
Shinobi Prince (Naruto FanFic)

A guy reincarnated as the son of the Fire Daimyo.

RC_Soft · Anime et bandes dessinées
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12 Chs


It's been two days since I gained consciousness after Kazuma and the others sealed the Kyuubi's residue chakra inside me. And to say the least about having this monstrous amount of chakra inside me was really kind of game changer.

First and foremost, father had authorized Asuma and Chiriku to teach me how to control this new found chakra inside me. Well, not control it to be exact as I was specifically been banned to ever touch the Kyuubi's chakra until the Hokage check the seal, which is still few more days according to Asuma.

And that was really fine by me as I was literally now legal to learn jutsu from Asuma from now on.

"Saa… Are you ready to finally learn some jutsu Tenshin-sama?" Asuma asked me in high spirits.

"OHHH!" I basically jump in place in excitement while raising my arms in the air. Don't judge me, all I've been doing the past 4 years was to train my chakra control.

"Hahaha, it's nice to see you in high spirits Tenshin, but remember you have to learn properly as well and treat this seriously. Okay?" My father was standing beside my mother, watching us from the hallway while laughing at my childishness.

"Hai! Otou-sama!" I answered back to father without looking back at him. Come on Asuma let's get this show on the road.

"Well then young lord. What I'm about to teach you is a ninjutsu to transform yourself to anyone or anything." Asuma formed a Ram hand seal as a small smoke exploded and formed around him and transformed himself to Chiriku's doppelganger.

"Chiriku!" I played the part of the fool who didn't know anything about the technique.

But actually, when he did the jutsu I captured everything with my senses as he formed his charka around his body noticing that the ram hand seal helped when he executed and releasing the chakra that activated the jutsu.

"Hahaha, not quite young lord." 'Chiriku' transformed back to Asuma with another smoke explosion. "Now, your turn. You have to fo---"

I didn't wait for Asuma to finish as I went ahead and do the same as he did. Forming the ram hand seal and doing the Henge no Jutsu not to mention producing little smoke than Asuma did and transformed to Chiriku as well.

'Ohh! That went easily than I expected. All those chakra training did wonders!' I was checking out my current appearance as I look around my body.

"Did I do it right?" Oh, it even came with the voice, that's nice. I look at Asuma as I stood straight up while hiding my one arm inside the robe, acting like Chiriku.

"Uh…ehhh…Y-yes young lord…" Asuma's eyes were wide as his mouth keeps moving like a fish out of the water.

"Ohh! Then what's next?" I turned back to my original appearance and waited for Asuma to regained his composure.


"Look Asuma! I don't need the wood inside the scroll anymore." Tenshin carried over a stone about a heads size from the pond of the courtyard and proceeded to put the stone inside to storage scroll Asuma gave to him for the Kawarimi no Jutsu.

'I didn't even teach him how to put objects inside storage scroll!' Asuma thinks he's about to go crazy with this kid's talents.

Just an hour ago he taught – no, Tenshin copied him doing Henge no Jutsu in an instant without giving him a single bit of advice. He just went and do the technique in one single look. And now, he even went above all expectations as he decided to use a rock instead of the wood for his Kawarimi that I just showed him a few minutes ago.


An almost barely audible sound and a clean puff of smoke just so that it hid Tenshin's body from the eyes as a stone appeared from his previous position and appeared a couple of feet from the stone. The cleanest Kawarimi he'd seen even amongst the average chunin.

'And he is just four years old?' Asuma doubted his eyes as he looks dumbfounded at Tenshin while he keeps repeating Kawarimi that he just taught him a few minutes ago.

"Uhh… I think that's enough for today young lord. Ehe." Asuma stopped Tenshin while scratching his head as he might need to rest more than Tenshin, he was really tired mentally with this craziness.

"Ehh? But you've only taught me two Jutsus, besides I'm not tired yet. Come on, Asuma." Tenshin complained while pouting his cheek at Asuma in dejection.

"Ahh… I don't think you should overwork your chakra at the moment. You know I said we have to be careful not to affect the seal in your stomach, right?"

Tenshin lifted his shirt and looked curiously at the star sign fuin at his stomach.

'I'm just spouting bullshit right here… I just need to get a fresh air and smoke a dozen cigarettes at the moment.' Asuma sweat dropped as he prayed that the young lord listens to him.

"Horaa, Tenshin. Listen to Asuma and be a good kid. Now go wash up, it's time for your studies next." The Daimyo who was watching the whole time in the sides spoke in strict tone as he reprimanded his son.

"Hai. Otou-san." Tenshin followed his father's orders reluctantly as he waved goodbye to Asuma and followed his mother inside.

"Now then. Why the tired face, Asuma?" The Daimyo chuckled a bit while asking Asuma as he patted his shoulders while waving his fan.

"It's nothing, Daimyo-sama. I'm just a little bit overwhelmed, haha." Asuma wiped the sweat on his forehead as he tries to regained his calm.

"So… how's my son?" The Daimyo asked proudly with a smirk.

"…definitely a genius – no, a monstrous genius." Asuma answered seriously while looking at Tenshin walking hand in hand with his mother by the hallway. He suddenly took out a cigarette and put it in his mouth just to calm his nerves.

"Ha! You bet he is!" The Daimyo laughed out loud as he smacked Asuma's back repeatedly.


"Nee --- Chiriku why won't you and Asuma teach me more Jutsu other than Kawarimi and Henge no Jutsu?" I asked Chiriku while we were maintaining a stance with our left hand making a half-ram and then extending our right hand down with the palm parallel to the ground.

It was a stance Chiriku is teaching us to gather a unique type of Chakra called Senzoku no Sai. A unique type of chakra used by the ninja monks of the fire temple. I saw Chiriku's closed eye twitched upon hearing my question.

"Tenshin-sama please do pay attention, learning this technique can be quite hard you know." Looking at the other side of Chiriku was the 5-year-old Sora doing the same stance as us.

Sora, the child orphaned by the late Tazuma was adopted by Chiriku and has been brought here to the palace and will accompany Asuma and I own our way Konoha as Sora and Chiriku will be heading towards the fire temple for Sora to train as a ninja monk.

It has only been 3 days since we've meet and we have been basically friends in no time, the boon of being children. The story of Tazuma's rebellion and the other guardians have never been made public to hide my own state as a pseudo jinjuriki at the moment. But the story told to everyone was that the other who died guardians, died an honorable death in duty, making his father Tazuma a hero in Sora's eyes.

And back to what Sora said, learning this technique can really be quite hard – in a way. Senzoku no Sai chakra can only be built up according to the length of time of meditation and requires daily, unrelenting training to master.

Such a technique is not suited for me as I want to focus more on real chakra application than Senzoku no Sai chakra, but I still do it as Asuma and Chiriku said that this technique is the most suitable training for me now that my seal is not yet stable.

"Ehh? You're to strict as well Sora. Come on, don't you find this boring and so slow."

I saw Chiriku's eyebrow twitch once again when he heard me and even loosening his stance a little bit.

"Horaa! Tenshin-sama, you're being disrespectful to all the monks in the fire country." Sora walked towards me and scolded me while putting his arms on his waist.

Ehh? But it really is slow, I already know how to gather this type of chakra in the first place long ago while I was copying Chiriku years back before.

"Now, now Sora. Try to be calmer while speaking to the young lord." Chiriku then decided to opened his eyes as he patted Sora's head gently who instantly became like a tame puppy.

"You guys! Time for dinner, the madam insists on eating together before we depart to Konoha tomorrow." Asuma called out from the hallway as I was reminded that we'll finally going to go tomorrow.

"Okay! Let's go Sora, let's see who can wash up first." I ran along as I taunted Sora who was running behind me while saying how unfair I was for the head start.