
Love is painful, but it is my only meaning

'Love is a beautiful thing, it brings new meaning to your life. But it can be poisonous to some.' I don't exactly know how the quote goes but there are bound to be some similarities between what I said and the original.

Yes, love is a beautiful thing, it makes you view life in a whole new way. Life looks a little brighter, and even the smallest problems, or inconveniences, seem too small to even care for. You can only see the good things in the other person, you only need to hear their honeycombed words, and only even their smallest gestures send you over the moon. Just hearing their voices makes you replay it over and over, pictures of them send you jumping up and down in impish joy.

But it's not like you're completely free from all the pains in life once you're in love. No, the pain and sadness can grow stronger and can be caused by even the slightest spill. Sometimes that same love that gave you all the energy before, turns against you and begins to eat away at you. It consumes your life, your time, your mental being, and your emotional state. Eventually, you found yourself drowning in that very same pure pure-hearted feeling.

Just from the most minor things they say, your world can either be in full bloom, with fireworks or hearts everywhere. Or it can come crashing down, falling apart brick by brick, feeling by feeling, tear by tear.

So you may ask, why even risk it? Why try love? Why let yourself get swept away in such a dangerous feeling?

Trust me I also ask myself that same question, as I'm sure many of you do as well. The thing is, and I'm sure you've heard it as well, you can't choose when or how you'll fall. It kind of just happens. Sure we can take precautions to make it not happen, we can try to limit or even prevent ourselves from feeling any emotions, but love is something that slips through our defenses and burrows itself deep within ourselves. It always finds us in one way or another, never giving us a chance from the start.

I know this from first-hand experience and it's something I'm still experiencing. Heartache is something I'm infected with and I can't get rid of it. I feel pain all day whenever I think about them and me not being next to them. I feel all my insecurities surge and flood over me the moment they're not there to let me forget about them. I feel emotions I've never had the pleasure of experiencing before, especially not toward another person. Maybe for video games, books, comics, and some other small hobbies, sure.

But I've never felt this many emotions for one person before; pain, sorrow, love, happiness, longing, desire, comfort, etc. The list goes on and on. To sum up, I'm infected with heartache and can't get rid of it, but I also don't want to get rid of it. I finally feel human.

To be clear, I'm not saying that everyone else who doesn't feel the same way is not human; but I truly think I've finally discovered a hidden part of myself. The part of me that makes me special, and unique compared to everyone else.

Now I know what you're thinking, "That's great and all, and good for you? I guess? But who even is this horrendously down narrator? He down bad bad!" And you aren't wrong! I also agree! Trust me, I was not always like this! Neither did I want to be like this, but that's just how things turned out.

As to who I am, well… I am in fact… Drum roll, please…

*Queue the drums*

I am your MC for this story! And as you've probably read from the title, I am the second-male lead of this story and this is going to be the view of the story from my perspective.

But for you to truly understand what this story is going to be like and to set the theme for it, I'm going to need to give y'all a little background into how I first fell.

Don't worry I didn't forget that I still haven't introduced myself, I promise I'm getting to that. Just know that to understand my significance we're going to go through a little bit of exposition before we get there. Don't worry, I'll be quick about it. You won't even notice it over the number of times you'll probably just refer to me as the 'mc that's down horrendously'.

Hopefully not, but in all honesty, you probably will.

Anyways, I am down bad. I'm down horrendous. It's the best and worst part. Now I know it sounds terrible to say best, but hear me out before you make that disgusted look on your face and already make your opinion about me. It is quite a feat to make someone feel this way and also quite impressive that I can be so devoted to someone; who may or may not reciprocate the feeling, a small detail but who cares :_(.

But that's just a small introduction of just me, we still need to set up the whole stage for the true star couple. Yes, it pains me to say but as the title implies, and as I've already said, I am the second-male lead, and if you know anything about second-male leads, is that they don't have a habit of winning… like ever… Ever.

But anyways, I'm just like all the other second-male leads from your favorite romantic drama or rom-com. You know, the one who's interested in the heroine or hero. The one with strong devotion, but not to a yandere level (... sometimes). The one who's always there at the drop of a hat when our love interest needs a shoulder to cry on or a little reassurance. You know, the one who is somehow… some fucking how always late at the most crucial times.

Fuck, even remembering it is making me mad. But anyways, that's beside the point. To sum it all up, the second-male lead (me) is one of the main characters (usually the foil one) who in some way or another pales in comparison to the 1st male lead or female lead, depending on what you read. All of that's me, I'm not proud of the title, but I am proud of these feelings.

I'm the second-male lead and this is my perspective…

In all honesty, I've never written this type of genre before. So, bear with me. But I'll still try to make it as serious, tragic, and comedic as I possibly can. ;)

I'm still working on making the final touches to the story itself, a good part of the story is planned out already, but let me know if you think there's anything that can be done to improve it. Any suggestions are always appreciated.

Lesser_Deercreators' thoughts
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