
Shade -Shop of the night (On Hiatus)

Akirai had been "Unique" ever since she was a child- Orphan, unwanted, stubborn- a street rat. But Akirai became "Unique" in another way after she died in an unfortunate hiking accident, a landslide- there was nothing to be done. But of course Akirai´s stubborn self didn´t let it end there.

Lumina_Wraith · Urbain
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23 Chs

First Blood

Akirai waited a bit to see how it moved and if it was alone, only after she made sure of this did she attack, jumping out of her cover with her weapon drawn and jumped on from behind it, stabbing it in the neck.

The sorrounding area was free, Akirai had made sure of that, only after checking did she make plans as to how to incapacitate it for Lynn.

The boar didn´t go down without a struggle as it tried to throw her off with all its might, making the ground beneath it shake and quacke under it, she held on tight as it jumped around doing its best to get her off of his back, the blood from its wound staining its fur and Akirais hands.

She turned and twiste the knife to worsen the wound, making the Beast beneath her shrieck in pain.

After seeing that its attacker wouldn´t let go, the Beast ran toward a tree and threw its back against it, trying to squash Akirai, who upon noticing this, jumped off, leaving the knife stuck in its back.

Akirai backflipped off its back and used her hand that landed on the ground to catapult her back into the air and flip again, managing to land in a crouch.

The brown coloured boar trashed around and left deep marks in the ground with its charge, even the 40 meter tree it rammed against trembled under its charge, leaves and branches dropping on the ground around it.

The knife in its neck burrowed itself deeper into the wounded Beast with its charge, making it roar out in pain and agony.

Akirai retrieved her other knife and waited for the beast to tire itself out, but it wasn´t level 3 for nothing as it, upon seeing that the thing stuck in its neck wouldn´t come out, and only burrowed itself deeper, began to charge at Akirai again in revenge and with renewed vigore.

Akirai didn´t wait for it to hit her as it charged, leaping out of the way and rolling to the side before getting up and waiting for its next move.

The Beast shook in anger at seeing this weak being dodge its attack and tried again, charging with reckless abandon, Akirai smirked as she dropped to the ground, rolled over on her back and slashed at its belly from beneath, rolling away again once she was done and jumping up.

It shook its head and roared again as the blood spilled out from beneath it, its eyes becoming red in colour to show its rage, it charged again and again, and Akirai kept dodging to the side or using the charge against it, positioning herself between it and a tree and leaping out the way in the last second, letting it crash into the titans of nature.

The Beast held on for a long time, but it tired in the end, collapsing on the ground from its wounds, she picked up one of the fallen branches and poked the fallen Beast, seeing that it made no move to retaliate, Akirai smiled and went toward it, slitting its legs to avoid it running away, the Beast had used up all its energy and could only lie there as she did so.

Then she went back to the position of her little larvea and picked it up again before setting it on the once lively Beast and told her to finish it.

Lynn looked confused for a second before Akirai changed from vocal command to soul command, a Beast might not understand the language the master speaks, but once the packt is formed it will always understand a command given with the soul.

If it does as told or not aside.

The packt is not all mighty and only serves to connect the Beast and Master, connecting their emotions to a certain level, the rest depends on the Master and Beast, if the master and the Beast get along, this connection will strengthen, if they do not, the connection will waver or the Beast will straight out betray or attack the Master, the best outcome of a connection break is the Beast running away, the worst is death by Beast.

Once Lynn understood the command, she burried into the Beast, enetring from the wound on its stomach, making the blood spill and dye the ground beneath it in a crimson red.

Akirai blinked and shrugged, making her way to one of the intact trees and settled against it, taking both her knives and began cleaning them of the blood and gore they were stained with.

She settled down for a long wait.


Akirai yawned as she looked at the now dead Beast, still waiting fro Lynn to emerge, Sylvie had informed her that Lynn still needed a lot of time before she was done, so Akirai began to look around the area to relieve her boredom.

Maybe I´ll pick up a few plants for the shop? Akirai thought as she inspected a few green flowers by her feet.

"Oh well." She said to herself as she stood and looked around, a few of the weaker trees had fallen over from the Beasts charge and the crowns of the trees were lying on the ground, the fruits in them ripe for the taking.

She picked one of the fruits off of the fallen tree to take a closer look, it resembled an apple in colour as well as shape, the only thing making it different being the black tipped spikes that grew from the apple, Akirai made sure not to touch those, who knew if they were poisonous or not?

"Sylvie? Any ideas what this is?" She asked as a small jade coloured screen with white text appeared in front of her.

[Chella-Chella fruit]

[Beast food]


[Effects : None]

"This food can be used to make Beast food." Sylvie informed her and Akirai laughed akwardly.

"Sylvie... I can´t cook." She looked to the ground, ashamed.

"Host needn´t worry, the System will take care of that." Sylvie said with a hint of laughter in her disembodied voice.

Akirai threw her hands in the air. "Haleluja!" She called in delight.

She smiled as she asked Sylvie to put away the Apple-like fruits and walked towards another tree,only for her to still and trow herself back as a snake with a golden halo around it, at least 5 meters long and as thick as a mans waist, burst our from within a trees crown.

Akirai was back on her feet in a second as she threw her knife toward the snake and asked Sylvie to pull the info screen up.

[Black scaled giant Anaconda]

[Gender : Female]

[Level 9]


[Venemous varient]

[State : Midly injured (Angry)]

"Oh fuck me!" Akirai cursed, how the fuck didn´t she notice this damn snake before hand?

"... Congratulations Host, you found one of the King-Beast." Sylvie informed her with a dry voice.

"No SHIT, Sylvie!" Akirai called. "That doesn´t help me!" she continued, dodging another lunge from the angry serpent.

"I feel the need to inform you that death in the Realms is only temporary."

"That doesn´t mean I wanna DIE!"