
Screams of Hope

A dragoness born in captivity for the sole purpose of serving and obeying orders, but what if she was freed?

Jotech · Fantaisie
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5 Chs

A place in the world

as Winza guides Etara through the city, Etara gets to look around at so many new dragons and new humanoid-like dragons each one so different from the last.

Etara: "This place is amazing!"

Winza: "If you think this place is amazing you should really see the royal homes they are beyond cool! So many rooms and tons of space!"

As Winza showed Etara around, they passed his favored place to eat and even some small-time merchants all selling items of different shiny and reflective swords all of them saying their own lines to get the selling point across.

Merchant 1: "Swords! Sharpen your Dulled swords here! Just 3 silvers!"

Merchant 2: "Buy the strongest swords here! Just a few gold coins from your pocket!"

Etara silently giggling to herself because both merchants are super close to each other before she hears someone mid-way through their sales pitch.

Merchant 3: "I also have some carry barry CRAM, just for 2 gold!"

Etara: "Cra... what?"

Winza: "Etara!"

Winza was standing in front of a building with a clock on the top of it and it was all white stark different from everything around, almost like it was meant to be different from this entire place.

Winza: "Here Etara"

Winza: "It's right here, the guildhall"

Etara looked up seeing a big building painted white with a clock on it and right as she looked up it started ringing loudly striking 12, but the moment they walked into the building the loud ringing got muffled and she could hear herself think again.

As she was looking at the building Etara looked back down to the front door to where Winza was standing holding the door open for her, so Etara being still a bit shy walked into the guild building

Winza: "Etara, go over there to the receptionist and go take an exam, I'll be out here waiting for you Etara."

Etara: "Thank you again Winza."

As she finishes her words to Winza she turns to the receptionist.

Etara: "uh.."

After turning to the receptionist she tried to think of what to say but had no words come to her mind, so hours of Etara being confused about what ranks were, and where to go, she was guided to the pad that took her down to a sub-level room, to where someone was waiting for her.

Blame the first guy who comments to be the one who distracted me from writing!

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