
Shits and Giggles

My dumbass set the wrong genre, So I reuploaded.

ChrisTian3421 · Action
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41 Chs

Gnawing Feeling

(Katsuo POV)

Days passed since the blood moon, and I continued to hone my skills, focusing on integrating lightning manipulation into my Judgment Cut and Rapid Slash techniques.

Each day was a blend of rigorous training and moments of reflection, knowing that the battles ahead would only get tougher.

Batman had been unusually chatty lately, constantly engaging me in conversations about my job, my lifestyle, and my experiences cleansing other worlds.

Naturally, I bragged about my achievements—I mean, who wouldn't want to hear about the time I single-handedly decimated an entire dimension of mutated zombies?

One night, an alert jolted us into action. Two figures were entering Earth's atmosphere—Retinazer and Spazmatism, The Twins.

The familiar thrill of battle surged through me, but it was tempered by the knowledge that this was going to be a tough fight. As we prepared for the imminent

confrontation, another alert came through.

The League of Villains had chosen this moment of chaos to execute their own plan, threatening to mind-control everyone in Central City.

"Great," I muttered, strapping on my Adamantine Tachi. "Just what we needed."

Batman, always the strategist, was rapidly coordinating our response. "We need to split our forces. The Twins are a significant threat, but so is the League of Villains."

"I can take The Twins," I said, the excitement evident in my voice. "Just let me handle them solo."

Batman gave me a hard look, his skepticism palpable. "No. You'll have backup. This isn't the time to be reckless."

I sighed, frustrated but understanding his concern. "Fine, but you owe me one. Just saying."

As we mobilized, I kept my focus sharp. The Justice League divided into teams, with one group heading to Central City to thwart the League of Villains' plan, while I, begrudgingly, was paired with Wonder Woman and Flash to take on The Twins.

We reached the site where The Twins were predicted to land. The sky was already glowing ominously, their mechanical eyes visible from miles away.

"This is going to be fun," I said, drawing my Tachi and feeling the familiar hum of its power.

"Stay focused," Wonder Woman cautioned, her lasso at the ready. "These are not ordinary foes."





As The Twins descended, Retinazer's laser beams cutting through the air and Spazmatism's fiery breath scorching the ground, the battle began in earnest.

I charged forward, my blade crackling with lightning as I executed a series of Rapid Slashes, darting between the twins with Shunpo to avoid their attacks.

Wonder Woman and Flash coordinated their attacks, each strike precise and powerful. Wonder Woman used her shield to deflect Retinazer's lasers while Flash created a vortex to disrupt Spazmatism's flames.

"I've got a new trick to show you," I called out, focusing my lightning manipulation. I performed a Judgment Cut, the air slicing apart with electric precision. Retinazer recoiled from the impact, its circuits sparking.

Spazmatism lunged at me, its mouth opening wide to unleash another wave of flames. With a quick maneuver, I swapped to my Threaded Cane, extending it to deflect the flames before switching back to my Tachi to land a series of swift, powerful blows.

Despite the chaos, Batman's voice crackled over the comms, directing the team and ensuring our tactics were sound. "Focus on disabling their primary weapons," he instructed.

The battle raged on, each of us pushing our limits. As Wonder Woman and Flash kept The Twins occupied, I saw an opening and concentrated all my power into one final Judgment Cut, enhanced by my lightning manipulation. The strike cleaved through Retinazer, causing it to explode in a shower of sparks and metal.

With Retinazer down, we turned our full attention to Spazmatism. Flash's speed created a blur of motion, disorienting the mechanical beast, while Wonder Woman's lasso ensnared it, holding it in place just long enough for me to deliver the finishing blow.

As Spazmatism fell, the sky cleared, and a moment of quiet settled over the battlefield. We were victorious, but the night was far from over. The Justice League still had to deal with the League of Villains in Central City.

"You handled yourself well," Wonder Woman said, clapping me on the shoulder.

"Thanks," I replied, still buzzing with adrenaline. "Now let's go deal with the rest of the mess."

Batman, listening in, gave a rare word of approval. "Good work, Katsuo. Now, let's finish this."





As we arrived in Central City to confront the League of Villains, the atmosphere was tense. The streets were eerily quiet, a stark contrast to the chaos we had just left behind. Batman led the way, his cape billowing behind him as he scanned the area for any signs of trouble.

But as we delved deeper into the heart of the city, it became apparent that something was off. The League of Villains were nowhere to be found, and the supposed mind-control devices they had been threatening to use were conspicuously absent.

"This doesn't feel right," I muttered, gripping my Tachi tightly. "Where are they?"

Wonder Woman frowned, her brow furrowed in concentration. "I don't like this. It's too quiet."

Just then, a loud crash echoed through the streets, followed by the sound of shattering glass. We rushed towards the source of the noise, only to find a group of thugs wreaking havoc in a nearby bank.

Batman's jaw clenched in frustration. "Looks like we've been played," he growled.

The fight that followed was... well, shabby, to say the least. The thugs put up a decent fight, but compared to the battles we had faced before, they were little more than amateurs. Wonder Woman and Flash made quick work of them, their combined strength and speed overwhelming the villains with ease.

I joined in the fray, dispatching thugs left and right with precise strikes from my Tachi. But as the dust settled and the last of the villains were taken into custody, I couldn't shake the feeling of disappointment.

"That was it?" I said, incredulous. "After all that build-up, they were nothing more than common thugs."

Batman's expression was grim as he surveyed the scene. "It seems the League of Villains were merely a distraction," he said, his voice tinged with frustration. "They wanted us focused here while they carried out their true plan elsewhere."

I clenched my fists, the adrenaline of battle still coursing through my veins. "Well, they won't get away with it. We'll track them down and make them pay."

Batman nodded, his gaze steely. "Agreed. But for now, let's regroup and figure out our next move."

As we regrouped in the Batcave, Batman wasted no time in initiating the next phase of our plan.

He called for a city-wide surveillance sweep, searching for any signs of the League of Villains' activities.

Meanwhile, Wonder Woman and Flash were dispatched to assist the police in securing the city and quelling any disturbances.

But as the hours passed and the search yielded no results, tension began to mount. The sense of urgency hung heavy in the air, each passing minute feeling like an eternity.

I paced the Batcave, my frustration growing with every fruitless lead. The feeling of powerlessness gnawed at me, the desire to take action burning like a fire in my chest. I could feel my control slipping, the primal urge to fight rising to the surface.

Batman noticed my agitation and approached me, his expression stern. "Katsuo, calm down," he said, his voice firm. "Losing control won't help anyone."

I clenched my fists, trying to rein in my emotions. "I know, I know," I muttered, struggling to contain the storm raging inside me.

But despite my efforts, the feeling persisted, the urge to lash out growing stronger with each passing moment. I could feel the lightning crackling beneath my skin, aching to be unleashed.

Suddenly, a blip appeared on the surveillance monitor, indicating a disturbance at the city's power plant. Without hesitation, Batman sprang into action, rallying the team to investigate.

As we raced towards the power plant, the tension in the air was palpable. The adrenaline surged through me, fueling my determination to make things right. But as we arrived on the scene, my control slipped further, the chaos around me threatening to consume everything in its path.

"Katsuo, focus!" Batman's voice cut through the haze, snapping me back to reality. I took a deep breath, centering myself as best I could.

The battle that followed was intense, the League of Villains unleashing their full arsenal in a desperate bid to seize control of the city's power grid. But with Batman's strategic guidance and the combined efforts of the Justice League, we managed to push back the tide of chaos.

As the dust settled and the last of the villains were apprehended, I sank to my knees, the adrenaline ebbing away to reveal the exhaustion beneath.

I had come dangerously close to losing control, but with Batman's guidance and the support of my teammates, I had managed to keep the darkness at bay.

As we regrouped once more in the aftermath of the battle, I couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude towards Batman and the rest of the Justice League.

They had helped me navigate the treacherous waters of my own power, guiding me back from the brink when I needed it most.

Six bottles down with my homies.

ChrisTian3421creators' thoughts