
Second Chance || Harry Potter and Percy Jackson

Female Harry Potter or OC Morgana Eirene Potter. The Girl Who Lived. The Golden Child, etc. She hid under these titles for years from the moment she was born. She was more dangerous than the current dark lord. Was the older brother of a certain greatest wizard that ever lived. Was the lover of a certain ancient King of Sweden and Germany. She's the current mistress of Death and Light. The one ending the feud between light and dark. She used her second chance wisely

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6 Chs

Chapter 1

She hit her head on the ceiling cupboard and whined softly, so as not to wake up her relatives. Cold sweat ran down her body, her emerald green eyes were dimmed with no light. She sniffed before turning away.

"Come out." She came out under the stairs and into the kitchen, dutifully making breakfast for her whale uncle and cousin. She helped her aunt set up the breakfast, the glare made her retreat into the corner after she finished.

"Duddykin, eat up! I don't like the sound of you eating in school." Her horse-face aunt cooed to her whale-like cousin.

Vernon had agreed back to her aunt while he walked -or stomped- down the stairs. She watched as her cousin aunt and uncle enjoyed themselves with the breakfast -she made- when the doorbell rang.

"Get the mail, Dudley." Vernon flipped through the newspaper.

"Make Morgana get it!" Dudley was practically stuffing himself with food, eating like a pig.

Vernon turned to glare at Morgana. She bowed her head before running to the door, not wanting to receive the end of her uncle's wrath even though she was already immune to pain. She shuffled through the mail before she held out a thick envelope, looking out of place with the ancient touch-like paper.

        𝓜𝓼. 𝓜. 𝓟𝓸𝓽𝓽𝓮𝓻

          𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓒𝓾𝓹𝓫𝓸𝓪𝓻𝓭 𝓾𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓻 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓢𝓽𝓪𝓲𝓻𝓼

               ±. 𝓟𝓻𝓲𝓿𝓪𝓽𝓮 𝓓𝓻𝓲𝓿𝓮

                   𝓛𝓲𝓽𝓽𝓵𝓮 𝓦𝓱𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓲𝓷𝓰


She looked at it -amused- before she flipped it over to see the seal and what seemed to be the crest of 'Hogwarts' and she smiled a little. The familiar word rang in her head like a ringtone before a straight came to her.

"Hurry up, freak!" Irritated colored Vernon's voice.

She discreetly slipped the envelope to her little room under the stairs, through the small hole -that Dudley had created. She hurriedly to the kitchen and handed Vernon the mail, he took it harshly, scratching her in the process, She took her hand away - inwardly hissing in pain and curse- and stood back to her pose in the kitchen, the just in time for her aunt to be off the phone.

"Figg can't come to take care of her. She accidentally twisted her angel... hope she's okay..." Petunia has gone quiet before Dudley wailed like a five-year-old child -which he is one, through mentally.

"I don't want her to go! She'll ruin my birthday day!" Morgana stood silent, but she agreed she would destroy his birthday day if she has a chance.

Petunia had coated Dudley by piling more food on his plate while reassuring him, Morgana wouldn't anything for him. Vernon grudgingly agreed to let Morgana go, unless she do any freakish things, he would punish her. Petunia had pushed her into her little room under the stairs to let her dress in more decent clothes -which she doubt she had any.

They arrived at the zoo later -with Dudley complaining along the way- and before long, they arrived at the Reptile Terrarium. Dudley had his fun before he and she spotted a large Boa constrictor, idly minding its own business. After a while of not being impressed by the unmoving snake, Dudley had pushed her -purposely- to the floor.

She discreetly sent a glare at Dudley as she heard whispers everywhere, she didn't care and just stood back up. Brushing herself off the dust and turned her attention back to the snake in the glass -or cage in her opinion- and smiled softly.

"Nice to meet you, may I have your name?" The snake moved and tilted its head to the side, Morgana followed -inwardly amused by the reaction. She had gained this ability through the night it happened, now it a natural for her.

Don't get her wrong, she preferred to be with her kind than here.

"My name young one is Ivy." Morgana grinned, its name matched the ivy green color of the snake's scale.

"Beautiful name. My name is Morgana."

"It's nice to meet you, speaker." The snake clicked its tongue, seemingly tasting the air. "That foul smell is back."

Before Morgana could ask, she was harshly pushed down. Seeing it was Dudley, she silently agreed to what Ivy had said, and cast a vanishing charm, the glass vanished and Dudley fell in.

Ivy took this chance to slither out and passed Morgana. She had put on a mask full of fear -inwardly cracking- and had frozen in her spot. The other visitors were all scared and had run panicking.

"Thank you, Speaker. Hope to meet each other again." Ivy passed her without turning its head, Morgana didn't mind it as she understand the action. The snake was accompanying her in her act.

Morgana whispered and hissed back while effort maintaining her mask. "Hope to meet again, lovely Ivy."

Just in time, Vernon and Petunia arrived and cast a suspicious glance at Morgana but seeing she was petrified and scared. They concluded she have nothing to do with it.

Morgana sawed the gaze and immediately put on an expression of shock terror and worry. She reacted quickly and banged on the glass that reappeared. "Uncle! How do we get him out?! He will be cold!"

Her acting was so real that her uncle and aunt immediately called for the manager of the place and demand them to compensate them. She stood behind Petunia like a lowly maid while inwardly grinning that they didn't question her and had forgotten about her freakishness -so they call it.

After they got Dudley out, who was shaking? They quickly go home, not after they compensate them of course. Dudley was put to rest and Vernon had thrown Morgana into her little room harshly, making her bang her head against the low ceiling.

"No supper for you, brat!" Vernon's irritation was clear in his voice and had stomped off to the kitchen.

Morgana glared at the door after hearing a click, indicating it was locked. She huffed but the smile on her face was noticeable. She was hungry, yes. She wanted to shower and change, yes. But she can't help but be excited for the night to come.

She waited for the Dursley to go upstairs, she waited for the sound of any movement to be gone, she waited for everything within meters of the house to be quiet. She first cleaned herself with a cleaning spell and cast Lumos, using it as a light bulb as she took off the wax and unfold the first one she hold onto.

'Today is the 23rd of July.' She mused before shifting to another paper containing all the necessary things she needed for school.

She tilted her head, reading all the things she needed to buy, remembering them by memories before whispered 'Incendio' and throwing every piece of evidence of the papers into the flame. She doesn't her relatives to find them, now does she?

'I'll write the reply and send them through the owl later tomorrow.' With that in mind, she turned to the locked door and whispered 'Alohomora' and she heard the click. She tiptoe to the living room and grabbed a piece of paper and a pen.


Dear professor McGonagall,

     I have already received my letter and I will gladly accept it. Due to my lack of knowledge of the Wizarding World, I requested you to send someone as a guide of some sort to guide me to the Wizarding World. They can come on the 29th or 30th of July at most at Private Drive, and help me get my supplies for school. Sadly, I didn't have the money to buy all of the stuff, if there is a way to overcome this, I greatly appreciated it.

    Please sent a letter to me as soon as possible.

Yours Sincerely,

Morgana. E. Potter


She put the pen down and folded the paper and let it slip into an envelope she found and signed Morgana Potter in the corner. She put the envelope in her pocket and tiptoed back to her little room and let the lock click into its place.

"Um... Uncle?" Morgana fake timidly looked up with wide green eyes at her whale uncle. She had already made breakfast and done her work in the kitchen. "Would it be alright if I start to do the front garden first then the living room?"

Vernon had raised a brow but grunted a nod. "Fine, but the living room better is spotless by 1 pm." Before going out to work.

She beamed and bowed her head, inwardly smirking. She ran out and do her stuff before the neighborhood was quiet, she went to an owl perching on the electricity chord. She walked up to it and gave her letter, the owl took it and took off immediately. She smiled brighter and got her work done, doing the laundry, sweeping and mopping the floor, and vacuuming the carpet, by 1 pm.

She sat outside of the house on the grass with an old book in hand. She had her free time from one to two before she needed to do dinner and washed the dishes. She scribbled on the paper with a pencil before a rustling made her snap up. The same owl came back with a letter, she stood up excited and took the letter off its leg.

She opened it and read,


Dear Miss Potter,

     I am glad that you have accepted to join us. I had decided a man goes by the name of Rubeus Hagrid, to pick you up at your location and help fetch your school supplies. As for your money issue, fret not, Hagrid will show you the way to Gringotts with the Potter's vault key. You will be staying at Leaky Cauldron for the time being until September 1st.

    Do send a letter if you find it doable for you, and there are no issues.

Your Sincerely,

Minerva McGonagall


She smiled softly at the elegant handwriting and quickly ripped a page from her book and wrote.


Dear Professor McGonagall,

     That would be perfect, I appreciate it very much. I look forward to meeting you on September 1st.

Your Sincerely,

Morgana. E. Potter


Morgana subconsciously put the pen in her mouth and folded the paper, she conjured an envelope and put it in when she didn't feel anyone looking at her. She smiled slightly in satisfaction and stood up again to reach the big owl.

The owl perched on her shoulder and she rubbed its head, it hooted and grabbed the letter, and fly off. Morgana stood and looked at the bird flying away before looking back at her book.

See you guys soon.

She wrote on it in her elegant handwriting before shutting the book and walking back to the house.

The rest of the week was the same. Cook breakfast for the Dursley, clean the dishes, do laundry, cook lunch, fold the clothes, take care of the front yard, and cook dinner again. It went normally for Morgana and she was lucky that her Uncle had to go oversea and her aunt and cousin had gone shopping for Dudley's school supplies.

Morgana had packed a small bag full of her belongings -which she didn't have much- and looked at the clock in the living room. It stuck twelve and she heard a motorbike stopped in front of the front yard.

She went out and saw a big man with a motorbike with a side cart next to him. He looked up with a big smile, "'ello there, Morgana. My name is Rubeus Hagrid, I'm the gamekeeper and Keeper of Keys and Grounds of Hogwarts." He stuck his hand out.

Morgana also smile but slightly and stuck her hand out, taking the big hand. "Nice to meet you, Hagrid. You already know who am I since you know my name."

Hagrid nodded in response and said, "'et's go get your 'upplies. Hope in."

Morgana hopped in the side cart and gripped it hard when it took off. She felt the wind brush her face and giggled slightly at it.

In less than an hour, they arrived at a bar. "'ere, is Leaky Cauldron, Morgana."

Morgana followed quickly got off and followed him inside and he greeted the bartender with a big smile again. "Hey Hagrid, here for the usual?"

Morgana didn't pay attention to the bartender and Hagrid as she felt a familiar magic radiant off someone in the pup. She turned to see a man with a turban wrapped around his possibly bald head, she tilted her head as she let her magic roam around the man.

He looked up immediately after feeling her magic. His eyes flashed red briefly before looking away with his brown eyes again, she can see his hand twitching slightly.

Morgana let out a small smirk as sensing the familiar soul and the magic. She memorized the magic signature and the soul of her enemy, it was dark and seductive at the same time, not to mention she felt a pull toward him. It was interesting for her.

She turned just in time for Hagrid to turn to look at her before he spotted the man with the turban. "Professor Quirrel, is that you?"

The man named Quirrel turned his head and stuttered -that Morgana found to be irritated, "o-oh, h-hello H-hagrid." He turned to her with the same nervous expression and stuttering voice. "Y-you m-must be m-miss Morgana P-potter."

Morgana let out a polite smile. "It's nice to meet you, professor. I look forward to having classes with you within Hogwarts." She glanced at the turban briefly and winked, she ignored it when the shock came to Quirrel's face briefly.

He shifted in his place like he was nervous but she can sense pain and fear. "Y-yes, I-I look f-for-forward to i-it as w-well."

She was amused to say at least before she felt Hagrid place his large hand on her. She almost jumped away but she knew Hagrid would do no harm to her, so she relaxed slightly but her body was still tense.

Quirrel had observed how she zoned out Hagrid's voice and how her body tensed at the touch. It was interesting for him to see the such reaction.

Morgana turned to follow Hagrid and quickly memorized the pattern when he tapped the bricks. She smiled again but it was more noticeable than before. "The wizarding world come far..."

"'hat that Morgana?"

She shook her head quickly and looked up. "Nothing. Let's go, I want to know about this wizarding world."

Her smile seemed to reassure Hagrid as he led her to a familiar place within the bussing ally.