
Sealed Omnipotency

I kinda forgot the account of my book and started rewriting it

Gokage_sensei · Fantaisie
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17 Chs

Chapter 10

"We have another issue," Charles said with a serious expression.

Everyone present at the meeting looked at Charles with a serious expression after hearing his words. Grandfather James was the first to open his mouth and asked "What problem are you talking about son?"


Charles released a sigh and started telling everyone about the problem he was concerned about.

"I heard that Oldman 'Gilbert Avron' will be traveling to the town of Ecanus tomorrow, "Charles paused and looked at everyone's expression thinking that they had caught on to him but after seeing their confused expressions which seemed to ask 'so what, he opened his mouth and continued "There is a high chance that his wife 'Helena' will take his absence as a chance for her to come here to break off the engagement between Alex and her daughter Cèlia. She never approved of their engagement from the very beginning"

Everyone suddenly opened their eyes wide in realization. Their expressions seemed to say 'yes, it's possible'.They all turned their heads and looked at grandfather James waiting for him to make a decision. He was the family head after all

James seeing everyone look at him opened his mouth "If she comes here as you say, we will break it off. It's not like we will lose anything by doing so, Gilbert was the one who begged me to pair them after all".

The reason he was so confident was that he knew the real reason why Gilbert was so desperate to have his peerless daughter married to someone like Alex regarded as trash and useless by the community. Although Alex was a handsome youth probably the most handsome in the entire kingdom, that alone wasn't enough to make him super special that even a top-tier family like the 'Avrons' would be that desperate to form an engagement with them. So the main target was him. Gilbert knew a secret only a few people that can be counted with the fingers of one hand knew about James.

Everyone felt like his words made sense since they would not lose anything by breaking off the engagement between the two youngsters. It's not as if they had genuine feelings for each other, the reason they agreed to it in the first place was that the Geisar family owed them a huge favor and the old man 'Gilbert' took advantage of that along with their friendship to form the engagement when both Alex and Celia we're still 5.

After saying that, James left the room followed by his wife. Once James left the remaining people didn't have anything to talk about so, they also left for their respective rooms to sleep.


Alex looked at the woman kneeling before him confused and decided to ask" Aren't you angry? "He asked.

The lady lifted her head and answered" It is an honor for this lowly one to satisfy the lord even just a slight"

Alex shook his head upon hearing her answer and decided not to pursue the matter any longer. Strange things were happening to him one after the other. First, it was the annoying system then getting isekaied in a magical world, and now he was in a strange place where the ground was like the sky with little fairies and other Little creatures flying around.

The air in this place was unpolluted and fresh. The water flowing in the streams looked like it could turn anyone who drank it into an immortal.

"umm.....master" as Alex was busy gawking at the heavenly scenery, he heard the woman's voice and looked at her." hmm?"

"I think you should enter the door," said the woman.

Alex looked at her with a questioning look and she started to explain, "lord, you created me fourteen years ago along with this world and placed a door at the center of this world and told me to stay here so that I would assist you to it when you return"

Alex looked at her with a dumbfounded expression, 'what does she mean, I created her and this world fourteen years ago. Isn't this just a dream? '.Alex started to question himself, he wanted to think that she was just lying but there was a feeling inside of him telling him that every word of hers was true and he couldn't get rid of it even if he wanted to so he decided to go with her to the door to see it for himself and see whether she was telling the truth or just farting lies.

He turned to look at her and "ok, take me to the door you speak of"

She nodded and snapped her fingers and a white light enveloped them. Alex closed his eyes to prevent the excessive light from damaging his eyes. For the next 4 minutes he felt like he was flying at a speed 100times faster than light 'he had experienced light speed when falling he fell to the planet so he was able to compare the two.

After four minutes he felt the ground beneath his feet so, he opened his eyes and saw himself standing before an enormous majestic door about 50ft high and 30ft wide colored in gold with silver carvings on the edges. He looked beside him and didn't the woman from before. He looked around and still couldn't find her.

"Where did she go, is she trying to trick me and make me a sacrifice for some of his being inside there? ", Alex started having suspicions about the door and the woman but at the same time, he was also curious about what was inside the door.

After 5 minutes of thinking and weighing the pros and cons, he agreed to listen to his curiosity and enter. He reached for the door with both his hand intending to push it open but was surprised to see it opening without having to apply any strength. Of course, he was weirded out by it but his curiosity overweighed the fear and he stepped inside.

"Welcome, older me" A voice similar to his suddenly sounded when was inside.
