
Shadow Monarch in One Piece world

We follow the journey of Ash, a man from Earth who is reincarnated as a child in the world of One Piece with the powers of the Shadow Monarch. Join him on his quest to dominate this world.

Igris_69 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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22 Chs

Golden Lion

The sea was rather calm today, and luckily so, as I am currently on a small boat that I stole from someone. But this time, it seems the person was a bandit, so I was right to steal it. Yes, I'm sure of it. I've been at sea for a week now, and I believe I'm soon to reach an island. One should never underestimate the speed of the Leviathan, ahah.

Now that I'm in the middle of the Grand Line, I wonder how to reach a Sky Island. I suppose there must be a way, but the question is how.

As I was thinking about it, my Observation Haki sensed something above my head, or rather, much higher, about 300 meters in the air. It was descending rapidly, and eventually, a body crashed into the sea, its bones shattered by the force of gravity, making the sea as hard as stone for someone falling from such a height.

At first glance, it was a pirate, but is there a Sky Island above? It's suspicious; I must go and see. So, with my authority as a sovereign, I flew as quickly as possible upwards. I could really use a shadow that knows how to fly!

I kept ascending higher and higher until I thought I was over 1 km high. I saw some islands, maybe 2 or 3, but they were clearly not Sky Islands as they weren't resting on any clouds. Unfortunately, there was only one possibility left: "Shiki," I thought. And after another minute, I landed on an island where I sensed the largest population, at least 500 people.

Upon entering the island, I saw many houses, more or less clean, as they were inhabited by pirates. But at least, I easily blended into the crowd, even though I put on a hood so that no one would notice I'm 10 years old.

Entering a bar, I ordered a fruit juice and waited, trying to gather some information. I overheard some people talking about Chief Shiki, who wants to increase his bounty by killing lots of civilians, which is why he brought so many pirates into the Grand Line.

"Hello, young man, or should I say, Ashborn?"

When I heard someone address me, I drew my dagger and with all my strength, I slashed towards that voice. But the person who spoke pulled out a sword to block my attack, creating a shockwave that destroyed the bar and some houses around, sending all the nearby pirates flying like birds.

"You've grown up nicely, bahahahah," I finally recognized the voice; it was a vice-admiral I knew a little, the only one who has truly beaten me in a fight, someone I consider important, Vice-Admiral Karika!

"How have you been, old man?"

I smiled while putting my dagger back into my inventory, hearing "old man" ticked him off a bit, but he laughed again and patted my back.

"Glad to see you're drinking fruit juice and not alcohol at your age."

We walked down the main alley of the island, and the pirates around didn't even dare to approach us, seeing what we did to the bar when our blades clashed.

"I heard that you killed 3 vice-admirals... Fortunately, I couldn't stand them! Good riddance, they could have killed civilians in the name of their 'justice.'"

It's good that he doesn't see me as a real murderer; I wouldn't have liked that.

"Of course, they tried to kill me when I saved the island from Mario," I replied, quite annoyed when I think about the situation.

"But by the way, have you eaten a Devil Fruit? The marines you spared warned us that your power could summon a hundred terrifying living shadows."

So, as we continued walking, I explained, without going into the details of necromancy, that I could summon shadows to fight alongside me.

"You also have a shadow that spews fire, it's really impressive... You're dangerous!" he said before swinging his sword towards my neck. Fortunately, I easily dodged it, and with my two daggers, I counterattacked, running towards him, ready to strike. Thus, our little friendly duel resumed for an hour or two.

Unfortunately, our fight was interrupted by a powerful aura that made us tremble. It was clearly the Conqueror's Haki. All the pirates around fell unconscious, leaving just the two of us standing.

"Shiki" x2

Indeed, a man was descending slowly from the sky... I really don't like him! I used Geppo and Soru to rush at Shiki, ready to test him a little, but unfortunately, a 100-meter rock crushed me at terrifying speed from the left side, and given my momentum, it was too late to avoid it.

My body flew upon impact, sending me soaring 400 meters. Fortunately, thanks to my Haki, I didn't suffer much damage, but I understand the kind of power he possesses.

"Baran, intervene if I'm in danger." No need for that, I already know Karika also wants to fight; no need for a 3-on-1. So, Karika and I regrouped.

"Ash, don't take this lightly; this man is almost on the level of an admiral. I came personally because I've become stronger thanks to something, watch."

Huh? The air around us completely chilled, and in the next moment, a massive block of ice formed over 100 meters long, charging towards Shiki, who didn't anticipate it, and his body was frozen by the ice.

But it wasn't enough, and as expected, 10 seconds later, the ice broke, and Shiki emerged.

"That was cold, little vice-admiral, jihaahahahaha," he laughed as he flew towards us and launched his first attack.

"Shishi Kiru." One of his blades was swung, creating a massive 100-meter-long blade that came towards us. It was useless, so I countered the attack with my own air blade, which blocked his strike.

"Jihahahah, not bad for a little child."

"I'M NOT A KID, DAMMIT!" I jumped towards him, using my mana to enhance my strength, and I slashed at him with my Haki and mana-infused blade. I had enough of being treated like a kid. My strike was blocked by Shiki, but he was surprised by the strength, and he ended up crashing to the ground.

At the same time, Karika arrived and froze the ground, trapping him, and he continued with a sword strike.

"Meteor Buster!"

Hundreds of sword strikes appeared instantly, attempting to cut Shiki, but he used his Haki to block as much as possible. So, to help Karika, I did my best to cut him too, blending my mana and Haki.

With my attack, I finally saw Shiki's blood flowing. My mixture of Haki and mana is truly an incredible cocktail! Unfortunately, it didn't last; he got back up and sent a tide of earth towards us, which we sliced to avoid being crushed.

"Damn bastards, I'll kill you myself, right here! Shishi Odoshi."

Dozens of earth lion figures formed, trying to attack us, and this time, we evaded because counterattacking against them would be a waste of energy.

"I'll fight seriously, be careful, kid," Karika warned me.

"I'm not a kid... but fine, me too. Go!"

As the ice covered more and more ground, and Karika encased his blade in a thin layer of ice, which even cooled me a few meters away, over a hundred shadows emerged from my shadow, led by Baran, followed by 4 other shadows, all powerful figures.

"I see I don't need to worry, bahaha, let's go!"

He charged, and I commanded my army to attack as well. Baran and the berserker Kylo wasted no time and immediately used their Devil Fruits. Flames and ice clashed, yet neither flames nor ice disappeared.

Kylo ran towards Shiki, who easily blocked him with a rock. Unfortunately, a berserker is a berserker, and the rock shattered, and Kylo arrived in front of Shiki, hitting him with all his strength, sending him crashing to the ground without making him sit, though. Meanwhile, Baran, Karika, and I took the opportunity to attack Shiki, who was bewildered by it all, but we didn't pay attention to that and attacked with all our might.

"Get out of here, pests!"

he said as an aura emanated from his body. It was his Conqueror's Haki again, but I didn't back down, determined to touch him. However, a rock tornado was coming towards me, so I had to retreat this time.

But Baran, who was immortal, charged forward, regenerating himself and with his sword filled with flames, condensed into the blade, he slashed Shiki, who blocked it with blood on his lips but, with a sword strike, cut Baran into five pieces, sending him flying into the sky.

"Take this!"

Huh? He wants to do that again? I'm talking about an island that's currently falling on us.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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