
Shinobi Life!

A boy wakes up in a world of ninja's and tailed beasts. Coupled with memories of bits and pieces of his past life he realizes that he is in a fictional world that he had seen in his past life. Now he must survive with the cheats he had been given.

UchihaFanatic · Anime et bandes dessinées
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29 Chs

21 Test

a/n: Holy Shet!!!! I've been spelling Sakura's family name wrong the whole time??? wtf!

on another note. You guys... ur out for blood...like legit the death of his teammates but i got some stuff planned for them...


The next day Shigeo along with his two team mates were waiting for their Jonin sensei.

As they were waiting one of his team mates suddenly asked him "Hey Shigeo-san, how did you know there will be an extra test?" The one who asked was Ren, his male team mate.

Shigeo looked back at him and also saw that Akame was also curious. "I am friends with some genin that are just 1 year older than us. They are our senpai from the academy and they talked about how they, along with the rest of their class of graduates had to take another exam from their respective jonins. My friends said that the others who failed either get sent to the academy or just decided not to become a ninja" Shigeo said.

He wasn't wrong as Tenten and Lee had told him on how Gai had tested them to see if they were Genin material.

"Oh" Ren said as he suddenly gulped. He didn't want to be sent back to the academy or end his ninja career, so he was naturally nervous. It seemed Akame was also the same.

"Both of you relax. This exam will probably be focused on team work, from what my friends said they had to battle their jonin sensei. We are fresh graduates so even if there are three of us we still won't be able to beat a jonin, our only options will be to work together. Understand?" Shigeo said as both his team mates nodded.

"Good" Shigeo said as he nodded.

After about another 20 minutes, their sensei suddenly arrived in front of them with a flicker.

"*cough* *cough* All of you follow me *cough* to training ground five" Hayate said.

The three just nodded and followed. They were then led to a forest and after walking for a long time they finally saw a clearing. There were signs of previous training like shiruken stuck to some tree's along with some old targets.

"Now I will be testing you all whether or not you have what it takes to be a genin. If not you can kiss your ninja career goodbye" Hayate said

"I'll give you all 10 minutes to prepare." With that said he flickered 20 meters away and leaned next to a tree.

Nodding Shigeo turned to the other two. "It seems I was correct. Now tell me, what do both of you excel at?" Shigeo asked.

"I excel at genjutsu but am average on everything else" Akame said

"I excel at shurikenjutsu and am about above average on taijutsu" Ren said.

"I see. Alright then, Ren you will act as support and cover for me and attack from a distance. Meanwhile I will engage Hayate-senei on taijutsu and ninjutsu as both Ren and I distract him, Akame you sneak behind him and place him on a genjutsu. Ren make sure you don't accidently hit Akame" He said telling both the plan.

"Understood" Both said.

"Alright into positions" Shigeo said as both Akame and Ren disappeared. Ren jumped onto the tree branches and Akame disappeared and hid behind a tree as she waited for Shigeo to engage their sensei.

Hayate seeing the two disappear stopped leaning form the tree and looked at Shigeo. "It seemed you all are, ready though why aren't you hiding?" Hayate asked.

Shigeo only smiled lightly as he suddenly dashed in front of Hayate. In just a second or two he was suddenly in front of him catching the older ninja off guard.

'His speed... it's fast!' Hayate as he widened his eyes and dodged a kick to his head. He then proceeded to engage Shigeo onto a taijutsu match but was shocked again. Both he and Shigeo connected fists and found that his hands were slightly getting numb.

'This kid... his strength for his age is insane. What has Gai been teaching him!' Hayate inwardly thought. But he didn't know that Shigeo's muscle and bones were all extremely dense due to the conditioning of Seimei kikan.

As he blocked another elbow blow from the boy, Shigeo suddenly jumped back. 'bad move' Hayate said as he was about to attack but he suddenly heard some sounds of metal cutting through air.

'Shuriken?' Hayate thought as he took a kunai from his pouch and blocked all of them. Only to be bombarded by Shigeo again via taijutsu.

Shigeo suddenly jumped back again as he threw a kunai with an explosive tag attached to it towards Hayate. Seeing it close enough, Shigeo made a hand sign as the explosive tag detonated.

*BOOM!* Though the smoke revealed that it was a log that took the explosion.

Hearing a sound, Shigeo turned to see a leg kicking towards him. He quickly blocked it but he was sent flying back a few meters to which after a series of flips he finally stabilized before performing rapid hand signs.

'Water style: Water Shock Wave' Water suddenly materialized out of nowhere and was suddenly heading towards Hayate.

As the jonin flickered away he suddenly heard a static sound and found a serpent made of lightning coming towards him. 'No hand seals?...Shit!' He thought as he made various hand seals.

"Water Style: Water bullet!" Hayate said as he spat a large ball of water to which absorbed the lightning serpent due to its conductivity toward lightning.

Though just as he finished blocking the lightning attack he heard more shuriken heading towards him. 'It seems Shigeo and the one throwing shuriken are trying to gain my attention, now where is the other one?' Hayate questioned as he blocked the shuriken with his kunai.

Suddenly he smelled something as he turned around and said "Behind me!"

{a/n: Idk in wiki it said Hayate had a good sense of smell, like Inuzuka level cuz he can distinguish peope by their smell. Maybe he trains by sniffing Yugao's pu....}

"Too late Sensei!" Hayate heard Shigeo said as he suddenly felt someone tap him. After that he suddenly sawa purple haired woman wounded on the ground.

"Hayate, h-help me" The woman said but Hayate didn't answer.

"Release!" Hayate said as he gathered his chakra and broke the illusion only to find himself tied up to a tree in front of the three genin.

"We win, Hayate sensei" Shigeo said as both Ren and Akame celebrated behind him.

"So you and one other person distracted me as one of you snuck up on me and place me on a genjutsu" Hayate said as Shigeo nodded.

"I were to engage you through nin and taijutsu while Ren acts as support with shuriken. As we distract you, Akame would sneak up on you to trap you in a genjutsu" Shigeo said.

'Judging from everything, the other two seem to trust him inconditionally and appoint him as the leader...' Hayate thought as he looked at the trio.

"*sigh* The three of you pass... starting tomorrow all three of you meet here at 8 a.m, now free me" Hayate said as Shigeo took a kunai and cut the rope holding him.

"You three are dismissed, I will now go and notify the hokage of you all passing" Hayate said as he flickered away.

"Both of you, good job" Shigeo said as both Ren and Akame also nodded.

"Mn, I have something else to do. Both of you make sure to practice, Ren you are already good with shurikens but you should focus on kunai's now while also improving your taijutsu. As for you Akame, you should start training your body along with your stamina, if you are worried of dieting then don't. We are ninja, and we are always active therefore you don't need to diet." Shigeo said as his team mates nodded.

"Okay bye Shigeo-san/Shigeo-kun" Ren and Akame said bidding him farewell.

He nodded and left.


Entering the Hokage's office, Hayate saw the other jonins except Kakashi Hatake and sighed.

"Kakashi... is late again?" He asked as a man with a beard answered.

"Yeah, I guess we'll have to wait for him... again" The bearded man, Asuma Sarutobi, son of the third hokage answered.

"*sigh* I guess so *cough* *cough*" Hayate said as he coughed lightly.

The third looked around before he looked at Hayate. "So, Hayate... how were your batch of genin?" He asked lightly.

The man in question only smiled as he he answered " They were interesting *cough*... you were correct lord hokage, Shigeo Murakami was certainly a surprise"

He said getting a nod from Hiruzen."Is that so, then I shall ask you to explain when Kakashi arrives"

He said gaining a nod from the sickly jonin.


A few hours later Kakashi finally arrived.

All the jonin were standing in as the third Hokage sat behind his desk and smoked from his pipe.

"Alright we shall begin with team four" The hokage said as one of the jonin stepped forward.

"Team four fails, they aren't fit to be ninja. If they were to go onto a relatively unsafe mission like a hard C ranked, they might die" The Jonin said as Hiruzen nodded.

"Team Five report" Hiruzen said as Hayate stepped forward.

"*cough* *cough* Team five passed perfectly, Lord Hokage..." Hayate said as some of the jonins looked at him and Hizuren nodded for him to explain.

"All three seem to have a grasp that they needed teamwork. The other two of the genin seemed to unconsciously appoint Shigeo Murakami as the leader and it worked quite well." Hayate said pausing before he continued.

"...When I gave them 10 minutes to plan their strategy, I would be lying if I didn't expect them to all fight with each other on the best strategy...But no,*cough* *cough* they all seemed to work together perfectly. Shigeo Murakami engaged me on close combat nin and taijutsu as one of his teammates covered long distance via shuriken.

As my attention was focused on them, their last team mate snuck from behind to put me on a genjutsu. Of course I broke out of it but it seemed to be enough time for them to tie me to a tree..." Hayate said explaining the battle.

Hearing all that, most of the people in the room were quite speechless as they stared at the man.

"So you are telling me... you... an experienced special jonin was beaten by three freshly graduated genin?" The hokage asked as he raised a brow.

"I must admit that I was not serious, not to mention caught off guard, but the fact is I lost... miserably so too *cough*" Hayate said nodding.

"Then tell me, what level do you think they are at?" Hiruzen asked.

"Shigeo Murakami, out of the three should be the strongest. He was so fast that it caught even me off guard, with his taijutsu alone he can beat most chunin easily and crossing blows with him, I felt my hands getting numb... he also shown to have accomplishments on nature transformation, using both water and lightning style jutsu's of C rank. Overall he should be at high chunin level, if he gets enough experience he should be at jonin level" Hayate said

"As for the other two, Ren Itoku shows mastery of throwing shuriken and seemed to have above average Taijutsu. His level should at least be above average of that of a normal genin. The last member of the team, Akame Katsuchi although has low stamina and a weak build it is a given since she is a girl. She probably still worries on things like diets or whatnot, but she had shown skill in genjutsu and even trapped me for a brief moment in the D ranked jutsu, Demonic Illusion: Hell viewing jutsu"

"Mmn, good..." Hiruzen said as he smoked his pipe, he was quite satisfied with the results of Shigeo's team. After that he started calling the other teams to see if they passed.

Out of the teams only Team Five, Team Seven, Team Eight, and Team Ten passed. Though most jonin were surprised that Kakashi actually passed a genin team.



Don't question how Hayate was caught in a genjutsu by a freshly graduated academy student...she beat Sakura bro...


Appreciate all of you helping point out mistakes or correcting me. Please continue to do so since my knowledge of Naruto is pretty rusty.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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