
Secure. Contain. Protect. Dead By Daylight

Ghostface ends up in the SCP universe as an SCP, not remembering anything before waking up in a hallway. Ghostface must recover his lost memories, of course causing some chaos along the way, and maybe find out what exactly he’ll do once he does have his memories. If he can even do anything, the life of an SCP is difficult, but also unbelievably easy! (Warning! This is a M/M Ghostmyers fic! If you do not like then DONT. READ. If you do, then proceed as you were!)

DakotaInExile · Jeux vidéo
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11 Chs


Over the next few days, Danny's room was renovated, with some special design choices he sadly had no part in. They added an unnecessary amount of lights everywhere, almost to the point of making anyone who entered the room blind. Thankfully he had some protection with his mask, but even with that he had to squint from the blinding lights. When he asked them the reason for all the lights, they simply responded saying it was a precaution.

Danny understood it was to try and prevent him from leaving the chamber unprecedentedly through his fog. But he didn't mind, it would give him the ability to test more with what he can and can't do. Though he didn't know if his eyes would last, everyone who entered had to wear special glasses just so their eyes didn't burn.

It was definitely a bit extreme in Danny's opinion, he wondered if the cameras could even see through the bright rays. As he himself could hardly see anything that wasn't practically right in front of him, thankfully they eventually took out a few and toned down the remaining lights. They weren't nearly as bright, but they succeeded in removing every shadow in the room nonetheless.

Currently, Oscar was asking him to try and disappear into his fog. Danny glanced around the room a bit before fog started gathering around him, condensing and rising to block out the light around his feet as he easily sunk into it. Popping his head out, Danny looked at the other, smile concealed by his mask. Oscar came closer and crouched down to touch the fog, speaking as he did so.

"Do you mind if I—!?"

Ghostface had already grabbed his hand and pulled him in before he could finish his sentence. They fell into the darkness, the doctor was shivering ceaselessly as they floated. Danny grasped the others shoulders, almost pulling his hands back after feeling the biting cold that seeped through his gloves.

"Are you alright Doctor?" His tone was hesitant and worried.

"Y-Yes, I-It is v-very—" His teeth chattered as his body shivered violently.

Worry grew in the pit of Ghostface's stomach as he quickly pulled the other out. Laying him on the floor, he inspected the man's pale blue skin. Eyes widening as he quickly unclipped his coat and wrapped the man in it, frantically looking around for something to warm the other. The doors to his chamber opened and multiple guards and doctors rushed in, the doctors immediately rushed to check Dr. Kneel's condition as the guards warned Danny to back away.

"Is he alright?? I don't know what happened, he needs warmth." He stayed put and told the doctors.

They only nodded before lifting him up, Danny hesitated to grab his coat at first, but figured they might take samples of it if he left it with the other and decided against leaving it. He watched them leave, worry still gnawing at him to the point where it started making him feel sick. He paced back and forth a few times, tossing his coat carelessly as he walked around in circles. Crossing an arm over his chest as his other hand rested on the chin of his mask, gnawing at his bottom lip 'til he broke the skin and hot metallic red graced his tongue.

'What happened? Neither the Plague Doctor or Michael ended up like this. What's different? Is it because he's not an anomaly? Why was he so cold? Is he alright? He won't die will he??'

Danny grasped his head, shaking the worrying thoughts from it as he murmured comforting words to himself. 'Oscar's fine, he's probably coming to right now, covered in too many blankets and too many hot lights. Probably already questioning about Danny and worried about him worrying. He'll probably be back in here in ten minutes to reassure him and they'd talk casually and joke it off, the doctor might even bring another book for him to read and they'd discuss it for hours.'

'Yeah, he's fine. Fine, nice and warm, smile already on his face. Bright as the sun.'

It felt like hours had passed as Danny continued pacing, worries mixing with his muttered words of comfort. Making his words the exact opposite of comforting, when the door to his chamber eventually opened, he practically jumped at the person who entered. Pushing away his disappointment that it wasn't Oscar, he grabbed the others shoulders.

"Is the Doctor alright??" He didn't waste a single moment to ask.

The man was frozen in surprise and shock for a few moments, shaking himself from the daze, he glanced off somewhere behind the other before nodding. Danny visibly relaxed, tension he hadn't noticed seeped out of him.

"When will he be back? He isn't mad is he? I-I didn't know that would happen, he'll visit again right?"

The doctor held his hands up in front of himself, "I'm unsure at the moment, but no he is not mad, I will have to check with him when he will be well enough to visit." The doctor tried to calm the frantic man.

"Ah, of course. He might get sick from being so cold, he should rest a few days and keep warm. Yes, he shouldn't visit me until he's better." Danny nodded and pulled away from the other, returning to a calm state as he poured himself some tea. "Please let him know to take his time, one's health is more important than coming to visit."

The doctor nodded and took his leave, hesitant and worried as a sheen of sweat covered his forehead. Danny hadn't noticed, back turned as he tried to fill the pit in his stomach with tea.


Almost a week passed and the good doctor had still not visited, but Danny didn't fret, at least that's what he'd say. In truth, he was sleeplessly drowning in worry. Worried he'd scared the doctor off after the incident, worried the man truly did despise him. Because on the sixth day after the incident, a new doctor took Oscar's position. Danny had asked about the good doctor constantly, but was always met with either an excuse or a complete change in topic.

The first friend he'd made in this place no longer wanted to see him, he'd completely ruined everything. He'd pulled him into the fog without hesitation and the good doctor got hurt from it. His fault, his fault . This was awful, being actively avoided by Oscar, his friend. His hands itched, he wanted to kill, to kill the man for avoiding him, to kill absolutely anyone.

So he did, as the replacement doctor was ranting off questions. He grabbed his knife and pounced on the man, ripping him to shreds as he panted, breathless and unable to fill his lungs with enough oxygen. He sat on the corpse, stabbing limply at the tethers of his abdomen, seemingly stuck in a trance as he stared down at the man's wide eyed and open mouthed terror.

Guards surrounded him not long after the first stab, they shouted orders but Danny's ears were too full with the ringing screams of the man below him. Slow quiet giggles emerged from him, muffed by his mask as he gripped the doctor's shirt and slammed the knife into his forehead. The giggles faded as he pulled the knife out and fell into the darkness of his fog, he simply floated aimlessly. Letting himself calm down a bit before meandering through the fog, eventually falling from a ceiling onto something hard yet soft.

Danny registered a familiar grunt from under him, smiling, he lifted his head, turning it to the side to look at Michael.

"Sorry big guy, I kinda lost it for a moment. Had to get away from everything." He said but made no move to get up, instead choosing to bury his face into the other's side.

Michael grunted again, thankfully not making any move to sit or stand up.

"I think I killed my first friend….Oscar, he was the first doctor I met in here. He helped me a lot, and was nicer than a lot of the others here. I didn't mean to, I didn't know he'd basically freeze in my fog." He mumbled to the other, sniffling as he raised his head to look at the other. "Does that make me a bad friend? Bad person? I mean, you and the Plague Doctor didn't freeze, how was I supposed to know?"

Michael tilted his head, finally sitting up as he shook his head and signed.

*You're not bad, you didn't know. Don't be sad.*

Danny smiled and tilted his head at the other, "Thanks Mikey, you're great with your words, or well. Signs." He chuckled as the other shook his head and rolled his eyes.

*Dummy, I shouldn't have to tell you that.*

Danny sat up and nodded. "Yes you should."

Michael huffed as the other suddenly embraced him in a hug, the large man didn't know what to do. Hesitantly wrapping his arms around the other, they stayed like that for quite a while. Surprisingly comfortable despite the position and hesitation moments ago, Danny was the first to pull away, moving to sit beside the other as he wrapped his arms around the other's larger one. Clinging to him happily, Michael stood up suddenly and Danny almost fell. Having to move and instead cling to the other's body, the man huffed as he walked around and did whatever. Ghostface was simply content pressed to the others' side, enjoying the surprising warmth and interested by the lacking heartbeat.

Eventually, the doors to the containment chamber opened and multiple guards entered. Pointing guns at the two as they ordered Danny to let go and step away from Michael, to which Danny activated Night Shroud for the both of them just in case any of the guards have a twitchy trigger finger. Not that it seemed to matter to Michael, but he doubted the man really wanted to restitch his overalls again.

The guards shouted again, and much to everyone's surprise. Michael wrapped a hand around Danny, turning so he wasn't in direct view of them. Said man cooed at the action, rubbing his head against the other like a cat. He took in all the attention and protection the other gave, happy for it all. The guards watched the spectacle in confusion as they glanced at each other before the presumed leader ordered everyone to leave. So they did, closing the door behind them as the two were left alone once again. Well, besides the cameras and people watching from behind the glass.

Michael glanced down at Danny, a familiar something glinting in his eyes as Danny smiled and giggled. Fog covering the room, blocking view from the glass and cameras. He pulled his mask off and properly nudged his head into the other.

"Thanks Mikey, my hero ." He cooed, noting the blush dusting the others' collar. 'Hm, I wonder how far that blush goes?' Danny hugged Michael tighter as the other moved to his bed.

Repositioning himself and Danny before laying down and wrapping his hands protectively around the other. He pulled the blanket up to cover the entirety of the smaller man, Danny hummed pleasantly as he buried his face into the other's chest shamelessly. Starting to drift off as Michael drew absentmindedly on his back, Danny was more than a bit frustrated at his coat for blocking most of the contact. But too tired to do anything about it, he simply enjoyed the other's warmth and company.