
Secrets: The Beginning

Skye finds herself in the middle of a police investigation after her husband's accident. More twists makes her question who her husband really is. Investigations continue, as she struggles to keep her secret hidden. It turns out there's more to her husband's accident than she realizes. She's not the only one with something to hide. The lines of morality and loyalty are crossed as she meets the dashing Randall, a businessman who allegedly has a hand in alot of illegal activities.

JaceAlto · Urbain
Pas assez d’évaluations
17 Chs

Chapter 14


After meeting Randall at his office early this morning explaining what happened at the house with Jack, I remained at the bakery all day as usual.

I drove straight home picking up Chinese on the way. As soon as I walked in and dropped my handbag I saw Jack sitting on a couch.

"What are you doing here Jack?"

"I still have a key remember?" he took menacing steps towards me and I was grabbed roughly

"I never thought I was married to a whore. Is that why you asked for a divorce? Answer me!" He threw me to the floor "Who would have thought you'd end up sleeping with my boss's friend"

I refused to answer him in confusion as I tried scampering away but grabbed by him again. "Let go of me" I whimpered

"Not so feisty now are we?" He mocked "is this because I haven't been giving you attention sweetie?" His hands were on my neck choking me now "I could kill you right now"

I scanned the room looking for something to defend myself with, only my handbag was in close range and I swung it at his head making him release me and take a step back. Jack was barely a hair's breadth and I took my chance kneeing him in the groin. He groaned in pain and pushed me to the floor again. I dashed for the door but was rewarded with hands in my hair pulling me backwards

"You stupid bitch" he roared

I grabbed my bag and tried hitting him but it was tossed away.

"You're gonna regret that" he spat and yanked my hair making me scream "Shut up!" he shouted

Just then our door was kicked in, two men in uniform coming in "Let her go. Put your hands where I can see them" one of the officers yelled

Jack released his grip on my hair and the other cop handcuffed him, taking him outside.

"Are you okay ma'am?" The first cop asked offering me a hand

I nodded slightly and took his hand standing up. I was shaking, my hands touched my neck still feeling like I was being choked.

"How did you-"

"A worried neighbor called ma'am, said she heard noises, insisted we come over right away." He paused "Has this happened before?"

I hesitantly shook my head "I asked for a divorce, probably why he's so mad"

Jack was taken to the station while I remained home suddenly uncomfortable with the idea of being alone. An hour later, I heard urgent knocking at the door, I opened to see Randall looking upset.

"What are you doing here?" I asked

He rushed in holding me and looking me over

"Did he hurt you?"

I was still stunned and remained silent

"Did he hurt you Skye!?" his voice elevated

"I'm fine" I replied tryin to brush it away when his gaze went to my neck. He lifted my chin, touching the slight bruise where Jack had tried choking me.

"That asshole will be in a cell for a week" he fumed

"How did you find out?"

Randall sighed, smoothing my hair "I have my sources" he said softly before letting me go

"You're stalking me?" I exclaimed taking a step back

"No." He reduced the space between us

I looked down knowing I couldn't let myself get lost in his eyes. "I don't even know who called the cops" I turned my back to him

"Does it matter?"

"Of course it does Randall. If they hadn't showed up I would've been-"

"No! Don't say that" he breathed out "if it makes you feel better, I think it was someone called Camille, I'm not sure"

I spun round in shock, my eyes widened in surprise "Camille called them? We're three or four houses apart. How could she know?"

"Beats me, as long as you're okay. She a friend of yours?" He asked

I frowned at the mention of us being friends "She's ....she.. she and Jack were.." I trailed off

"His mistress" Randall said simply

"I don't know if a married woman should be called mistress but yes. They've been having an affair"

"Strange that she'd call the cops on her lover don't you think?"

"I guess. Unless they had a fight of some sort"

Randall hummed in response looking around the house "You'll stay here tonight?"

"Not sure. I don't wanna be alone" I admitted " I might go to a friends"

"I have a place" he blurted out

"I'm not sure if that's appropriate and I don't wanna cause any inconvenience"

"No trouble at all. It's one of my private houses, it's safe. And there's a lot of room for two people. Even if we were four. It'll still be enough"

I stared at him in wonder. Why the hell was he acting so nice. Wasn't he supposed to be a scary dangerous man who worked in the shadows?

I accepted his offer and we were headed to the house.

Randall's private house turned out to be a penthouse.

Thankfully he gave me a room of my own and privacy after his chef made us dinner. I didn't trust myself around him.

I was up early the next morning making coffee in the kitchen when I heard Randall come in.

"Coffee?" I asked

"Yes please" he smiled

We sat in silence for a while drinking our coffee before he spoke again "My driver could take you to your bakery"

"I think I'd head home first. My car"

"I could have someone bring it to you" he offered

I nodded in response as Randall rose adjusting his tie "You can stay here as long as you like"

"No please, you've done enough and I appreciate it" I gasped

He chuckled "I haven't done anything yet Skye" he handed me the keys to the penthouse leaving no room for argument

"There's something I need to tell you" a shiver ran down my spine.

"You can tell me at dinner tonight" he smiled "I have to go. I've got an urgent meeting"

"Okay. See you then"

Randall's driver Darren, took me to the bakery when I was done with breakfast.

I got a surprise visit from Amy later in the day, right after my car was brought to me. She heard Jack got arrested for assault and bailed was denied. I was drilled with questions from her, I did my best narrating the story doing my best to leave Randall out of it.

"I don't know what you've been up to Skye but be careful, I don't want you getting in trouble because you're hanging out with Randall Bailey. You know he's dangerous" she raised brow

She must have read my reaction because she continued "you thought I wouldn't know? I'm your friend, and I'm also lawyer who's damn good at her job don't underestimate me."

"Everything is under control" I said stiffly

"Is it? Look, knowing you, you'd still do what you want. Just don't involve yourself in shit you can't get out of. Men like Randall Bailey are manipulative and dangerous"

I nodded my head "Thanks Amy"

"So, I got a call from Jack's lawyer, I think he might sign the papers soon, he'll probably make adjustments but we can handle it" she took a bit of her cake "I just wanted to make sure you were okay. Jack's an asshole"

In the evening I decided to go by the house and pick up a few things, and was about leaving. I saw Camille coming towards me, part of me still resented her but I was grateful she called the cops.

"Skye" I've never heard Camille speak so meekly before "Are you okay?"

"Yeah. Lucky for me, thank you" I paused "I know it was you that called the cops. You saved me"

"I couldn't let him hurt anyone else. I didn't know what to do, I was on my way to your place when I heard the noise" she hugged herself avoiding my gaze

"Camille...what did he do to you?" I couldn't help but notice the fear in her eyes

"Nothing." Tears welled up in her eyes "I have to go. I'm glad you're okay" she said before running off.