
Selena: Phropecy

As Venom send spy ( a venom type demon).It tells Venom that the halfels always visits the human world. The humans can sometimes visit the Halfelanh too.when the spy tells that to Venom.Venom created a plan, a plan to enter the Kingdom of Halfelanh.As he created a plan he tells the spy to shape shift like a human so you can tell me of what they are doing.As that happens you can tell me how to enter in that Kingdom.When the spy told Venom that the only way to enter the kingdom is to shape shift like a human thats the only way to enter the Kingdom.

Spy: They are building weapons they upgraded it with their power the weapon of Selena has been covered by her Abyssal protector that no one else can touch except for her.They upgraded their weapons for them to beat us.The only way to enter the Kingdom is to act like human by using our ability.The ability to shape shift.

Venom: hmmmm.if thats so, then get ready for the next feast in that day a war will begin.

When Selena faints, She saw the phropecy that a spy has entered the Kingdom as a result a war will happen when the 3rd feast of the demons will begin .When she saw the phropecy she immediately call her friends and the halfels to go in the human world,to find out who the spy is Selena set a trap,a trap that can make the spy be revealed.Selena creates an abyssal power that can make the spy faint into 24 hours as she put the abyssal power to the Kingdom and to the human world ,when someone reported that a human faints in the Halfelanh Selena put the fainted human in the felansah(the magical prison that no one can escape even the demons,this prison can make the demons who shape shifted to be revealed)when Selena knew that the human they've prisoned is a demon she dispatch him immediately so the demon cannot harm those halfels and humans who sorrounded by Selena.

For them not to be tricked again.Selena made a mark to those allies of her.A mark that no one else can see except for Selena.

When Venom Knew that Selena dispatched his spy he burst out in his anger he curse that he would kill Selena.