
Entrance Exam 1

"The seal goes on the upper right part of your forehead. I even gave you a cosmetic for it, it represents a bunch of stormy clouds!"

'Goddamn it, woman. I had to grow out my hair to hide this mark.' Kanata thought bitterly as he prepared all of his things for the entrance exam of the Ninja Academy.

I had decided, in honor of the previous owner of this body, to allow the wishes of his mother. Apparently, his mother forgot to write in the fact that it would drain a portion of his chakra, albeit small. I even had to deactivate it as my small chakra reserves couldn't take it.

I checked all of the miscellaneous pouches around my body. After the age of 5, I started getting a monthly allowance. I saved it all up to buy a few storage seals for pouches.

"I'm heading out now, Aoi-nee!" Kanata pulled on his light grey cloak. It was the same shape as the Akatsuki cloak, but instead of being black with red clouds, it was light grey with black highlights around it. Underneath it were comfortable black summer wear.

"Bye, Kana-chan!" I heard Aoi call from the back of the orphanage where she was caring for infants. I already made it apparent I disliked the nickname, yet she still decided to call me that. At this point, I think she is just doing this to mock me.

Aoi didn't give me some big exit. What, you'd expect I'd get some kind of special treatment? Probably around 10 more kids left before me to attempt at the academy.

I slammed the door to the orphanage a little bit too hard. Sometimes you forget how strong you are. I heard Aoi shouting after me but I was already on the run. Today, I have to go to a different route than my usual morning run to get to the academy.

I would have to take a shortcut through the forest near the orphanage before arriving at the Nara Clan compound. Me and my friends would meet up in front of it, and I would see Kusa first, then I would see Amaterasu, and then the two Uchihas. That would be a route on the normal day, but since it is the first day, their parents would walk them there.

My own thoughts drifted off to the seal I had on my forehead. It was a big mystery as to how it worked. My mother didn't give that great of a description on it. The seal drained a portion of chakra, but where did it all go? It just seemed to transfer somewhere else.

My thoughts broke off as the giant faces of each Hokage came through to my vision. Each face was very detailed. I couldn't imagine that if they have earth jutsu they couldn't make the faces detailed as such.

The ninja academy came into view as there was a crowd of many children mixed with parents there. Not to be pessimistic but most of them looked like fodder. I assume that the ones who didn't come from clans or rich families were the ones who looked like that.

It made me a bit nervous that a lot of these kids were like me, just one of the faces in the crowd who might not even get in. A lot of these children hope to redeem their families through the "will of the fire" that Konoha has. Although it is very clearly manipulation of loyalty, it still inspired a lot of the prodigies of Konoha.

I noticed that people were forming lines in front of desks. Multiple genin were attendance, most likely internally groaning at D-rank missions. A few of the chunin teachers walked around and responded to the few parents making fusses. Seems entitled parents exist here too.


It was an absurdly long wait in line, even the genin had signs of immense boredom. I was literally drawing on the dirt with a stick. Since Konoha is in the Land of Fire, it was very hot out today. Good thing I wore bright clothing or else I would have been sweating bullets. I can't imagine wearing the dark green that most of the ninja here wear.

Finally, it was my turn to apply. The genin surveying me had a semi-tired look on his face. He has short brown hair and eyes, definitely kind of looked like fodder.

"Hello, please sign your name and your information on this paper."

Student's Signature: Kanata Kagura

Student Name: Kanata Kagura (seriously why do they have 2 of these on each form I see)

Parent's Signature: N/A

Bloodline Limits: N/A

The rest was mostly a consent form splashed with Konoha propaganda, so I passed the paper back to the man. He read it over and motioned me to another man who just body-flickered behind him.

With a disinterested voice, the genin spoke, "He will escort you to the exam area. Have a nice day." I walked around the desk stationed next to the school and followed the other ninja.


We walked through the forest for a while before reaching a clearing, what I assume to be one of the training grounds. What I think is that Konoha has way too many trees. Hashirama needed to chill out with the Wood Release.

There was a ton of ninja and children alike in the middle of the clearing. There were different areas for physical and mental assessments for the children. There were only 3 areas, though. The ninja escorting me turned to me, "Go to the area marked "1" and then they will tell you what to do from there." He said before body flickering back to the desk area.

I went over to where there was a giant white sign marked with the number 1, and looked around. I'd assume this was the mental area because there were more desks with children doing tests on them. There was not a tent there, either. I couldn't tell if it was to put extra mental strain on the children as a test, or if they were not widely made yet.

There were multiple proctors walking around and making sure others weren't cheating. I guess they don't expect children to be that smart to be able to avoid their scrutinizing eyes, but they walked around so that no Uchihas and Hyuugas didn't use their clan dojutsu to copy what others were doing.

One of the proctors rushed up to me. She is a girl with light brown hair, green eyes and a bright smile. "Please sit at the desk over there and wait for a test." As she pointed out the desk, I saw a girl nearby glaring at this girl and muttering, "Shotacon..." to which the green eyed girl's eyes twitched.

I acted completely oblivious to their rivalry, only walking over to the desk and sitting down. Almost immediately, the other girl came around and gave me a test, before zooming back over to the other woman. I chose to ignore them and do the test.


The test had simple questions, well, at least for me. Things like: "Who was the first hokage?" among other things. I had good general knowledge of Konoha(reincarnating mostly erased a lot of important events in the future and jumbled up time in my brain, although I did have to relearn some things).

"What's that, b*tch? You wanna fight?!"

I believe I aced the test, but, as usual, the doubt seeped into me as I was going to the next area. It always happened after some kind of test, even if I know I knew the content it just happened.


Oh yeah, that. Remember those two chunin who had that one random rivalry over seemingly nothing? Apparently its like some kind of comedy show and now they're about to fight. Even some of the applicants for the shinobi academy are watching.


Some are shouting "Fight!", others are acting shocked with a hand over their mouth, others are covering the eyes and ears of their children. Right now, the two are wrestling with each other like some kind of boxing match in my old life. I'm rooting for the girl with green eyes but it seems like they are both good at fighting.


Ouch, now the green eyed girl is beating up the other one. She's got her back over her knee and cracking it like we are at a massage place.

"Yeah! Yeah! Look who-"

Suddenly, two guys in jonin flak jackets body-flickered in front of the fight. They were quick to pull the two women apart. There were bruises and cuts all over their body, now visible to the world. A couple of people gasped, but I was internally sighing. In this world, there wasn't much entertainment for day to day life. Doing training for being a shinobi was pretty time consuming.

I wasn't even able to do actual shinobi training, like kunai and shurikenjutsu. I could only do taijutsu because that's all I know. Shuriken and kunai are a bit too expensive to fit into my orphan budget. Civilians can't even get their hands on weapons, only ninja. Same goes for ninjutsu, they are restricted to shinobi only, unless you had a clan backing you.

Even if I could get my hands on some weapons, there are tons of safety precautions and directions I don't know. If you have no teacher, you probably won't learn how to swing a sword or kunai well. Practicing in the wrong form can cause muscle memory to prevent actually improving in the future.

Being an orphan had its benefits and its downfalls. I wouldn't really be surveyed by big-name people like Danzo or some of the clan heads, but I would not have people on my back. Actually, a few clans select a few children to come into the clan for an arranged marriage if they show promise in their studies and such, but I was not as lucky as those people. Even then, I don't want to be tied down by marriage at this age.

(A/N: What? Did you expect him to rant on about "the beauties of this world" and how he wants to ravage them and get a giant harem?? Ew, get out of here with that filth.)

Ending my internal monologue, I finally reached the physical section of the tests. There was a big sign labeled "2" and multiple circles of dirt where a few children were already duking it out.

Do parents bet on children here?

I will put some of the names of jutsu in their japanese versions but I'll give a translated version right after.

jojojajahelpcreators' thoughts
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