another and before he realized what had happened he was sitting on the highest throne of the Great Lantern, commanding absolute power and authority! Reigning over ancient monsters, beasts and old souls of the forgotten past and mundane people. Contending against the whole world, clashing with conceptual monsters and winning! However, he was blinded to the true nature of the ancient land—the Great Lantern. The whole world is terrified of that cursed land, and the only way to save it is to rip it up from the crust and flip it back to Earth! By the schemes of the hidden hands, by the countless hax from the shadows, by the monstrous intention of the darksides, by the strange abilities of Source Wilders, Zamright was controlled, swayed in matters of Nation wealth and many hid behind him silently for their desire to be fulfilled. But with every passing day, he grew stronger and broke from the shackles, gleaned through their insidious nature and countered in the most silent way conceivable, until his Sovereignty was absolute! But the layers of the schemes are older than the stars themselves! ***** Peace Dreamers are waiting for their Messiah. The Ancient Titan Moon was disdestroyed. The arrival of the Messiah. Throne Relic has chosen a new master. Seed of Hope was planted in everyone. "These are the signs of another Great War" Cardinal Of Knowledge sighed, "can we survive again?" even as a knowledge devourer he doesn't have the answer.

Black_Turban · Fantaisie
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37 Chs


Zamright has learned how to reduce his charm and he trained hard even in the castle to minimize it.

Usually it was done by lack of emotions in both his eyes and face, he also does make up and controls his facial movements and voice.

That way, people will perceive him as cute but they won't be enamored fully. But now he dropped all that and allowed his nature to ride.

The six figures and the military personnel felt alienated, they looked at those that bowed and themselves, they felt the need to bow but at the same time as their true allegiance was elsewhere they had an inner turmoil.

But the real reason they didn't bow was the boy knew they were being hypocritical and so they wanted to be true to themselves.

"I wasn't expecting this much but it look like we are already on the same page!" Zamright said, throwing his smile on the way which made them want to listen and look at him.

"Now, I want you to educate me!" He said.

Great Lantern was a standard nation with more than 500 million citizens and a well developed but rigid system of governance that was both monarchy and also constitutional.

They have their economy that has lasted many years which involve both importing of goods and exporting.

It was a fully functioning nation that had everything in its name. So, mostly, a new ruler doesn't change a thing apart from some change of policies or some dance of politics for gaining support to hold power or more wealth.

In other words one can say Zamright was not needed at all.

One of the six figures stepped forward and bowed.

"I'm Samba Vonolda Gard, I use to be the head of Internal Relations and Welfare!" He said.

The man was bald and wore a small cap that didn't hide his head well. He was lean and had reddish skin, his face wasn't wrinkled but he looked like someone that used to live on the farm.

"Do you used to work on a farm?" Zamright suddenly asked and that threw the man off and everyone present.

It took him some seconds to understand the question before he smiled and said, "It's a tradition in House Gard that everyone must own a plot of land that they constantly take care of. We believe it bring long life and prosperity."

"Does it though?" Zamright asked curiously.

"Yes, to some extent!" He said smiling.

Hearing no further questions and the eye of the boy was still on him, he continued.

"Internal Relation and Welfare observed a conducive communication between higher community or lower community. I resolve feuds and also lead compensation if there was a need for. Any contact between the high community and lower community must pass through me to ensure that there was no suppression of the lower community or if there was something wrong with any party."

His explanation was crisp and straight out points and he even gave examples.

Zamright knew all these but he was just hearing it to set a mood and pave a way.

After Sambu finished, another one took over until all the six figures explained their duties.

Then the officials, the head of economics and commerce, head of central bank, head of industries and farming, head of mining and discovery and many more.

After them, the nobles stepped forward and began to introduce their houses and because these people had no official title but worked with the officials to improve their political status, their words were sugary.

The last of the nobles to speak was a tall black woman in brown traditional attire. She bowed well as she said, "Greetings, Great Lantern Ruler!"

She stood elegantly and using her feminine voice that was hoarse a bit, she articulate,

"I'm Tsamiya from House Sambo, one of the oldest houses in Great Lantern. We have the oldest temple of elders and also masters of true tyrannical physicality technique, unique to our bloodline. Because of that in the army we are always the vanguards. As the Matriarch of House Sambo, I'm bringing forth my absolute support to your ruling, our might and power is yours to command"

Zamright can see some fear from the nobles and officials when she said that at the same time Juright smiled and nodded his head.

More than that, Zamright felt something was stirring in him and he stared at her but he wasn't able to understand what it was.

"Thank you for the introductions."

Zamright said happily and they felt they had done the right things to come here.

"By the account you have all given I can only infer that this nation has been functioning very well for a very long time and I'm quite impressed by the professanality you have shown."

He stood and some of them frowned, even though this boy was young but by no means have they forgotten who he was…

A boy that took the throne mysteriously with hardly any opposition.

Some of the low officials already knew about the meteor that destroyed Area 13.

As for the royal military and the highest noble including the six figures, they were terrified of it as some of them survived that disaster.

Heck, they have also fortified Makera citiy when they heard throne authority has been snatched from the king.

The plan was simple: fortify themselves, plan and assassinate the boy and if that failed work with their hidden forces to resume the control to the former king.

But when the news came to them that the boy said he would annihilate them completely if they didn't come they also came to know the king and his brother Dark Knight were killed, so they revised their plan.

How they were killed, they didn't know but they didn't care.

Throughout history, it has always been a hassle on who will have strong control on the throne, there was a time where seven people had almost equal control but eventually they all died.

Because there was a burden in the throne authority that required one powerful control and few low control to hold.

With no king they have to bow down.

Now, the charming boy was standing, he was slightly above them as he continued to say,

"I read somewhere that Eras began at the dawn of a new king."

Some nodded they have read that somewhere. Everyone was knowledgeable, who knew what they had to do to have access to this room even before Zamright came.

"I will not demolish what was already established but there will be some changes for now."

He said as he eyed them one by one.

His tone was higher than normal as he said, "I will not be addressed as King or Emperor but as… Sovereign!"

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