
Second Chance || Harry Potter and Percy Jackson

Female Harry Potter or OC Morgana Eirene Potter. The Girl Who Lived. The Golden Child, etc. She hid under these titles for years from the moment she was born. She was more dangerous than the current dark lord. Was the older brother of a certain greatest wizard that ever lived. Was the lover of a certain ancient King of Sweden and Germany. She's the current mistress of Death and Light. The one ending the feud between light and dark. She used her second chance wisely

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6 Chs

Chapter 5

She woke up, knowing it was 4 in the morning, it was a routine for her. she got up from her bed and walked to the bathroom, effortlessly not waking up her roommates. She took a quick shower, dazedly at her scars for a moment before putting on the glamour again and putting on her uniform.

She came out of the bathroom and looked at herself in the mirror, sighing in an almost defeated tone. Her hair is like a bird's nest, a literal bird's nest. She took a comb and patiently brushed her hair, ignoring the soft chuckle she heard underneath the cloth on a portrait.

After a while, she put the comb down and walked out of her dorm with her leather school bag that had been enchanted with expanse charm and feather-light charm, along with her annoying brother's portrait. She was done with her hair today, she knew she had at least spent an hour combing her hair. Her hair now is a bit tamed but still repelled gravity.

She got to the common room to see a chubby boy, round-faced, and had blond hair, he was probably around 5'2 as he looked taller than her. His blue eyes held a fascination and care for the plant in front of him -which she recognized the plant as Asphodel.

She stood far away from him, feeling the uneasiness rolling off him. "Hello."

The boy flinched and turned around so fast that she swore the boy had neck pain the next minute. He looked scared and must be probably must suffering from Trauma Stress Disorder judging from his action.

"he-he my n-name is Neville Longbottom, it's nice to meet you" she give him a warm smile and took a step closer, so the boy wouldn't be too wary.

"My name is Morgana Potter, nice to meet you." she gave him a warm chuckle

The girl in front of him chuckled softly, the sound was melodic and somehow soothing to hear. The moment he laid his eyes on her, he felt a connection between them even though he can't pinpoint what kind of connection is it. She looked about 8 years old but he knew she must be badly malnourished to the fact her height is like that of an eight years old, but it only made her look adorable, he absolutely can't handle cute things. Her hair was presumably combed many times but he can still see some strands sticking out.

"Do... y, you usually wake up this early?" she looked up at him with wide eyes before another chuckle came from her. So soothing...

She nodded with a slight smile, "usually, do you perhaps like herbology?" he nodded, he was sure his eyes shone with knowledge and happiness, and she seemed to smile brighter than before. Just like the sun, so sunny.

He and Morgana talked for a moment about magical plants that he was sure he had given her lectures about each of them too passionately, by the reaction she had given him. Looking up at him like a big brother, looking curious and cute! "Can I..." he knew he was requesting something but he can't help it when he saw her hair.

She looked at him cutely with curiosity, so he just pointed at her hair. She looked at her hair and seemed to realize that her hair has once again defined the law of the world called gravity. She nodded and took off the band, making the hair dapped over her shoulder and reached her waist. She sat near the fireplace with her back to him, completely trusting him. He had to suppress a frown that was threatening to come on his face. She seemed too vulnerable, so innocent. So easy to trust someone, it just made him want to protect her for eternity.

He sat down behind her and started to untangle some tangles before he started to braid, thick french braid to be exact. He thought a braid would hold the hair down and it would look good on her. He continued braiding while waiting for Morgana to say something.

"Pardon me if I'm wrong," he glanced at her eyes, which shone with curiosity and somewhat recognition. "I think you're my brother?"

"Huh?" His hand stilled with confusion evident in his stiff body and eyes. She looked at him from the corner of her eyes, his hand went back to braiding subconsciously. "Why do think so, miss Potter?"

He just finished braiding and tied it with a green silk ribbon he found on the floor, do not question him where.

Morgana turned to look at him with a smile. "I remembered Mrs. Longbottom was my godmother, making you my big brother. Won't it be?"

Neville stared at her with wide eyes, she frowned as she watched a single tear flowed out of his eyes before more kept on pouring out. Now, she doesn't know what to do. "N, Neville... What!"

She was taken by surprise when she was hugged tightly by the taller boy, she knew she was stiff but she relaxed when she felt her robe where his head is on is slightly wet. She caressed the boy's back gently, not wanting to startle the boy more than he already it. 'Is it a good idea to do it like this?'

After a while, Neville steadied himself and looked at Morgana with a wide smile. It was full of happiness. The happiest she saw him from afar from the great hall to now. It was a beautiful smile.

"You should smile more." The boy immediately blushed, before he covered his face with his hands. She can't help but giggle at the cute reaction.

"L, let's go to the great hall." He stood up and she took the offered hand, their bags slang on both of his shoulders.

She smiled at Neville before realizing something. "Wait, lets me go get Sapphire." and ran off to her dorm.

Neville watched as Morgana disappeared and appeared back with a white lazy kitten in her arms. It blinked its eyes lazy and purred softly when Morgana tickled it.

He watched in amusement and was a bit jealous when her attention wasn't on him but the kitten. "where do you get it? Seem to be young."

She looked up at him with her wide eyes and smiled. "The Magical Menagerie. She's a newborn and her mother died right after she had given birth. The shop owner was a bit skeptical about me getting her." she chuckled softly at a seemingly fond memory.

"Why so?" he walked up to the kitten and tried to pet it. A flash of white pure flashed almost immediately at his hands, he took a step back instantly. "You know what. I don't think you need to answer."

Morgana laughed at him while the cat and he are having a staring competition. He had to resist the urge to roll his eyes.

"Sapphire, this is my brother. Don't be hostile, okay?" the cat looked at its master before shifting its cat gaze to him and turning around.

Neville sighed in defeat and Morgana had another laugh, fondly stroking the -sassy- cat.

"let's get going." she nodded and walked alongside Neville to the great hall for breakfast.

They had some occasional small talks about herbs, magical plants, favorite subjects, and many more. They sat down on the Gryffindor table, Neville took it upon himself to have a bacon sandwich and a glass of pumpkin juice while Morgana have toast and a glass of milk. (she needed milk.)

From the corner of her eyes, she saw several Ravenclaws already up with their heads buried in the books they held, a few Hufflepuffs were half asleep, and two Gryffindors whispering about. 'Are they also Weasleys? Ron did say something about having a twin brother.'


"Hmm?" She looked at Neville, he looked worried and pointed at her hands. She looked down to see not even a half-eaten toast. 'Ah... He's worried.'

"I'm not hungry." Neville nodded at her short statement, not questioning any longer -which is something Morgana was grateful for. "By the way, are they Weasleys?"

He turned his head to the direction Morgana had pointed but he shook his head. "I don't know."

"Oh..." She silently ate her breakfast before deciding she was full and drank about half of the glass of milk, before giving the rest to Sapphire. The kitten licked the milk cautiously before drinking some more.

"You have some nice cat there, Miss Potter." She and Neville looked up surprised to see the twin sitting in front of them.

Neville let out a yelp and almost threw his bowl of cereal but he held onto Morgana's robe instead, afraid of falling backward. Morgana put her hand over her racing heart, getting a heart attack is tempting in the situation.

"Please don't scare us like that, Ron's brothers." She breathed out and managed to calm her racing heart. She glared at the twin softly, but the underlining mirth was still seen in her eyes.

The twin grinned widely, "sorry, milady. We don't realize you guys were Ronnie's friends."

Morgana had to reframe from rolling her eyes at the way they addressed her, a giggle escaping her lips. Neville quirked an eyebrow at them for the way they speak. Really weird and somehow... fitting in his option.

"Aww! So cute!" The twin cooed at Morgana for giggling, a blush was seen on her already rosy cheeks. 'She's so cute!'

"I'm George, I'm Fred. Nice to meet you!" She let out a knowing smirk, while she let Neville introduce himself.

Fred and George turned to the girl who lived, the one they were at the great hall yesterday during the sorting ceremony. They were curious as to why she was quiet with that smirk, the kind of smirk that brought them uneasiness.

She lifted her slender finger and pointed at George, "so you're George," she turned her finger to Fred, "and you're Fred."

They were shocked out of their mind. No one had figured them out for a long time, even in their birth for hell's sake! They looked at each other, "I think we been played, brother." George nodded, "Do believe you're right, brother."

After a moment, a grin made it to their faces. They stood up, hooked each other arms, and spun around very fast. They stopped after they deemed it was enough of spinning about. "Now that you know who is who. Who are we?"

Morgana turned to her cousin, "Who do you think is Fred, and who is George, Neville?"

Neville's eyes go wide as he fumbled with his robes. "The one on the right is G, Fred? And the one on the left is George?"

Fred and George grinned but Morgana shook her head from side to side.

She pointed at the one on the right, "he's George, and," she pointed to the one on the left, "he's Fred." She watched as the twins' duo looked at her in shock, turning to look at each other before turning to her.

"How do you know?!" Morgana shrugged while letting Sapphire lick on her finger.

"George has a mole on the right side of your neck, while you Fred," her gaze flicked toward Fred as if she had figured out all of their secrets," have a slightly deeper voice. Even if you hide your mole, I still can recognize the two of you."

The once innocent-looking girl now looked like a lady that played with human lives. Her finger dancing around the rim of the glass was like a marionette playing with the strings of the puppets. The image engraved in their mind made the three of them shiver.

Morgana ignored her friends and turned her attention to the man with the turban on his head. Once again, she saw a flash of red in the man's eyes but it went away as it come. She flashed a smile at the Defense professor and turned to talk to her friends.

Voldemort noticed the girl who was supposed to kill him had smiled at him. An eerie smile, one that brimmed with innocent but also mischief.

'What does that brat want?'

He can't help but wonder if it's a good idea to negotiate with the girl for once.

"Thank you, Professor." Morgana smiled at the head of her house earning a small but noticeable smile from the said Transfiguration professor.

As the professor turned back to handing out timetables for her housemates, she turned to look at hers. 'Hm? Why does Gryffindor have so many classes with Slytherin? I remember the two of them would fight if luck have given them.'

She shook her head dismissively and stood up from the table, her friends followed shortly after. Along the way, she saw Lavender and Parvati sitting at the end table talking to each other. She turned to see Hermione already getting along with her group.

Morgana smiled, a feeling nostalgic took her by surprise.