

If you have any idea for the book please write it or comment. I wrote the book to see how it is to have a smart MC so if you know how to continue the book please do it for me or make your own new smart MC novel/ fanfic.. Smart MC, does whatever it takes. Name: Vinal M William Mental age: 34 Physical age: 15 Backstory: He was a scientist in his past life. Who was always a  fan of marvel cause of there technology and futuristic thinking. So, he wanted that technology to be real. So, he tried to create them himself. And he succeeded making a few, using three-3d printers and sold them for a reasonable price making him some money. Another thing about vinal is that he liked to research blueprints from marvel. But he made a mistake once trying to make the super soldier serum. And when it was to late. He knew messed up....

PowerStorm · Anime et bandes dessinées
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21 Chs


[Captain America] pov.

Howard is the best civilian pilot and mad enough to brave this airspace, we are lucky to have him.

"Take this transponder activate it when you are ready and we'll find you" Peggy ordered.

"Will it work?" I asked, looking at the stark industries logo.

"Tested more than you have been" Howard said while he executes some fancy maneuvers.

I straps on my parachute and throw open the jump door.

"What are you doing?" Peggy asked.

"Look at me I'm the captain now!" I said jumping out.


While this was going on i was trying not to lose my lunch and hair with all this explosions rocketing the air.

Just as i was about to follow the captain and jump, the plane suddenly lurches out and I lose my grip causing me to free fall.

Getting closer to the ground i teleport on to a tree near the captain and shape-shift into a ninja suit.

Following the captain i see buildings and this is where i leave him be and jump (teleport) into the compound toward the factory placing any hydra Tess energy weapons from guns to planes into my inventory but leaving some so that it's not noticed to soon.

In the next door Dr. Arnim Zola was saying "as you see production is proceeding faultlessly", I couldn't help praising him for the hard work and the gifts in my mind.

Zola and Schmidt walk on the factory floors while i inventory towards their way blending in within the shadows thanks to the ninja suit and my blessed dark skin.