14 The Note Book.

Finnegan had brought Dolores out to the shed, draped around his neck, while he read through the pre-meditation for the transformation spell.

But his mind kept going to Elise. He really liked her, but Weston would want to know that he was interested in her.

Weston talked about girls all the time, but mostly talked about how pretty they were. He would rate them, 10 being the highest, on how attractive he thought they were. Weston probably wouldn't talk to anyone he ranked less than a Four. Kimber was a Four, and Ashley was a Six. The first day Elise sat at their lunch table, Weston whispered that she was an Eight, with a nerdy Librarian thing going on.

After punching me lightly on the arm, he congratulated me.

Elise was attractive, but her shyness pulled her away. He remembered she almost admitted that she had noticed him, but he did stand out, and this was still a small town and a small school. He wanted to bring her to Full Moon and Solstice celebrations.

Elise had been thrown into his life as his science partner, and he hadn't really cared for her until she suggested having a picnic. She was so innocent and curious and shy. He wanted to open up to her, hoping she would be more comfortable with him.

It was as if she was slowly entering his life like a snake, curious and cautious, slithering her way around his neck. And he was letting her.

Dolores moved when his heart started pounding. He gently repositioned her so she could coil around his arm at her own pace.

He pulled his phone out of the side-pocket of his black cargo shorts and set it on the the open book. He uncurled Dolores and let her begin her slow spiral around his neck by resting his hand on the side of his throat. Once she settled herself securely atop his shoulders in a loose coil, she tucked her head under his ear where his hair was longest. It tickled, but Finnegan held still to let her continue her assessment of her new perch.

Finnegan picked up his phone to text Weston about how he thought he might like to ask Elise to be his girlfriend.


It was from Elise. He jerked into a more upright position, which startled Dolores and she jerked her head away from his neck and instinctively tightened herself against him. He relaxed again, but his heart was racing even more.

He read, "My mom gave me permission to come on Thursday to finish the project!"

He sent the reply quickly and stared at his phone. He undeniably couldn't wait to see her again. She was shy, but so pure, and open-minded. Her mom was nice, but she had a deep-rooted 'Mama Bear' aura flowing from her. He would have to be very careful, but his parents already approved of Elise.

His mind was racing. He put away his Grandmother's Book of Shadows, and walked over to a box with various notebooks in it. He always kept a couple extra for when He needed a new journal. He had so much he wanted to talk to Elise about.

Finnegan settled at his desk again with a fresh notebook and a pen. He was going to write a letter to Elise and pass it to her between classes. They could write letters back and forth. Her mom was so strict, he didn't think he would be able to call her, and if he texted her, they would stay up too late, but they could exchange short letters during the day. Mostly, he just wanted to talk to Elise without having to try to talk over Kimber and Ashley, and ignoring Weston.

He left the front two pages blank to dedicate the book later, but he wanted to start the letter to Elise.

He sat with his pen poised, trying to think of how to start. She WAS dear to him, but 'Dear' is not accurate enough. Hey. Too informal. Sweet Elise? Just 'Elise'? 'Dear' is safe. But if my feelings are returned, how exquisite would that be!

"Dear Elise,

I am really glad we're science partners. You're really sweet, and I have enjoyed the time we spend together. I was hoping we could write letters to each other in this notebook. I'd like to keep talking to you. There are so many things to say. Do you think I could start picking you up for school in the mornings too? At least until you get your car. I hope you will like Dolores when you meet her. She's a very gentle snake. She might be feeling active since I recently fed her. And I was wondering if you were interested in maybe hanging out more with me, while my parents are here. Sometimes we watch movies, or just have a fire in the back yard on a good night. I remember you said you thought it would be cool if my mom read your palms, but would you let me read your tarot? If it's too weird, let me know. I don't usually do this with anyone that isn't already Pagan. Not a lot of people are cool about it, or they get the wrong idea and treat me like I'm evil. I'm not afraid of the darkness. I'm wary of it, but it is still apart of me as much as it is a part of the Universe, for we are connected. And, I believe we are connected to those around us and all of Life, including the Cosmic Life. The Cosmos is moved by more than gravity. It is moved by the flow of the Energies, Masculine and Feminine, (hence the God and Goddess*

Sorry. I realize that got pretty deep, so I'll wait to see if you want to talk more about that.

... Anyway, let me know what you think. I can't wait to give this to you. Please write back."

How to end it? I can't say all this and just say 'Sincerely.'

"Restlessly waiting,


Finnegan looked over what he had written. He wanted to open up to her. Especially about his faith. She was so genuine and perfect. And she became, to him, a beautiful personification of the Goddess. And just like that, he gave her the power to suffocate him, but he was trusting her not to.

He was bound by her, and she was exploring him.

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