
SCP Founder in Nasuverse (SCP×Fate)

Secure. Contain. Protect. The SCP foundation's sole purpose is to contain 'anomalies' that pose a threat to humanity. This is a tale of an SCP-fanatic with little to no knowledge of the Nasuverse thrust into Nasuverse (in ancient times of the dinosaurs). ...What can possibly go wrong?

KarmaIsOP · Autres
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17 Chs



[The Omake chapter you guys have been waiting for. Please don't make me abandon this by pestering me with update requests.

I thank you for your patience and continued support.

This Chaldea is somewhere between post-Goetia and pre-Lost Belt 5. That being said, here we go!]




For King Gilgamesh the Golden Watcher, the Foundation and the Founder in particular, meant many things.

Not only was he the only one to provide such a humbling yet exhilarating experience, but he also defined the Fate on which he shall tread.

It also naturally occurred to him that he would continue to act as the Watcher for the Foundation even in death. Such as he was right now...in the Outside of the World, somewhere right 'beside' the Throne of Heroes yet not quite the same.

The ROOT...where all phenomena of the multiverse are and shall be. The past, the present, the future. None shall truly matter where he is now.

He stood on a path that was endlessly converging and diverging, one second a straight road, the next, a bundle of Gordian knots. He knew that the universe in which he had lived was outlandishly unique.

No other universe held a Foundation like his, and no existence went near the Founder, a living miniature Cosmos on itself. The closest to reach his level was Archetype Earth, yet even she paled in scale to the Founder.

After all, she was but a simple antennae of a single planet. Not a small universe collapsed onto itself like a cross between a black hole and a wormhole. Or to be specific, the prehistoric embryo of the universe...ever growing in its stagnation.

Gilgamesh chuckled to himself. The more he knew about the Founder, the more bizarre he found him. The Founder was like an unsolvable puzzle, a cubic box in which the answers keep rotating.

Suddenly, Gilgamesh lifted his head. A ferocious snarl split across his face.

It seemed that another universe was calling upon him. It would be impossible unless they had a direct connection with him...or something that guarantees the same level of interference. An anomaly of a colossal scale.

Gilgamesh raised one arm and flicked his finger. A simple card appeared from thin air. The indestructible card with the logo of the Foundation.

"Hmm...very well. Do we have...yes, there is already another 'Gilgamesh' summoned in that universe. Hmm? Hah, to think the 'me' over there is so short-sighted in more ways than one! Fu, fufu, kuhahaha! Clairvoyance that could only see a glimpse of one world? Hahahaha!"

Shaking his head, the golden watcher smirked.

"Yes, yes. That would do. His body is at least compatible with mine. A simple application of evocation should do the trick."

A ripple tore through the chaotic space-time tunnel, and he was gone.

It was a peaceful day in Chaldea...well, as peaceful as a place can be when facing the extinction of the entire human race.

That was, until an alarm blared in the halls and signaled the appearance of a subcategory singularity. One which scale was unlike no other.

The singularity seemed to not exist within the standard Tree of Time (The World Tree which governs all parallel worlds), but at the same time not within another universe, it should not have been able to threaten the Tree. Emphasis on should.

[Lobotomy Corporation Empire]

While it was an isolated world like the Shimosa Subcategory Singularity, it had one troubling feature. It was somehow spreading its roots across worlds, like mistletoe on a tree.

Ritsuka Fujimare was preparing for an immediate departure under the guidance of Da Vinci when abruptly, a great ripple passed through the walls of Chaldea. The lights flickered for a few seconds before they went back to normal, though there was no mistaking the arcane ripple they felt in that wave.

He burst out of his room and ran down the halls to the source, with his strongest members close behind in spiritual form; Heracles, Ozymandias, Artoria, Merlin, King Hassan, and Scathach.

Ritsuka was no fool, neither was he naive. He survived seven singularities and the near incineration of human history by Goetia. He didn't live to tell the tale by simply being a lucky idiot.

Whatever thing was waiting for him in Chaldea, he was confident that with his strongest members, they would be able to defend their base.

He rounded a corner and burst into the central corridor- and found the last member of his strongest servants.

"...Gilgamesh? You...why...you are...different."

Yes, it was the golden king of Babylonia that saved his hide more times than he could count. However, Gilgamesh was, as he stated earlier, different.

For one, his golden armor was a lot more sleek and far less bulky, filled with thin lines that ran across its surface in complex geometrical patterns. It looked far more futuristic, even more so than the so-called Greek machine gods that Odysseus had described.

The armor was not the only change he had. His hair was slicked back, and his eyes had a dull gold hue mixed with his usual crimson. He also was an inch taller, and his relaxed stance had a dangerous air only hardened warriors carried.

All in all, he was without a doubt, a far more superior version of the Gilgamesh that Ritsuka knew.

The Gilgamesh before him smiled. His eyes twinkled with mirth.

"I am. I was called upon this universe by the emergency signals of the World Tree itself. Contamination by a singularity, was it not? I am, in this particular case, a singularity called upon by your world to resolve the singularity which plagues it. In more simple terms, fighting fire with fire."

Ritsuka blinked. It took several seconds to digest what this Gilgamesh just said.

"What..world tree...but I never heard of the counter force operating on that level...no, more importantly, what happened to my Gilgamesh?"

The new Gilgamesh snorted.

"Oh? Getting bold, are we? Eager to claim me as your own?"

Ritsuka spluttered, his cheeks a bright red.

"No, that's not-"

"I know, child. To answer your question, I am simply borrowing 'my' body. Fret not, 'I' will return to the Gilgamesh you know after this Singularity is properly disposed of."

Ritsuka heaved a sigh of relief. As much as he found Gilgamesh infuriating when he was arrogant, he still loved him in a 'dysfunctional family'-sort of way.

The new Gilgamesh patted Ritsuka on the shoulder.

"Call me the Watcher. It is awkward for you to call me Gilgamesh, no?"

Ritsuka stared at Gilgamesh- no, the Watcher in amazement.

"Why are you so humble? Are you caster Gil merged with Archer Gil?"

The Watcher let out a large bark of laughter.

"No, the Last Master of this universe. I am something...much more."

The Watcher cocked his head to the side and smirked at the empty space behind him.

"Oh, and stay your sword like the good little assassin knight you are, boy. I shall overlook this gross disregard to my dignity just this once, for the master you sought to protect. However-"

The king pinched the air before his neck and revealed the black sword that hovered under his face.

"-There would be no second chances. We wouldn't want to carve you out of existence, do we?"

The sword dematerialized in a wisp of black smoke. The Watcher chuckled and shook his head.

He then swept his gaze across the corridor, and over the empty space where the servants stood in spiritual form, like a teacher checking his pupils.

"Boys will be boys, such is our nature. Now, stop standing beside Ritsuka like idiots and get ready for Ley Shift. Why dally all day when we are more than prepared?"

The servants materialized, no longer seeing any reason to stay remotely hidden. It was Ozymandias who spoke up first.

"So...Watcher. You still have the arrogance within you. I am relieved. I have a question though...how did you notice the First Hassan?"

The other servants nodded. It was impossible to find the first Hassan if he chose to stay in stealth mode. His presence concealment EX rank skill was no joke.

Even Merlin with his Clairvoyance would get decapitated if he didn't prepare beforehand, and Scathach would find it hard-pressed to survive if she didn't have the Wisdom of the Abyss.

Gilgamesh raised a single eyebrow.

"You cannot see through the fabric of the world, Sun King of Egypt?", the golden king asked casually.

There was a long silence.

Ozymandias burst out laughing, slapping the boulder-like shoulders of Heracles who stood beside him.

Scathach looked at the Watcher in a new light, intrigued at the potential bringer of her death, while Artoria caught Merlin's hood and placed him in a choke hold when he sought to slink away in a scattering of flower petals.

Still chortling, Ozymandias shot a challenging smile at the Watcher.

"If you are so confident, why don't we have a spar in the simulation chambers? It would do us well to get a grasp of our new member's...abilities."

Merlin gaped at Ozymandias and vehemently shook his head in opposition. Artoria tightened her grip on her former mentor. Merline's face turned into a shade of light blue.

The Watcher's smile was predatory.

"I've refrained from suggesting it myself since bullying is not my taste...though it seems that my guidance is required by my inferiors, and I see no reason not to comply."

The golden king turned his back and beckoned the servants with his finger.

"Shall we?"

Yeah, there you have it.

SCP-5000-chan is basically a Vibranium Ironman nano-suit with super steroids, a hundred million years of technological advancement, and a Morpheus (Sandman) mask. Wow. Edgelord much? I love it.

Watcher Gil=Archer Gil+Caster Gil+"NO HESITATION, MORE BUFFS, Ea goes burrrrrr!"- MONGREL

...WTF? Yeah, that's what you get from ultimate Gil-chan. We'll see him go against the others in the simulation room in the next chapter.

And yeah. That singularity, lol. Watcher!Gil is gonna be so royally pissed.

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