
Shameless: Growing Up As Carl Gallagher

He died and Unknown man in his world, just to wake up in the body of Carl Gallagher. Follow him on his journey as he experiences family and being a teenager again....while also living his life how he always wanted to. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ buymeacoffee.com/flaminglines

Flaming_Lines · TV
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55 Chs

Chapter 46): But Carl, I.... (2)

Chapter 46): But Carl, I..... (2)

(Aged Carl just for some more believable things, everyone else is the same though)

{I own nothing but my own ideas and OC characters.}


"But Carl, I can not date you...." She answered her voice muffled though as she talked more as it seemed his ears had stopped working when he heard 'Can Not'.

The flame that was in his heart dimmed some as he pulled back and looked at her with wide eyes, which was good because she also looked panicked. He read her lips trying to see what she was saying and thankfully it was nothing major as it was his name.

".....Carl? Carl?! Come on, Carl!" Her voice came back to his ears.

"I'm sorry, what were you saying Kassidi?" He asked letting her know she could hear him again.

Her face went from panicked to normal again but this time she said everything slower, "But Carl, I can not date you, at least not right now. At this moment you are not my Carl, instead you are a sad version of him, I do not want to hear you ask me this way.

I want the Carl who is full of terrible jokes and kind of serious to ask me. The you that is actually happy, not this you. So you can not count this as rejection, just we will put a place holder here until you are happy again." She clarified with him actually hearing it.

That flame grew again as he realized she wasn't rejecting him because it was all a prank, which is immediately where his mind went the moment she had said her first words. Something that was just always lurking in the back of his mind really, honestly Kassidi was rich and from what he was seeing now a girl way out of his league, but she actually did like him.

He nodded, "I understand Kass. Thank you for rejecting too," He chuckled, "It probably would have ended bad if you accepted now, but now that you gave me time to actually process my emotions it is not the same."

He pulled her into his chest as they laid in the bed, he was running his finger through her hair as she snuggled into him, "I saw my mom for the first time in two years today. That is what caused all this, my family has problems but I can usually push through them, seeing her is different.

Monica is basically my father but worse, she is Bi-Polar, so there are some days when we can't even get her out of bed for anything. I was little but I can still remember her depression days when Frank would keep her from her meds, it would cause her to stay in bed for days at a time while he tried it get her to party.

....I can't even say it in front of my family, but I believe that she should have stayed gone, she looked better. Frank pulling her back here, is what is actually bad for her, he ruined whatever she had going."

He felt Kassidi begin to rub his back with her free hand which wasn't holding his other one, "Do you hate her?"

Carl didn't speak but kept playing with her hair, it was such a loaded question, he honestly didn't know if he hated her or not, she was after all his mother, and no on truly hated their mother. At the same time his childhood, which was slowly leaving showed him he should, he hasn't had a real mother figure in forever, not even Fiona could fully fill that roll.

So he should, he should hate her with everything he had, but if he was being completely honest, he didn't hate her but wished her the best. It was just impossible for him to hate his parents, have a very strong dislike for them? Sure, all day.

He could never hate them though, he would never tell them he hated them.

"Can you play the Violin for me?" He asked instead of answering not being able to tell her his real thoughts, even if he really wanted to.

Kassidi pulled back and beamed at him nodding happily, "Sure thing, sit right here."

Untangling from one another she skipped off to where her Violin sat, Carl sat at the edge of her bed and watched her, a small smile was on his face as he saw her get excited about this. He should have realized sooner that Kassidi could always get a smile on his face, sure Sophia could too but they were just never as big as the smiles that Kass gave him.

As she was setting up to play his phone rang, he looked at the caller I.D to see that it was Fiona, he only hesitated a moment before he answered, "Yes Fi?"

"Carl! Where are you?! Lip said you ran off shortly after I left, you have school tomorrow and a field trip, don't you think you should be getting home?"

Carl licked his lips, "I'm not coming home tonight Fi. I have someone more important to be, but I am okay, goodnight."

He hung up without hearing her reply he shut his phone down, he gave Kassidi his full attention again as she was all ready to go, her violin resting on her shoulder, "What should I play?" She asked.

He smiled softly, "Your favorite piece, anything I just want to watch you play."

She smiled nodding "Alright well I have always enjoyed, Vivaldi, The Four Seasons, Violin Concerto No. 4 in F minor."

He nodded his head, he didn't know anything about the violin or classical music, but if Kassidi wanted to introduce it to him then he was okay with that.

From the first note he was hooked, she looked so graceful and natural with the violin resting on her shoulder that he was blown away, he didn't know how long this was but he wanted to hear more already. Maybe it was the simple fact that she was playing it, he smiled softly at her knowing his mindset was already changed to notice even the smallest thing she did and think it was perfection.

He was not just boasting for her skill on the violin though, no he knew music but and her talent was undeniable.

As the melody came to an end he politely clapped for her, "That was enchanting Kass, I think you have me hooked. You are going to need to play for me at least twice a day now."

A blush took over her cheeks as he said that, she lowered the violin while shyly nodding, "Anytime you want."


"So you also do ballet?" He asked her ten minutes later as they sat around

She nodded happily while taking a big bite of the ice cream between them, "I am actually cheating on my diet at the moment, I have a recital this weekend."

His eyes grew wide as he took away the ice cream, "Then no ice cream for you then, I am not going to end the reason you mess up in any way. Plus I am going to be there so shouldn't you be at your best?"

Sparkling blue eyes met his own as she asked excitedly, "You're going to be there?! Thank you, my parents haven't been to one in months, so it will be nice to have someone there for me. We can buy the tickets now."

She grabbed his hand the bowl of ice cream forgotten as they took off back upstairs, they enter her room where she went to her computer and turned it on typing into quickly. Moments later she was at the homepage for her studio, it was advertising 'The Sleeping Beauty', he had no clue what it was but he would be there.

"Alright, there are still two front row seats that I can purchase as a member. Each ballerina in the show gets two front row seats to sell each. I just bought them both for you, you can keep the other so that you have room." She said turning to him with a smile.

Carl chuckled and ran a hand through her hair, "Well let me pay you back for that then, and no fighting over it. I am paying to come see you to show support, so I need to pay in some way."

She looked like she wanted to protest, but one look at his face and she knew they would fight about this if she didn't accept it, so she nodded while leaning into his touches. Carl chuckled some then turned her seat around, he took her hand and led her back to the bed where he laid down with her.

"So what else do you want to do tonight? We can do anything your heart desires, it is Kassidi's night."

Her returning smile to that statement made his heart fuller, he really was loving this feeling.


*Beep!* *Beep!* *Beep!*

A constant alarm went off, it was the one Carl set up last night, he had the alarm on his phone where you needed to solve a puzzle or it wouldn't turn off, it was annoying. He used his free arm to reach around and try to grab his phone but it was no use, the phone was on charge on Kassidi's night stand.

She was laying on his left arm, the phone was on the left side also, so he would have to crawl over her just so that he could turn it off, and she looked way to adorable to move at the moment. He noticed the pout that was forming on Kassidi's face though the longer the alarm went off, he sighed as he tried to extract his arm from her grasp, she wasn't having it though.

When he tried to move away from her she tightened her grasp on him, he laughed at that, her breathing had changed so he knew that she was actually awake rather then asleep at this moment.

"Carl!," she whined hitting his chest, "Why do you have an alarm set so early? We should be sleeping at this time."

He laughed some more reaching across her and taking the phone, after solving the puzzle the alarm immediately turned off, and they were wide awake now so no going back to sleep for them, "Well I needed to wake up early to make it to school. So I set this alarm, sorry."

She yawned but nodded her head, "It's fine I understand, I just wanted to spend some more time with you."

He chuckled but nodded, "Yeah I get that. I wish we could spend the day together again but school does call, and with my field trip that I already paid for I need to get there."

"Oh, you have a field trip? Us too, where are you going?" She asked curious as she got up and got his shirt which was draped over her computer chair.

"Shedd Aquarium." He answered as he threw on a sweater she handed him, hen paused as he looked at it, it wasn't the sweater he came in with. Shrugging he put it on.

"Oh! That is where we are going to, they have their show today, that must be while we are all going at the same time." She said excited as she hopped out of bed.

She was in cute pink pajamas with her name stitched in baby blue across the chest, her pajamas were made of silk and very soft, he loved the feel of them.

"Cool, so we might see each other there then." He said nodding.

She smiled brightly as she began to grab her uniform while also heading towards the bathroom, "I am going to shower. Don't leave yet, I will get William our driver to take you back. I also want to ride so don't leave me here."

He nodded and sat back down to wait for her, he had set the time up an hour and a half before he needed to be at school, he would make it there in time at this rate so he didn't mind. After showering Carl gulped as he smelled the peach blossom body wash on her, he was tempted to bring her in for a sniff, but in his head it sounded creepy so he didn't do it.

"Alright let's get you back." She said with a smile while wiggling her finger at him a clear indication she wanted to hold hands.

Kassidi was wearing her uniform which was in the colors of Maroon red, Royal blue and a black, the skirt she was wearing was checkered with a mix of all three colors. She was wearing a black hooded mid length wrap coat, the coat screamed rich just looking at her, he didn't even bother asking how much it was.

Ignoring that he took her hand and led her out the room, Kassidi grabbed her bag and slung it over her shoulder on their way out, she must have messaged the driver from the bathroom because he was there as hey reached the bottom step, "Where to Miss. Thompson?"

Kassidi looked at Carl who answered, "I need to go home to change, I have been in this all night."

"You heard the man." Kassidi smiled while leading him out the house and to the car.