
A Guild's Legacy

Chapter 1: The Children of Bathala in the World of Anito

The school bell rang, signaling the end of another day of classes. Hiro gathered his belongings, his mind buzzing with excitement about the upcoming in-game event dedicated to celebrating the legendary guild of Anito. As he stepped into the bustling hallway, he joined his classmates, engaged in an animated conversation.

"Hey, have you all heard about the grand event in Anito?" Akira asked, his eyes shining with anticipation.

Hiro nodded eagerly. "Absolutely! It's all about the renowned guild, the Children of Bathala. Led by the mythical Shadowstrike in the past, the guild's prodigies now carry the torch, upholding its legacy in the world of Anito."

The name of the guild, inspired by Asian mythology and the divine beings known as Bathala, evoked a sense of awe and wonder. Hiro's classmates listened intently, captivated by the stories surrounding the guild and its twelve prodigies.

"So, Shadowstrike is no longer leading the guild?" Sora inquired, her curiosity piqued.

Hiro shook his head. "No, Shadowstrike and the other original members have retired, passing on their knowledge to the prodigies. These gifted individuals are now entrusted with the responsibility of preserving the Children of Bathala's honor, hoping for the day their revered masters may return."

His friends exchanged intrigued glances, their imaginations weaving tales of what might have befallen the original guild members. The idea of these prodigies continuing the legacy of the Children of Bathala added an extra layer of mystery to the already legendary guild.

"I wonder if the prodigies will ever reunite with their masters," Keiko pondered, her voice filled with wonder.

Hiro's eyes sparkled with determination. "I believe they will. The bonds forged within a guild run deep, forged through countless battles and shared triumphs. The prodigies stand strong, devoted to the Children of Bathala, eagerly awaiting the day when their masters shall return."

The hallway buzzed with excitement as Hiro and his classmates continued their discussions, sharing theories and aspirations for the forthcoming in-game event. The image of the prodigies, resolute guardians of the Children of Bathala guild, filled Hiro's mind, and he couldn't help but hope that one day he would witness their masters' triumphant return.

With each step Hiro took on his way home, the setting sun cast a warm glow upon the city. Thoughts of the approaching event swirled in his mind, intermingling with his admiration for the legendary Children of Bathala guild and his yearning to be part of their extraordinary legacy.

After leaving school, Hiro opted to make a brief detour to the nearby candy shop before going home.

As he entered the store, the sweet aroma of candies and chocolates welcomed him, instantly lifting his spirits. Behind the counter stood a familiar face with a warm smile, who welcomed Hiro with open arms.

"Ah, Hiro! It's been a while," She exclaimed joyfully with her eyes sparkling.

Hiro returned the smile, feeling a deep sense of familiarity. "Auntie Emi! It's always great to see you".

Emi, a family friend who had known Hiro since he was a child, Although not related by blood, Hiro regarded her as an elder sister figure.

Emi leaned on the counter, her voice filled with warmth. "How's everything, Hiro? How's your father? Still buried in his books?"

Hiro chuckled, knowing all too well that his father, a quiet and scholarly man, often immersed himself in his studies. "Yes, Auntie Emi, he's still as absorbed as ever. Always pursuing knowledge and discovering new things."

Emi nodded with a knowing smile. "He's always been like that. Such a dedicated and brilliant man. And what about you, Hiro? What are you upto these days?"

Hiro's smile faltered as he hesitated for a moment. "Well, Auntie Emi, I've been having some doubts lately. There's this game called Anito that I've been drawn to, but I had a bad experience with my previous guild mates. They bullied and tricked me, and now I'm unsure if I should join another guild."

Emi's expression turned compassionate as she listened to Hiro's concerns. "I'm sorry to hear that, Hiro. It's not okay when people act that way. But don't let their actions define your actions. Anito can still be enjoyable, even if you prefer playing solo or with your close friends."

Hiro nodded, grateful for Emi's understanding. "You're right, Auntie Emi. I have a few friends, like Akira, who I can trust. Maybe I should focus on playing with them and avoid the uncertainties and pressures that come with being in a guild."

Emi winked at Hiro, her eyes gleaming mischievously. "Alright, Hiro. But remember, I'm always here to support you,

Emi grinned, her voice filled with playful determination. "Well, you know, Hiro, if you ever change your mind and want me to unleash my wrath upon those bullies, just let me know. I'll make sure they regret ever crossing paths with you."

Hiro burst into laughter, finding Emi's protective streak amusing. "Auntie Emi, you always know how to make me smile. I appreciate how you always look out for me"

As Hiro bid farewell to Emi and paid for his candy, a sense of appreciation towards her overwhelmed him. Little did he know, Emi had her own plans in motion. As soon as Hiro left the store, Emi discreetly opened her phone and dialed a number, her expression serious.

"Hey, it's me. I need a favor," Emi spoke softly, her voice filled with determination. "We need to meet. I need a favor."

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