
Seorang wanita jelek yang ingin dicintai

Romansa Anak Muda
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What is Seorang wanita jelek yang ingin dicintai

Lisez le roman Seorang wanita jelek yang ingin dicintai écrit par l'auteur Anak_Ayam_0631 publié sur WebNovel. ...


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Systems Gambit

Melton's steps were deliberate and measured, each one leaving a deeper impact on the ground. The man’s screams grew louder with every step Melton took, but Melton remained unmoved. The world had labeled him a monster, and every attempt to show his better side was met with hostility, forcing him to embrace the darkness within. "I have been subjected to pain by your own kind," Melton continued, his voice steady and cold. "I have been sharpened through fire." He bent down, bringing his face close to the man's, his eyes burning with intensity. "Please... please make it stop," the man begged, blood seeping from his nose, ears, and eyes as the pressure mounted. Melton's gaze hardened. "She begged too. She just wanted to be free from the shackles this system has put us in. What did you do?" He straightened, looking down at the man with a mixture of disdain and sorrow. "You killed her," he stated, his voice filled with quiet fury. With a final, decisive act, he increased the power of Gravity Drag, leaving the man with no escape from his suffering. ****************************************************************** In the heart of a bustling urban labyrinth, Melton Ryder's life is transformed when he gets powers after the first great awakening where he got his powers. Along the line he gets hold of a system, an enigmatic digital interface that enhances his abilities and later opens his eyes to a shadowy government conspiracy. As Melton delves deeper into the sinister project, he becomes a target for ruthless government agents determined to silence him and erase all evidence of their secret endeavors. In a world where technology and power intertwine, Melton Ryder is thrust into a dangerous game of cat and mouse. Desperate and seeking refuge, Melton finds sanctuary with a group of underground rebels who are waging their own war against the oppressive regime. Among them are formidable allies: Zara, a brilliant hacker; Darius, a healer; Cass, a speedster; Lena, an empath; and Nadia, an illusionist. Together, they delve into the inner workings of the System, uncovering secrets that could change everything. As Melton integrates with the rebels, he faces a pivotal moment of betrayal. Discovering that one of his trusted allies has been a government informant all along. This shatters his confidence and trust. Disillusioned but determined, Melton must navigate this treacherous landscape, unsure of who to trust as he continues to unravel the conspiracy. The stakes are raised when Melton undertakes a perilous mission to infiltrate a high-security government facility. His goal: to gather irrefutable evidence of the conspiracy and expose the truth to the world. Along the way, he faces formidable obstacles, from advanced security measures to rival hackers employed by the government, testing his resolve and ingenuity. At a critical crossroads, Melton confronts a tempting offer from his enemies: power and influence in exchange for abandoning his fight. Torn between the allure of power and his moral compass, Melton grapples with the decision that will define his future and the fate of those around him. In a climactic showdown, Melton faces the mastermind behind the conspiracy, a powerful figure with deep ties to the highest levels of government. With the truth on the line, Melton exposes the corrupt system, bringing it to its knees. But this victory comes at a high cost, with sacrifices and losses that weigh heavily on him. In the aftermath, Melton emerges as a symbol of hope for the oppressed, vowing to continue the fight for justice and freedom. However, as he prepares to move forward, a cryptic message from an unknown source hints at even darker secrets lurking beneath the surface. Intrigued and resolute, Melton embarks on a new journey, diving deeper into the heart of the system than ever before. What does Melton Ryder face as he moves on? Read to find out more.

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/ Somwhere in the world of gesia where magic spells and the fire of guns are a daily commodity on the frontlines/ ZoOm..BoOm ZoOm..BoOm ZoOm..BoOM Fuck that one was close, I turn left looking for my squad mate in the trench, and immediately I turn away tears in my eyes, dead, definitely dead there is no way he survived that, one of the shrapnel shards of the artillery shell got him dead in the eye, I hear the sound of blood gushing, out like a water fountain but much more disturbing. I try to vomit but after we got separated from the supply line for more than 6 days after the attack of a squadron of dragons there wasn’t much left for me to eat, so the only thing that was coming out of my mouth was the sound of emptiness I want to go home...I want to see my family..I..I... ZoOm…BoOm I flinch, I could swear the Artillery shells are getting more precise after every second, I try to grab my gun without looking at the corpse of my squad mate, the moment my fingertips grace the cold steel of my weapon I feel something wet, I shudder knowing what it was. I close my eyes and stand up my hand around my gun, planning to never let it go. I try to rub the blood of my hands on my already dirty pants and after that i climb out and run faster than i ever did before... ...Ziiiiiip...splash....                                                                                                                                                                                         / the Cover art belongs to the kikstarter campaign of Interbellum RPG /

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I died because of a car accident. And when I opened my eyes, I couldn't move my body at all. ‘Am I crippled?’ Turns out that I didn't die, but I was inside the novel A story that my friend once created. The worst part was, the person who I was possessed in was Sabrina Collin Elsteel. She was one of the famous villains inside the story. ‘And……… I transmigrated before the story started. In short, I was inside the body of a ten years old Sabrina.’ In the original story, Sabrina died because of the murder she tried the attempt to kill the female lead. But looking at the current situation, I’m still a child and I had a lot of time left before the original story started. So I prepared myself for any problems to come. At first, I tried to act like a naïve and kind child, but— “Fufu, Lady Sabrina is so plastic! I bet even if the dog were to eat her, the dog would vomit and throw her up. Her attitude can't be eaten, not even a rat can.” I was the main topic of the gossip. Even a peasant and servants bad-mouthed me. “Sabrina? that ugly daughter of count Marcus Cusar? That bitch looks ugly as hell!” I even heard a curse that came out from the mouths of the royals. No matter what I did, it seems that the world treats me as a bad person and that won't change. Never. “I’m sick of pretending to be a kind-hearted child.” She swallowed her dry saliva, then she lifted the corner of her red lips and narrowed one of her crimson eyes. “It’s not that bad if I became a villain right?” She mumbled to herself. “A story without the villains is boring after all.”

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