
You Ready?

🥀happy reading🥺🌹l

The party was well packed. Jade was turning three years today and all his parents could do was organize a party for him to make sure he gets entertained. All his uncles and aunts were invited. Both Dee and fern were invited. Some of his playgroup mates were also at the party so a lot of kids were all over the place making it noisy and no one wanted to disturb the children. Their parents were mingling here and there making it noisy too. There was a bouncing castle, a swimming pool with a shallow water end, and other lots of activities for children. Parents enjoyed being involved and seeing their children playing and enjoying everything that they were given.  

 Dee was still weighing her options of attending the party. She knew she can't miss Jade's birthday because he wants him there. At The same time she wondered if she is going to be there, will someone want to skin her alive? She was worried and at the same time convinced that it was okay to go in there and try to have fun with his little nephew. 

She decided to throw everything behind and walked with Dan to the party since they were all invited. Andreas was the chef and he was. Made sure that the meals served at the party were healthy and that nothing was poisoned. Dan walking beside Dee was happy that she had agreed to go to the party. Dee was carrying her present so bug. She didn't want it to get spoiled because Jade needed a toy car with him. He fancied cars when he sees one and she decided to get her one hell of a big car so that her nephew can drive it all over the place. She was the most spoiling aunt and Jade would love everything about her.

"I hope I am not going to fight anyone, I am tired and I don't want to fight anybody anyone at this time. I hope they are all going to concentrate on Jade today and not some misunderstanding between us."

Dan watched her and listened to her voice of despair. As much as she was matching with Dan to the party, she was afraid that maybe something bad might happen. It pained her that at this beautiful event, someone might be busy planning something funny for her. She didn't have any peace within her even though she was happily walking into the entrance.

"I will put an eye out for you. Don't worry, no one is going to put even a tip of their finger on you, not even their tip on your clothes. If I see someone, I will make sure they receive a very stinging slap. Don't worry, big brother is by your side!"

Dan knew how to cheer her up and she appreciated it. Though she didn't need him to punch someone in the face because that would be a very grave mistake to do. Instead, she asked him to make sure no one places something in her drink. That was enough for her to be safe. 

They walked into the party and Dee couldn't see anyone she didn't know, except for her sister Fern who was not in the midst holding Jake's hand as she always does while trying to cling to it.

Dee threw her glances here and there, Dominic was busy entertaining some guests on the ground. Talking to them like the good husband he is and trying to make them feel comfortable. Once he saw Dee walking through the door with a huge presence in her arms, he rushed in her direction and helped her with the present.

"Oh lawd, why did you get him this big car, he will spend all his time on it other than his studies, Dee."

Dee looked at Dominic complain about Jace and school yet he was just a three-year-old baby. She rolled her eyes because she couldn't believe that Dominic was trying to make Jade more focused on school than let him play and make hundred of mistakes in his life.

"Okay, get out of my way, I need the birthday boy, where is he at? Maybe he will appreciate this little present before you tie him down to something that he hates."

Both Dan and Dominic both chuckled as Dominic took the presents and placed them where all the other presents were. They were given a place to sit and drinks were offered. Dee was worried to take a drink, she kept staring at some drink over and over even though Dan gave. Her a brand new drink from the fridge. She has not even removed the cap to start sipping some little content from the bottle. She feared for her life and that bottle of soda in her hands. 

"Are you going to drink that or you are going to look at it and make us feel like you are trying to be creepy by just looking at the drink?"

"Oh, no, Dan, I was just thinking about  something, plus I am not that hungry I will take it sometimes later, maybe I can order something else."

Dan raised his brows and looked between her and the bottle. He picked up the bottle and took two quick gulps before giving it back to Dee. 

"Happy? I have drank it for you and look at me, there is nothing wrong with me, I am still standing here with nothing to fear. Take the drink."

Dee watched the way Dan was talking with a hint of annoyance and she felt sorry. She knew that Andreas always did a very good job with his catering team. She placed the bottle in her mouth and also drank the content without fear. Showing the empty bottle to Dan who was smiling back at her.

"I didn't mean to hurt you, Dan, I was trying ad much as I can to avoid food I'm this Party. As much it is a family  thing, I know anything can go wrong so I am taking all the precautions  that I can before things escalate."

Dan understood her. He assured her that she doesn't need anything to fear because it was normal for someone to be paranoid about something after going through hell with it. They went ahead and enjoyed some delicacies. Dan excused himself a bit to talk to his husband before coming back. Dee was left all alone. She had been searching for the presence of Claire but she has not seen her. She thought that maybe Claire decided to avoid her too. The fact that she was sitting in the seats outside and the important guest was inside the house or in some tents made it visible that she was not going to mix with the people she once called her family.

"Did you know that the videos didn't contain any evidence that we need Dee? We are on a dead end here, do you know if any way we can make sure that we get evidence?"

Dominic was sitting on the bench behind Dee. He didn't want to create attention by standing or sitting next to her. He knew Claire was going to get mad and start her little drama again. So he chose that idea to make sure that he was not noticed. On the other hand, he was playing with the kids who didn't want to go into the pool and this made it easy for them to talk.

"What are you trying to do sitting at that place? Do you know it's illegal and we might get in trouble with Claire for this?"

That was Dee's worry. She didn't care about the evidence, she just hoped that Claire won't jump out of nowhere and slit her throat because she was speaking to her husband. Maybe she will get the revenge she so long wanted. She was trying to avoid that. Placing the placed the mouth of a glass of juice on her lips. This was easy to hide what she doing. She decided to talk into the drink. She was lost and felt sad at the same time but she needed to clear the air with Dominic.

"Don't worry about her. That is your problem Dee, you always put other people's problems first before you look at yourself. No one is going to touch you when we are together. You have nothing to fear. Maybe you should be worried about the evidence."

Dee tried to digest whatever Dominic was talking about but she didn't have any answers. She knew very well that no one wanted her in this life. Claire already told her she can fucking die and when everyone looks at her, all they see is a gross, someone who is careless with her behaviors. Despite all she is going through, she is trying to maintain her sanity, which left Her a long time ago and the last nerve holding her in place is also threatening to cut loose.

She wanted to tell Dominic to focus on his life and his family. She didn't want any trouble with people again. To some extent she was making a deal with death, that anytime she would be visiting his door. She didn't know if it was wise to do what Claire said but she felt obliged when everyone hated her.

"I don't think it would be good for you to look into my life. You have a family that needs your attention. Maybe focus on them than thinking about me Dominic. I have no hope left in me, the only hope I have is the hope of darkness that is swallowing me, day by day, and the day I will be consumed fully, maybe it will be with a rope on my throat. I know I can't hold a knife to do that. A rope will be simple, easy maybe than slicing my throat with a knife."

Dominic was shocked by her words and thought that maybe she is. Hallucinating and nothing is going to happen. Though he made a reminder to himself to tell his wife about Dee's behavior. He couldn't understand why she would tell him to back off from their operation.

He stood up from his seat and walked over to his wife in the main room. Claire was busy looking through the window and had not seen Dee. 

"Did Dee come, Jade is asking for her? Maybe it will cheer him up to see her. He walked out of the pool when he didn't see her."

Dominic was in the room. He wanted to tell Claire that he just talked with Dee and he felt like she was suicidal but when he heard about Jade, he knew very well, Jade and Dee went along very well and it will be good to have him play with her. 

"she is sitting outside, for now, maybe you can take Jade to him or I can direct Jade, he knows his way around the house."

Claire nodded and handed Jade to his father who agreed to take him to his aunt who was all by herself on the bench and some of the kids who were tired to run around. Once Jade saw her, he shouted catching Dee's attention. Dee smiled looking at him and he came in running to Dee and she stood to hug him.  

"Mhh, how is the birthday boy? You do with swimming?"

Jade nodded and Dee sat him on the chair. They were busy talking about how cool the pool was and Jade enjoyed every moment of it. 

"Please, come see me play in the water, it's cool then we are going to shoot each other with a water gun."

Dee quickly nodded and followed him to the pool. She knew it was not that bad to at least spend some time with her nephew who was turning a yeast older and would love to have her around.

Sitting at the edge of the pool, Jade jumped into the water but Dee didn't have anything to worry about. She knew very well that the baby was very well at swimming. She watched him float easily back onto the water. She has to take several videos of Jade, jumping high from different angles to make some memories. She has been saving this memory for him and was planning to give them on his eighteenth birthday because he deserved them. He will never how childhood was like because she never got an opportunity to see what her childhood was like.

"They grow fast, look at him now, he can freely bounce in water, and jump from one point to another without worrying about anything. I like him, he is just a bright kid."

Dee looked to her side and Jake was sitting beside him watching Jade too. He shouted that he should try the butterfly style. Jade quickly jumped into the water and did just that as he was being cheered by his other playmate. He was a talented person in the swimming pool and no one could beat him. 

She was undecided on what to tell Jake. She has a lot going on in her head that the only thing she was doing was taking pictures while cheering on Jade to show his skills. 

Jake watched her lost in her thoughts, he was sad, he didn't know to make Dee smile again. He was looking at her taking several pictures and smiling at Jade every time he looked in her direction. Jake wanted to see the genuine smile back, he wanted Dee back, but the results he got today about the DNA freaked him out. He feared that they had done one very grave sin. He had been intimate with her sister and now there was no going back to that. Through the more he kept looking at Dee, the more he was inclined to think that the results were not logical. Plus they needed to get some of his hair to b sure that he was a true match to both Dee and him.

"I am sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you this way. I am so stupid that I didn't see anything apart from your happy life that I was jealous of it because I thought you were going to leave me and move on with your life like you don't care. I messed up and fucked Fern, I am sorry, I didn't mean for that to happen. She lied to me about everything. About her sickness, all this time she forcefully made herself vomit and the nurses were her friends. None of them was truthful to us. They just wanted to please Fern and to lie that she was sick so. They can go ahead and collect money from me and you."

Dee was moved but instead of saying anything, Jade walked up to them. He gave them guns, it was killing time. Dee wanted to leave the gun down and escape because she didn't h want to join hands with Jake together. That was too bad. The only thing he feared, was Jade would give him an angry look and he might be mad at her for days. She picked up the gun and Jake and she was in one team.  They were partners and Jade and the other kids were one team too. So Jake and Dee were fighting them. Dee had to remove her glasses and asked Dan to hold them because she only trusted him at this time. 

"Make sure you don't get shot at. If they shot you, you will be dead and I don't want to lose this to someone else."

Dee raised her brows at him and wondered what was wrong with him yet it was just a game to the kids. 

"You ready?"

Dee nodded and off they went.