
Second Chance || Harry Potter and Percy Jackson

Female Harry Potter or OC Morgana Eirene Potter. The Girl Who Lived. The Golden Child, etc. She hid under these titles for years from the moment she was born. She was more dangerous than the current dark lord. Was the older brother of a certain greatest wizard that ever lived. Was the lover of a certain ancient King of Sweden and Germany. She's the current mistress of Death and Light. The one ending the feud between light and dark. She used her second chance wisely

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6 Chs

Chapter 2

They entered Gringott; the wizarding bank in Diagon Ally. They walked up to the large desk and Morgana greeted them before Hagrid got to talk.

"May your gold overflow. My name is Morgana Potter." She bowed slightly with her hands behind her back.

She saw from the corner of her eyes that the goblin teller was mildly surprised along with Hagrid. The goblin composed himself after a while and nodded his head in the Goblin way of greeting. "And your enemy cover over your feet. My name is Griphook, what may I do for you?"

Morgana lifted her head to look Griphook in the eyes. "I would like to withdraw some money from my family's vault."

Griphook nodded and reached his hand out, "do you have your key, Miss Potter?"

She nodded and lifted her head higher to the stilled Hagrid and tucked his sleeves gently. "Hagrid, where is my key? I need it to get some money."

Hagrid seemed to snap out of his trance and fumbled to get the key from his overlarge pocket, and handed it to her. She handed it to Griphook who nodded.

"Follow me." They followed Griphook to an old mining cart system and hopped in. After a long fun ride, they reached the Potter Vault and Griphook does something to it before the vault door opened.

Morgana took out a back and take some money out before she remembered something. She turned to look at Hagrid and smiled tooth fully. "Hagrid, do you have anything to do? I know I'll be here for a while."

Hagrid's eyes seemed to brighten in remembrance and nodded. "I need to get something out." He turned to Griphook and took out a letter, the goblin inspected it and nodded back.

"I will send another goblin to you, Miss Potter." Griphook hopped into the cart.

"If I may, I want to see Ragnok for my next stop." She can see Griphook's eyes widen before nodded and bowed his head slightly.

Hagrid was confused by the conversation but he didn't say anything and go with Griphook to the next location. He looked back and saw Morgana waving at him and he waved back, relief flooded him.

"I assume you know where to take me, Ragnok?" Her head turned to see the goblin with not-so-goblin looks.

He was taller than a normal goblin with his black curly hair stayed unruly as always and wore a three-piece suit. His obsidian iris was like a pool of black ink, gazing at her with curiosity and recognition. "A pleasure to see you again, I do hope you won't be referring to your vault?"

The Heiress Potter chuckled with amusement. "Likewise, Ragnok." She tilted slightly, "you seemed to be the same as always, I do hope your wife won't need to clean your hair?"

The goblin sneered immediately after hearing such an innocent insult. "May I know which vaults is it that you wished to see?"

Morgana smiled brighter than ever, "my dear younger brother... Merlin Emrys."

Ragnok snapped his finger after hearing a such chilling voice coming from eleven year old. He did not shudder in fear and anxiety. He looked up at the mining ceiling and sighed through his mouth.

'I'm gonna have a torturous Young Mistress in hand.'

Morgana groaned as she cursed Ragnok in her mind. She stood up and brushed the dust off her hand-me-down clothes, and looked around with a smile. "Hello, my dear brother~"

A portrait of a man in his 60s with white hair and blue eyes turned toward her and had almost an accusing expression. "I don't remember having a sister with black hair and deep green eyes."

Morgana smiled slightly even after the accusation. "The language of the dragon will always be the one we understand. Dragon is the real ruler of magic and the mother of the dragon made the ultimate rule in the Wizarding World and mortal world."

The rough and familiar language rang into the man's ear and a sudden nostalgic feeling overwhelmed him. "Y-Yan... is that you? Why are you a girl?! H-how..."

Morgana chuckled when he seemed to finally remembered who she is. She smiled genuinely for the first time in her second life. "I am reborn, Lin. I go by the name Morgana Eirene Potter Black now."

Merlin sputtered. "Morgana?! What the fuck is with your parent naming after that priestess?!"

Morgana rolled her eyes, "Hey! It sounds nice, don't you insult Morgana. You can call me Morgan if you are confused." she ignored her brother's complaints and took the portrait off the wall and put it into her bag, not before saying goodbye of course.

She wondered around while thinking to herself. She knew her brother had cried when she died. They knew they would have cried when she died. She knew something is wrong the moment she was reborn. However, she didn't fully know why she was reborn. She was grateful to whoever made it that way. She doesn't know how to confront her brother, so she resorted to putting him in her bag first before she had something in mind to say. She wasn't that good at emotional support and she knew it was one of her flaws. The flaws that she who in her last life made them loved her more than needed.

"Yan! Take your wand and stuff!!! It's in the black box on the desk!!!" she raised her brow when she heard her brother shout from the pouch. She knew her brother had done something to the pouch as he was able to voice out what he wanted to say. She wonder if a portrait had magic.

Just as her brother said, she walked to the corner and inner place of the vault and found a black box with rune magic on it. She raised her brow again after recognizing the imprint on the box, she placed her finger on the center and moved to the left before her finger traced the correct pattern. The box opened immediately and showed a beautiful wand laid on a cloak, and beautiful earrings laid near it.

She took the earring first; it was a black butterfly pendant with holden chains that would hang from her helix to the lobe on the right ear and the left one also had a black butterfly pendant with the golden chain hanging around. Then the wand; the wand was 11½ long made of pine and fir infusing together and held by the vine wrapped around it. The pine and fir wood was coated in dark phoenix tears on the night of the full moon making it darker than black and the vine around the handle was coated in gold as it have her blood running through it. The liquid core was as mentioned; dark phoenix tears and her blood. The solid core was Thestral tail hair, Dementor Cloak, and finally dark phoenix feather.

She twirled the slender wand in her hand and smiled again softly when she felt the familiar magic come to her. It was the wand she used in her last life, and it would her only wand. Her eyes glimmered with mirth and black seemed to swirl within the beautiful emerald orbs before they settle down. Finally, her hand laid on the soft fabric of the silk black cloak that she knew who it belong to.

She folded the cloak and put it into the pouch and the wand was just as her hair stick -just like she used to do- before stepping out of the vault. Ragnok grinned with his onyx shining with glee. She hopped into the cart with him and arrived back at the top of the bank with Hagrid waiting at the entrance of Gringott.

"Let's go, Hagrid. I can't wait!" The excitement in her voice wasn't fake like before. She was practically bubbling with excitement and glee.

Her first stop was obviously 'Madam Malkin's robe for all Occasions' she turned to Hagrid with a smile. "While I do this, you can go get me an owl. I'm not familiar with animals." Hagrid seemed excited and nodded and turned around to the animal shop -which may be the owl shop name 'Eeylops Owl Emporium.'

As she went in, Madam Malkin quickly greeted her as she measured a blond kid also about to go to Hogwarts if she guessed right. "Hello dearest, how may I help you?"

Morgana smiled, "I'm here to get robes for my first year in Hogwarts. Along with a whole new wardrobe, if possible." She saw how Madam Malkin went still for a second before her eyes lid up with glee.

She immediately ushered her to another side of the shop and measured her using magic. They took a while to pick out some different kinds of clothes that she pointed out. Who knew she actually like fashion? She herself also didn't know that. She sit on one of the pedestals waiting with the same blondie but she was able to see him better.

He had a pair of grayish-blue eyes complimenting his pale complexion and his platinum hair. She had a smile on her face seeing the familiarity of the gene. "Hmm... eyes that seemed to be the color of silver but the depth of blue is visible. I bet you got a lot of compliments for your lovely eyes."

He looked at the mirror and we stared at each other for a while. "Are you perhaps talking to me?" Ah... the Malfoy's politeness is still there.

Morgana simply nodded and saw a hint of redness on the pale cheeks. "Thank you.... but I didn't get a lot of genuine compliments due to my status."

She tilted her head slightly, "If you like, may I know what kind of status?"

He turned his head to her and looked at her dead in the eyes, her eyes reflected mirth, and a ghost-like smirk graced her face but the blond didn't seem to see it. "You can't be serious. Are you sure you don't know who am I?"

'No... I know which family you belong to.' She shook her head while musing inside. "We haven't even introduced ourselves. It's common not to know about such things."

The boy hid his expression well behind his mask but she can sense humor and surprise radiant off him due to his magic. He stood up and gently took her hand and kissed the air above her knuckle. "My name is Draco Lucius Malfoy. Heir of the most noble and ancient family of Malfoy."

She nodded slightly with an indescribable glint in her eyes. "My name is Morgana Eirene Potter Black. Heiress of Potter and Black. A pleasure to meet you, Heir Malfoy."

The Malfoy Heir went still for a moment. "Didn't expect to see you here, Heir Potter Black." The shock was evident in his voice but Morgana didn't voice it out.

"Miss Potter, please sign this here and the things you buy will be sent to your house." Morgana retracted her hand and took the quill, signing her name. "Thank you, Madam Malkin."

The shop owner smiled brightly before going to greet another customer. She was gleeful to say at least.

Morgana turned her attention back to the Malfoy Heir. "I wouldn't be surprised if you end up in Slytherin... just like your ancestor..."

It seemed Draco caught on to the first sentence as he looked up with a proud look. "Of course! Our ancestors all end up in Slytherin ever we remembered."

"What will you be at, Potter?" This Malfoy was a curious ferret. Morgana made a wonder expression before shrugging and walking to the door.

"Slytherin or perhaps Ravenclaw... who knows?" And... she was out of the boy's sight as she blend into the surrounding.

She walked leisurely to the wand shop while ignoring the looks she received. She knew she looked like a kid about 9 but that didn't mean she was nearly 100 years old mentally. Sighing inwardly, she stopped in front of 'Olivanders Maker of Fine Wands' with mixed feelings.

She was contemplating whatever should she go in or not as she already have her wand. She shook her head slightly, 'At least I can have a second wand for school.'

Morgana walked into the shop that smelled of dust, old wood, and magic swirling everywhere within the confinement. The colors, feelings. And shapes were all different and unique in their way in the air. She welcomed the magic within the place while spreading her magic. She could practically feel the roughness of the woods, the voice of the magical creatures that gave the cores, and the magic tasted of them as well. She stood in her place for a while with a small smile on her face as she felt tucked.

"Curious... curious... curious indeed." The shop owner; Olivander smiled at her knowingly. He seemed to be standing behind the counter for a while now. The ward must have alerted him that someone is there while he being the back of the shop.

"Ah..." Morgana was embarrassed, she completely forgot there was actually a ward around the shop as she didn't feel any when she passed by some shops.

"Well, I believe you came here for the wand to choose you?" She nodded slightly as he seemed to be more excited. "Sorry to announce this, but you need to do the choosing. After all, every single of my wands just accepts you as their partner!" Olivander's smile was stretched to a shit-eating grin.

Morgana grimaced slightly. No wonder she felt as if the wands were putting on a show for her. "Then... can I go to the back of the shop?" She felt the pull earlier from the back of the shop. The pull wasn't that weak either, it seemed to be calling for her with feelings. It was also the only wand that made her feel lost and full of agony. She was intrigued to say simply.

Olivander nodded and guided her to the back while watching her every move.

Morgana spread her magic again but this time it was a mix of her aura. She saw it again. She walked to the draw almost out of her reach and took out a black box. She opened it and smiled softly when a soft golden light engulfed her.

Turning, Olivander went still for a moment before he was biting his nail in excitement. He mumbled about the wand being the brother wand of you-know-who and the core was taken from the headmaster's phoenix. Seeing such a state, Morgana wondered if the man was stable.

After she purchased the wand, she ran into Hagrid with a birdcage in hand. Laid a beautiful snowy white owl with her head under her wing, fast asleep.

"'ot everything you need, Morgana?"

Morgana nodded with a slight smile. She ignored the feeling of being watched as she walked back to Leaky Cauldron with Hagrid.