
Preparations to go outside

after I mentally prepare to survive and believe what I need to do.

I start to plan my next movements first I need to inform me about all the situation around me, lucky for me living outside de city gave me some advantages, I can leave if is necessary because it out of town and the population is less in case there are more people like the red-eyed man, I don't know what happen but my instinct is telling me that don't fight with them. and in an unknown environment, the only thing I can trust is myself.

so first I need to take some supplies to my home the store has a lot of useful things, so I start with some food, it's not like I need to much. lucky for me my parents had a bakery so I have what I need to survive some time but eating only bread will not give me a lot of nutrients so I need to take can food in case I need to leave.

I find a backpack and a light in case I need it, so I start to pack some food, I find a knife and put it in my belt.

I only watch a video about the 10 positions and moves to use a knife to attack and defend my self, it's pretty easy but you need to have a nice grip or the knife can hurt you, I only try it once but because I try it with a tree, I cut myself.

I still remember how my mother was worry and I get a beat down, now that I remember, I can't stop to feel a pretty sad both my mother and my father taught me everything, my father taught me how to protect myself and a way of thinking my father says all dumb people waste time and hard work in something that will no give you something. it's pretty harsh but after I try to help everyone in my school and what I get to feel tired all the time, and when I finally say no to one student, he feels like it was my responsibility to help everyone, so because I didn't help he start to badmouth me. and almost all the people around me start to ignore me, so that day I decide to follow my dad advice in that world you will give to gain something, and I think that way of thinking in this world would help me a lot because without law the thought of the people are without a limit they will do what they want without care what will happen next.

my mother thought me how to take care of my self I learn how to cook how to kill animals, some knowledge about medicine and how to behave to not be noticed or be part of a group without they knowing at first I think it is pretty weird but when I start doing it, I understand what my mother teach me, it to become part of society without being one.

I ask my mother where she learned that and the only thing she answered was everyone has their secret you only have to learn if that secret is useful o dangerous.

i remember that time is important so I take my backpack and walk to the exit.

I stop and remember the solar power i don't know if some will take it so I go upstairs to hide it to take it in the evening.

after I hide it, i start walking to my house when i feel a chill in my back

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