
Chapter 2 - The Student Councilroom

At lunch Shinoa told him that he was one of the most popular kids in her classes, she'd been trying to introduce him to everyone for days! He laughed and agreed. Shinoa then introduced Kyouma to their classmates. Everyone started asking questions and Kyouma tried to hide behind his phone and pretend he didn't exist. Eventually Shinoa got bored of being social and dragged Kyouma away to sit under the tree where he and Kyouma made plans to hang out sometime this week. An announcement suddenly was made over the loudspeaker and Kyouma heard the words "The student council has called for the Student Council President's office"

Kyouma looked up from his phone and saw an incredibly tall man walk towards him, he had dark brown hair, glasses that were too big for his head, and an expressionless face. He wore a formal black suit with a green tie and gold cufflinks, it was almost as though he wasn't human. Kyouma immediately bowed and greeted him in his best manners. "Thank you for meeting me sir. My name is Kyouma Miyamoto. May I ask what the matter is regarding?"

"We need to discuss an emergency. I will be taking over the Council as Student President for the year. We will need you to sign on with the Student Council in order to take over your duties." The man responded, still without saying a single word. Kyouma thought for a moment before speaking again. "Why me though?" he asked. "I'm afraid that's confidential. Come along, please. Follow me to my office" Shinoa then interrupted the conversation before it could continue, she grabbed his arm and pulled him away from the strange man and towards his office. And told him "Please be careful." She smiled at him reassuringly.

They arrived at the office and the tall man opened the door to reveal a room full of plush chairs, tables filled with fancy books and magazines, and even a large television set. There was a huge desk in the centre, complete with papers scattered everywhere and several books sitting on top. On the left wall there were two glass doors leading into another room, presumably the Council Room. At the right of the office there was also a hallway leading further into the school.

Kyouma looked around curiously at the various rooms and offices. and the man spoke "Oh! I forgot to introduce myself, how rude of me. My name is Yoshiyuki Yuichiro. You can call me Yoshi for short". He smiled and held his hand out for Kyouma to shake. After looking at the hand nervously, Kyouma shook it and took a seat. He felt awkward sitting down and awkwardly shuffling his legs across the hardwood floor, he wondered why this situation wasn't any easier on him, he must be really special, he thought. A woman appeared seemingly from nowhere and approached the front of the room. 'Wait… Isn't that… Shinoa?!' Shinoa then shouted "Kyouma you won't believe what happened!"

She then took the man's hand and led him to his desk then gave Kyouma a knowing wink while mouthing 'see what I meant'.