
The Red Scarf

The train slowly puffed its way into the station which was bustling with hawkers and passengers waiting to board. I was sitting by the window of the Mariot Express which brought me back to my hometown.

It was seven years back when i left my town for the city which opened its doors of opportunities for a young boy chasing his dreams and seeking for a better future, ahead.

I struggled my way through the hoard of people to catch the bus. The town looked quiet, dull and tired as if it has lost its old charm.

A boy came and sat next to me in the bus. The boy seemed to be in his twenties, he reminded me of myself. I left for the city when i was around his age.

The memories started to appear in my mind, flashbacks of the things i left behind seven years ago. The memories of that touch, that smile, those expressing eyes... memories of her.... the person i could never forget.

We were in high school when i first saw Ewa. She was a shy introvert person who had only two friends with whom she used to sit in the class. I still remember the moment i first saw her it felt like a breathe of fresh air.

Her eyes which shone like stars, her long jet black hair which she used to keep tucked behind her ears and her innocent child like smile which could make anyone fall for her.

The first time i spoke to her was at an amusement park during a winter trip from our school. When i noticed her she was sitting quietly under a tree all alone. I went up to her and asked " where are your friends?" . She looked up at me with strange eyes and said "may be enjoying themselves"... " Why are you sitting here alone?" .

She was evidently reluctant to answer but after a pause said " I don't like these rides they are meant for nursery kids".

I sat beside her and pointed at the red roller coaster which was a 3000ft high. "That is definitely not for children. Why don't we go for a ride?".

She was staring at the huge rail tracks and the loud screams created by the people on the ride. Visibly nervous she said " I don' t think it is a good idea". I smirked and said " Fine some people just don't know how to have fun."

While i was walking back towards the ride she stood up and said "Hey, then show me". "Show what?" . " Your definition of having fun".

That ride was the ice breaking moment for us, the whole time on the ride she grasped my hand tightly leaning her head on my shoulder.

The next time i saw her was near an ice cream parlour. She was a loner, mostly standing alone and wandering about something deep. Thats when i startled her from the back, "so which flavour do u want".

She turned at me with a blank face "sorry?" ... " Would u prefer vanilla or stawberry or may be butterscotch?.. however i feel chocolate would suit your taste buds more ".

"I will go with your choice".. she said with a smile. I bought a chocolate ice cream for her and sat across the table. She stuffed her mouth with a big scoop and enjoyed her ice cream like a child and i kept staring at her.

The cold ice cream trickled from the corner of her lips. I got up from my chair and whispered in her ears " i swear the next time i see you having an ice cream like that i might end up giving you a peck". Then carefully wiped off the ice cream from her the lips with my hand and left.

Soon our friendship grew and we were almost inseparable. When the whole school was crushing over her, she had eyes only for me. The following years were the best time of my life till date.

Every morning we met under a yellow Oak tree that hung over the parking lot of the old church. The tree's mammoth size was legendary, with a trunk at least six feet around. We used to call it Our Friendship Tree. It was a stopping point, a meeting place, a beginning and an ending.

As the years marched before our eyes, it seemed like Our Friendship tree was always there watching over us, our growth and guiding our paths.

We walked under its orange leaves to Club Stores in the evening and spoke hours while resting at the foot of its trunk. We met under the tree for our first senior year prom night.

I can still smell her enigmatic jasmine perfume, feel her hands on mine, the splitting image of the tears that rolled out of her eyes the last time i saw her.

Before i left the country for my higher studies she asked me "Why can't you stay back? What will i do without you, i already will miss you so much".

I was heartbroken to see her tears and hugged her tightly for one last time. I pulled the red scarf around my neck and said "If you ever miss me badly just tie this scarf on our favourite Oak tree and i will come back to you".

Screechhh.....!! The driver slammed the breaks and i was brought back to reality from my dreams. A tear rolled out of my eyes, the decisions i made for a successful career had cost me the most precious thing of my life... Love!!

I wandered if she would even recognize me. We have been out of touch since so many years.

I wandered if she ever thought about me in these 7 years. " Has she tied my scarf on that tree?".. The thoughts engulfed my mind when the bus was just ten minutes away from my destination.

My heart began to beat faster as the bus took a turn. Our Friendship tree was on the way just few minutes away from my eyes.

I could feel how disheartened i would get to see the empty branches of the tree. "What if the tree was cut down?"..."What if she lost my scarf?" ...how will i ever know whether she missed me...thoughts began to explode my mind.

My hands started to tremble, my mind couldn't relax, my heartbeat was growing faster. Just then my eyes fell on the Oak tree...Our Friendship Tree.

The tree was a sight to behold, i could only see red colours bursting out from the branches of the tree. Those numerous red scarfs screamed how much she missed me over these seven years, the time which we lost that can't be brought back...