

It's a feeling, a feeling of selflessness, which roots deeply down in your heart and marks down its pace. Once in, you are soft, softer as a rose but once out, you are mild, milder enough to be pierced by the thorns of your own heart. Such a feeling, such an emotion is simply addressed with just 4 letters from the Alphabet... LOVE. When such a complex form of a feeling is recessively buried deep within the heart of a human, it's obvious that there is someone up above the sky of the universe to trigger and activate that chaotic individual within each human at the right time. And that is "Eros", the God of desire, attraction, affection and carnal love. Where we simply call him as the "Cupid".

"Wow! It has just been 395 years of our last visit on Earth and...whoa! What an entire evolution this mere beings has made," exclaimed Goddess Psyche looking around the beautiful scenery in the square park.

"Well I told yeah! Things are different than what it was used to be Psyche,"answered God Eros while walking together with Goddess Psyche.

"The nature's gone and this hard substance-" paused the Goddess.


"Yeah right...Cement! has excessively come in-- I've never seen such tall buildings even in the Land of Gods… wait-- are they making a staircase to heaven or something Mylord?"

"Stop making stupid human jokes Psyche!" smiled Eros, "You've not changed ever since the first day we started visiting Earth! Someone would really misinterpret you as a human not the Goddess of the Soul," laughed Eros.

"I once use to be a human…Do you remember Mylord?" exclaimed Psyche, "but the wordings and accents we used then is quite different than these humans today!" said Psyche lost in a thought, "And its way different from our wordings from the Land of Gods."

"You're supposed to thank me for updating your language and accent skills before visiting Earth this time Psyche… Else the humans here would have taken you to shoot an old hit Comedy series!" teased Eros while admiring the beauty of the Square park.

"Oh stop playing the fool Mylord! You visit Earth every single day--it's not surprising to not know about the changes over the last thousand year's... I visit once in 395 years and it's way a long time in human years even though it's just one year in the Land of Gods," defended Psyche.

"Psyche!" laughed out Eros," We have a lot much of things to do during this visit… Keep your moods up! -- are you even supposed to be mad at your husband despite the fact that you are a Goddess?"

"It's human world we are in right now," said Psyche with an angry bucket face, "-and this is how the human lady's treat their husbands."

"I see! You have learned every behaviour of humans-- I mean… evil behaviours of humans when you are even a Goddess yourself," teased Eros once again while laughing.

"No!...Rude husbands like you deserve this kinda treating's...it's a good behaviour human women possess you know," exclaimed Psyche wearing a cunning smile on her beautiful face.

"Did you really call me rude?" asked Eros laughing surprisingly.

"Yeah!" smirked Psyche, "Just see how wonderfully you are acting exactly like a human right now..."

"Ughh!" sighed God Eros ,"This is the exact reason...the reason why I'm always being blamed of addressing the other Gods disrespectfully."

"For forgetting that you're supposed to to use honorifics?" questioned Psyche laughing knowing that's what it is…

"Yeah!" said God Eros agreeing with a laugh.

With a sigh God Eros held Goddess Psyche's hand and looked up at the blue sky. The sky was crystal clear. There were two three white clouds here and there which added more glamour to the evening sunshine. Birds flew up and down dancing to the beautiful rhythms of the Summer day music which was heard from afar. The air was fresh and the soft winds blew in fragrance. Even though God Eros visits the Earth daily , he never enjoys the beauty of the Mother Earth just like how he enjoyed it at the presence of Goddess Psyche. Whether it's for Gods, humans or demons love is love. The eternal feeling which makes one survive… The eternal feeling which makes one fight to survive.

Both the Gods was so lost in thought while walking and enjoying the beauty and the breeze of Earth that they did not notice a boy rushing towards their direction. Two other teenage kids, same age like was chasing the boy away. The paths of the Square park was kind of busy here and there with couples, children hanging around with parents, youngsters jogging under the evening sun and old men and women spending time sitting and chatting in groups on the benches. The kid was so in a rush that he couldn't control his celerity, he pushed forward and tumbled towards the Gods. It was at the last minute God Eros noticed the sudden fall off of the boy. Eros held Psyche by her hand and pushed her aside avoiding her clashing with the kid while getting the grip of the kids shoulder from the other hand at the same time. The strength of the God's arm was strong enough to hold the boy avoiding him from falling off. But as soon as the boy landed his feet on the floor, he started accelerating forward without even giving a single sight on the chaos he caused. It all happened too fast where God Eros couldn't keep up his feet while holding the two from his bare hands. He lost his balance and was about to fall off but in a flash of a light, the God managed to keep his right leg back on the floor. The imbalanced weight forced his right leg and sprained his ankle where he yelped in pain. Two old ladies who were passing by saw the mess and rushed towards them at the sound of the yelp. The two boys who was chasing the other kid too arrived at the meantime.

"That punk!" said one of the boys looking at how the boy accelerated even after causing such a mess.

"He's born to trouble! If I get the chance to catch him, I will-- Oh! Sir we are really sorry for the mess he made" said the other boy while looking at Eros and holding his shoulder.

"It's Okay!" said Eros in midst of the pain the sprained ankle caused.

God Eros is an immortal God. He was able to cure his sprained ankle at any second but the fact was that the two old ladies and the two human boys already saw him sprain his ankle and already overheard his yelp. If Eros cured himself now, they would obviously be suspicious of what happened to the sprain which would give an unwanted highlight to both the Gods.

"Eros! You okay?" exclaimed Psyche who pulled herself back and saw Eros kneeling while the two boys were supporting him to get back to his feet.

"I sprained my ankle!" said Eros. Psyche understood at the instance that the humans must've already seen him strain his ankle. The boys escorted Eros to a near by bench. Psyche and the two old ladies followed them up there.

"Let me see," said one of the old lady's who sat on the ground and looked up at Eros. Psyche too sat down on the floor and slowly removed his shoe. The sprained ankle was blue in colour. The entire ankle was swollen. Psyche glanced at Eros. Gods doesn't have blood running through their veins. Even a mere sprain wouldn't ever look something like this which would happen to humans. It was obvious Eros covered it up to look like that so the humans wouldn't have any clue of it.

"Aigooo...you should meet up a doctor my child," said the old lady.

" It's fine maam..it would reduce if I rest for two three days," replied Eros. He obviously didn't want to meet a doctor. Doctors are for humans not Gods.

" Do you young man think this sprained ankle is something like a cramp? You young people puts yourself in trouble 'cause of that stubborn mind of yours!" said the old lady.

"Wait I'll call the Emergency Service," said one of the boys while taking the phone out of his trouser pocket.

"No no! --Thank you!..it's fine..we'll manage..don't trouble yourself," said Psyche to avoid the teenager from calling the Emergency Service.

"We are the 'cause to this fuzz..let us pay you in this way ma'am please!" pleaded the young boy. Psyche had no options left. She already knew the nature of humans.

"Okay then!" replied Psyche with a sigh while looking at Eros.

The Emergency Service arrived at the location from about five to six minutes after the call.

"Thank you so much! You didn't have to trouble yourself doing this," said Psyche to the two boys and the two ladies while the Emergency Service Providers escorted Eros.

"You don't have to thank us ma'am--we were the reason for Mister to sprain his ankle," said one of the two boys while the other nodded his head.

"You're Welcome my child...it's nothing much we've done at our old age," said one of the old ladies.

"There was nothing much old women like us could do to help strong youngsters as you! Take care of your beloved!" added the other lady.

"I'm way much older than you are!" replied Psyche in her mind while saying ,"No! I wouldn't have made it if you weren't there," verbally even though they made the situation worst.

"Anyways once again Thank you!" said Psyche.

"Take care children!" waved in the old ladies together with the two teenage kids.

"It's not much serious as I thought but make sure you get all your medications on time," said the doctor while looking at Eros.

"Sure doctor...Thank you!" replied Eros.

The nurse handed the ointments to Psyche. Psyche held Eros while Eros put his hand over Psyche's shoulder and walked out of the room.

"Psyche let's stand over there" said Eros pointing at the wall in front of the NICU.

"Kay!" said Psyche while escorting Eros .

The NICU had a sealed door but the rest of the room was covered by glasses. Psyche looked through the glass where a number of newborns were placed in small bed shaped boxes and a name tag of the child and both parents were hanged in front of it.

"Look how cute these baby humans are!" said Psyche delighted.

"You love them… don't you?" asked Eros.

"Like seriously? Is it even a question to ask?-- um ah Mylord"

"Your wordings Psyche..." exclaimed Eros while laughing.

"I know I'm a good student… Ain't I?" questioned Psyche with a proud look worn over her beautiful face.

"You are!"

Psyche smiled adorably and continued, "They are the symbol of you Eros... they represent your divinity...They are the most generous beings living on Earth... How can I not love them when they are all about you?" said Psyche while looking at the handsome face of her dearly husband.

"Did you confess your love towards me right now?" asked Eros while smiling cunningly.

"Oh Eros! Why would I? When you have thousands and thousands of human girls falling for your handsome face...ugh-- I see them like puppies nagging their tails and running behind the master," growled Psyche.

"Ha haaa" laughed Eros," You are jealous aren't you? In addition you called me handsome."

" Handsome my foot!"growled Psyche" and--I--I am not jealous.. ".

"I see!" replied Eros.

Eros cured his sprained ankle with his power. Since the sprained ankle was covered by the bandage, no one could ever notice that it had been cured.

"Done?" asked Psyche while having her eyes on the newborns.

"Done!" replied Eros while looking at the NICU room," You can see their souls too?" he asked.

"Yeah! They are tiny and are all white."

"The colour of purity," added Eros.

"Mmn...the colour of null...By the way, they look exactly like baby Gods aren't they?"said Psyche with her eyes glistening while looking at the baby children.

"Yeah! They are the final outcome of my power, whether in skies above or lands below...that's why they look the same." replied Eros.

Eros leant onto the the wall and looked at the corridor. A young boy was walking up and down the corridor nervously. His face was all blushing and he was murmuring some thing on his own.


"Sorry? You said something Mylord?" questioned Psyche.

Eros pointed at the young nervous man who was wandering here and there around the corridor by his eyebrows. Psyche glanced at the young man. His face was all red, he was twirling his fingers while looking at the stair case.

"It's glistening –it's glistening so brightly in silver'" said Psyche, "his soul!"

Psyche is the Goddess of the soul. Even though she was a divine being, she possessed a human like nature as she was previously a human princess. Her human nature allowed her to understand the notion of souls. Just by looking at a soul, she was capable of telling the nature of the human as well as his current thoughts and the next.

"He's in love!" exclaimed Psyche.

"Yeah, he's gonna confess," said Eros while staring at the boy, "Today's gonna be a quite an interesting day," said Eros while walking two steps forward from the wall he was leaning onto.

"Your gonna accompany him..Aren't you Mylord?" said Psyche while smiling.

"Its my responsibility Psyche...I can't just leave when I'm the God of love."

"-Who unites two beings together by a bow and arrow with a heart on it!" said Psyche while laughing.

"Those are stupid thoughts humans have imagined…worst part- representing me like a baby with angel wings," said Eros with a sigh.

"It's funny!"said Psyche while laughing.

Eros kept his eyes keenly on the young man meanwhile Psyche looked at the newborns through the glass. A nurse switched off the major bulbs in the NICU as majority of the kids were asleep. She walked out of the room while smiling at Psyche and saying that they were asleep by her eyebrows and eyes. Psyche smiled back as she understood what the nurse said. She couldn't no more see the children clearly so she turned away to face Eros.

"She's here!" said Eros while looking at a young beautiful lady nurse who was climbing down the staircase.

Psyche turned around with excitement but it did not remain, not even for a while.

" She's gonna reject" said Psyche.

"Mmn..." replied Eros," I'll make it up!"

"Your gonna make her fall in love with him at this instance?" asked Psyche.

"It wouldn't be fun and surprising if I do so--" said Eros, "let her reject him first and then let's make it up. It would be surprising for both the kids."

"Plus entertaining for you Mylord" said Psyche as she knows her husband very well.

"Mmn mmn," replied Eros.

"She's innocent" added Psyche, "she's not gonna reject him 'cause of anything else. Its 'cause-- "

" 'cause she doesn't have feelings for him," continued Eros.

"Yeah!-- she wouldn't make it hard for him… her soul is so filled with kindness," said Psyche.

"Let's give her what she doesn't have then," said Eros while looking at the couple who sat on a near by bench.

Both the Gods looked at the young man and the nurse talking to each other while sitting on the bench for around five to six minutes. But their view of the couple was disturbed for a few seconds by a guy who walked passing the Gods towards the exit wearing a black hoody.

"These humans lack decipline!" said Eros in an exhausted tone.

"He doesn't know you are on work here,"said Psyche while laughing, "it was just only for a few seconds Mylord."

"I wish I was the responsible God for their discipline though," replied God Eros while Psyche laughed at his ridiculous thought. No Gods exist for discipline. If there were any, humans wouldn't have ever been the factor which causes daily trouble to the Gods thought Psyche.

Both the Gods focused their attention back on the lovebirds. After about a minute more of conversation , the young man stood up, smiled and walked away. The nurse remained sitting on the bench looking at the young man who was leaving.

"It's getting red..."said Psyche.

"What's getting red?" questioned Eros.

"His soul- it must obviously be due to the rejection," answered Psyche, "But I really thought he would feel sad instead of anger."

"His rage is temporary my love… it will turn into pain at no time."

"What are you gonna do now Mylord?" asked Psyche.

"What do you think would happen when an unrequited love suddenly becomes requited?" said Eros with a smirk.

Finally the Love God accomplished his task. Falling in love with the same person who you once rejected would obviously be the beginning of a new story. A different story.

The young nurse turned her face away from the direction of the hospital exit and looked down while holding her face in her hands.

"Her soul started glistening" said Psyche while getting hold on Eros shoulder, "in silver--slightly"

"Umm...she started to feel love," said God Eros with a sigh, "it'll take time to process through her heart, body and soul but I can say-- their love story is gonna be amazing."

"They'll have a happy ending but the thing is Mr. Eros- if I can treat you like a human; you took my entire evening setting up a couple and completing your Job," said Psyche in disappointment," it's close the about time for us to head back to the Land of Gods now."

"I'm sorry Psyche... you know I'm attached to my work right...I'm really sorry for destroying your evening on Earth," apologized Eros.

"It's fine Mylord... nah! nah! Eros! We still have some time left...we can have dinner right? Buy me food since you're rich on Earth! I wouldn't obviously feel hunger when we head back," said Psyche.

"This Goddess is using her human resources to the full," replied Eros while laughing.

Psyche held Eros's hand and started walking while Eros followed her up.

"Mr. God you forgot something?" asked Psyche while moving.

"Forgot what?"

"You forgot that your human leg is strained," replied Psyche while laughing.

"Ashhh!" said Eros while starting to pretend as if he is walking in pain.

"Nextly...you're supposed to return those hospital slippers Mylord—whao! are Gods even allowed to steal?" teased Psyche while laughing.

"I really really wish that you was a Goddess Goddess not a human Goddess!" replied Eros while both the Gods walked out of the Hospital exit while laughing.

Wait...something seems not right though..seems like the God's missed something before they left. Seems like they didn't realize that they've made a mistake before they left. What was it?

Where were they actually standing? Who were they actually standing in front of? Oh I forgot and so may have the two Gods.

Both the Gods forgot the fact that they were standing in front of the NICU. Either of them couldn't remember that the major lights of the NICU was off and that there was a possibility for the shadow of the Gods to fall upon one of the newborn humans while they used their divine powers.

What do you think would happen when the shadow of a God falls upon a mere human being when they use their divine powers? On which child do you think the shadow of Eros might have fallen unto?

Parent; Lisa Ferald

Daniel Ferald

Name of the child; DAEN REOM FERALD.

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