
Shin'ō Academy

Blake stood suspended in the air over Seireitei looking over the newly restored buildings and the structures,

The profound transformation that had taken place left Blake breathless, In an instant, the desolation and decay that once marred Seireitei had been vanquished, replaced by a vision of architectural brilliance and meticulous design.

As his gaze was captivated by the pristine Shinigami Academy, a hallowed ground that had birthed countless legends and harbored the potential for greatness.

His heart swelled with excitement as he prepared to embark on a journey of exploration within its hallowed halls.

As he descended gracefully to the ground in front of Shin'ō Academy also known as Shinigami Academy.

Filled with anticipation and curiosity, Blake entered the newly restored Shinigami Academy.

The air was imbued with a sense of knowledge and discipline.

The atmosphere within the academy was charged with a palpable sense of reverence, an ethereal presence that had been etched into the very essence of the institution.

Passing through the corridors, Blake's eyes widened in wonder at the sight of the meticulously adorned classrooms.

Each room, adorned with intricate spiritual symbols and furnished with the essential tools, stood as a testament to the comprehensive teachings that took place within its walls.

The air was heavy with the weight of history, of countless Shinigami who had once walked these same paths, honing their skills in the 4 combat styles of Zanjutsu, Hakuda, Hohō, and Kidō.

In the absence of students, an eerie silence pervaded the academy, The sound of his footsteps echoed through the halls.

Although there were no students present at the moment, Blake knew that this was just the beginning.

He understood that this moment marked the inception of a grand vision,

the beginning of a new era for the Shin'ō Academy.

It was now his responsibility to fill these empty classrooms and training grounds with eager souls, to nurture and guide them towards becoming formidable Shinigami.

With each corner he turned and every classroom he entered, Blake couldn't help but feel a mix of responsibility and excitement.

His mind teemed with plans and aspirations for the academy's revival.

He envisioned a future where the academy would not only impart knowledge but also inspire a generation of Shinigami who would stand as pillars of strength and guardians of the Soul Society.

Blake knew that the next phase of his mission was to seek out and recruit potential students, The restoration of the Shinigami Academy was just the first step in a much larger mission.

The summoning opportunities granted by the Bleach System were mere aids, fleeting moments of assistance.

The true test lay in the recruitment and training of individuals who possessed the innate spiritual power and unwavering resolve to become Shinigami.

Within the rekindled halls of the academy, Blake's mind whirred with plans and preparations,

The academy's significance was not lost on him.

It was not just a place of learning but a beacon of hope for those seeking to become Shinigami.

Drawing inspiration and knowledge from the 'Bleach' about the Academy and it's curriculum in mind,

Blake pondered the steps he needed to restore its proper functioning and make it more impactful and resourceful than the one he saw in it.

The entrance examination, a gateway to the realm of Shinigami, opened its doors to all who aspired to partake in its sacred teachings.

It cast its net wide, casting aside societal boundaries, as nobles, denizens of Rukongai, and even those hailing from the farthest reaches of Seireitei vied for a chance at admission.

Yet, within this diverse pool of applicants, one common thread prevailed—the manifestation of their Reiryoku(Spiritual Power), the lifeblood of shinigami, a barometer of their untapped potential.

With this understanding, Blake resolved to redefine the entrance examination, crafting a more comprehensive and discerning process that would truly separate the wheat from the chaff.

He sought to identify not just raw talent, but the fire that burned within each candidate's soul, the unwavering determination to protect and serve.

In envisioning the entrance exam, Blake devised a multifaceted selection process that would encompass the physical and spiritual realms, serving as a testament to the demanding nature of a Shinigami's calling.

Physical Fitness Test: Candidates must pass the physical fitness test that evaluates their stamina, agility, and strength to ensure they can endure the demands of combat and extensive spiritual missions.

Simultaneously, the candidates' spiritual power would be subjected to meticulous assessment. Through a series of tests and exercises, the true potential of each candidate's innate abilities would be unveiled, providing crucial insight into their capacity for growth and mastery over the spiritual arts.

Yet, he also recognized that the essence of a Shinigami transcended mere physical and spiritual prowess. Hence, shortlisted candidates would be granted the opportunity to participate in an interview—an intimate encounter to delve into their motivations, dedication, and sense of duty toward safeguarding the delicate equilibrium between realms and guiding the lost souls toward their destined path.

Through this intricate selection process, Blake aimed to cultivate an atmosphere of fairness, ensuring that the most promising and deserving individuals would find their way to the hallowed halls of the academy.

As his thoughts expanded beyond the entrance examination, Blake delved into the curriculum itself.

As he delved deeper into the intricate fabric of the curriculum, he acknowledged the traditional six-year span of the academy's teachings, recognizing its value in cultivating well-rounded Shinigami.

Yet, he also thought about the exceptional individuals, exemplified by luminaries such as Tōshirō Hitsugaya, Kaien Shiba, and Gin Ichimaru, whose prodigious talents had propelled them to expedited graduations—a testament to their exceptional skills and the accelerated pace at which their skills are polished.

With this in mind, Blake resolved to craft a curriculum that balanced the acquisition of fundamental knowledge and skills with the flexibility to nurture exceptional individuals.

The teachings would encompass a myriad of subjects, from the intricate techniques of Zanjutsu, Hakuda, Hohō, and Kidō to the study of history, the spiritual arts, and the intricate web that formed the Soul Society itself.

1st Year

In the inaugural year, aspiring Shinigami would be immersed in the fundamental aspects of their calling.

This would include a comprehensive introduction to the Soul Society and its underlying structure, laying the groundwork for a deep understanding of their purpose and responsibilities.

Furthermore, they would engage in basic combat training, honing their skills in Hakuda—disciplining their bodies for hand-to-hand combat.

This would be complemented by the profound endeavor of forging a connection with their own Zanpakuto, learning the intricacies of communication with the spirit residing within.

The exploration of the spiritual arts would commence, delving into the realms of Kidō (spiritual magic) and Zanjutsu (swordsmanship)

2nd Year

As the students advanced to the second year,the curriculum would broaden its scope, encompassing intermediate combat training in the swift art of Hohō, and the exploration of advanced Hakuda techniques.

They would delve into the annals of the Soul Society's history,

studying the role of the Shinigami in governing the delicate balance between realms,

while also delving into the fascinating intricacies of Hollow anatomy and behavior.

The introduction to organizations such as the Gotei 13 and other defense forces would provide a glimpse into the tapestry of protection woven within the Soul Society.

3rd Year

As the third year commenced, the students would embark on advanced combat training, mastering the art of Zanjutsu and the myriad swordsmanship forms.

Specialized combat techniques for different Hollow classifications would be explored, enhancing their effectiveness in the field.

The purification of Hollows through soul burial would be taught, instilling the responsibility of guiding lost souls toward tranquility.

The study of different forms, abilities, and appearances of Zanpakuto, as well as their general powers, would provide a profound understanding of their unique weapon.

Additionally, an introduction to Shinigami technology and tools would open the doors to research and development.

4th Year

As the fourth year unfolded, the students would immerse themselves in advanced Hohō techniques and mastery, harnessing the art of swift movement to traverse the battlefield.

Advanced Kidō spells would be unveiled, fostering the students' ability to apply and customize these spiritual magics with finesse.

In parallel, an in-depth study of the various military divisions would be undertaken, providing insights into their distinct roles and responsibilities.

Field exercises, involving assistance to experienced Shinigami in Hollow extermination missions, would imbue the students with practical experience and fortify their skills.

5th Year

The penultimate year, the fifth year, would usher in the zenith of the students' training.

Advanced Zanjutsu would be pursued, demanding mastery of sword techniques and styles to elevate their prowess.

Leadership and teamwork skills would be cultivated, recognizing the importance of unity and collaboration in the face of adversity.

The intricacies of soul governance in the Human World, and the study of Soul Society Law and Ethics, would shed light on the complexities of their calling.

6th Year

In the culminating year, the sixth year, the students would embark on a deeply personal journey, forging a profound bond with their Zanpakuto.

They would unlock the sealed state of their spiritual companion, unraveling its various abilities and unlocking their true potential.

The arduous Graduation Test would confront them with real-life scenarios, demanding the application of all their acquired skills.

Through final evaluations and assessments, their growth and aptitude would be scrutinized, culminating in a grand graduation ceremony where they would be assigned to their respective divisions.

Optional advanced training would also be made available, catering to specialized roles such as research, healing, reconnaissance, and more.

With the curriculum planned, Blake's thoughts turned to the students' graduation.

Upon completion of their studies, the students would be afforded the opportunity to apply for various divisions within the Soul Society, including the prestigious Gotei 13, the Kidō Corps, the Onmitsukidō, or even the esteemed Research and Development.

However, Blake understood that not every applicant would be granted their preferred division.

Those who were not selected for their desired path would be guided toward a division that best suited their abilities, ensuring that their potential was channeled effectively in service to the Soul Society.

This path would allow them to further develop their skills and contribute to the protection of the Soul Society.

The rebuilding of the Shinigami Academy extended far beyond the physical reconstruction of its structures. It embodied the revival of purpose and the renewal of promise.

As he walked through the empty classrooms and training areas, Blake felt a sense of determination grow within him.

He was ready to recruit new students, guide them on their journey, and witness the birth of a new generation of Shinigami.

In this noble pursuit, Blake understood the imperative need for assistance of Ichibē Hyōsube and the dedicated efforts of the other members of Division 0 in making the academy function properly again till the new summons are recruited

So that the academy could regain its status as a pillar of the Spiritual Realm again

Through their collective efforts, the Soul Society would once again flourish, fueled by the boundless energy and untapped potential of those who aspired to protect and serve.


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