
Scarred and Beautiful

Aduke's world is turned upside down when she loses her parents, and she is left to fend for herself in a cutthroat society where people take pleasure in using her for their own gain. With the weight of societal pressure bearing down on her to rely on a man for her every need, Aduke is forced to make a life-altering decision: succumb to societal expectations or forge her own path and risk losing everything she's ever wanted. With her future hanging in the balance, Aduke must navigate through this harsh world and discover her true identity.

Goudc · Fantaisie
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10 Chs

Chapter 5

Aduke sat on her bed in her room, gazing at the door in front of her. It was a Saturday and she felt bored already. I hope there won't be any drama she thought to herself. Secretly she miss the drama, she longed for the feeling of turning men down. Seeing the frustration on a guy face when he cannot have her.

It's been weeks since the incident with Truth, how dare him to barge into her life just like that and make some uncalled for requirements. He was mad, he was literally crazy. She cursed silently. Thank God that Xander came walking in, deep down inside, she had wanted to go back and buried a fork deep in his chest.

Who does he think he is! She spoke out aloud to an empty room.

He would have called me, if he had the audacity! She continued angrily.

Some men really uses their dick for a brain! She sighed.

Xander is different though, the thought flooded her brain.

Then he hit her, that thought she dreaded the most, the memory that made her did something that she was always against and had always fought against. Guess all women has their limitation, and she felt she met hers. A mountain so big, that she literally couldn't climbed it.

The memories keep flooding in, even when she tried to distract her mind. The faithful day that she was at wits end. Her school fees was due in weeks and she literally had no one to help her. She was going to drop out if she didn't do anything drastic. She laid there thinking and suddenly like a bolt of lightning, his name pop up in her head, Mr. Bode and the memories became alive all over again.


She had just returned from class and could still remember the warnings of the class rep. All students that hasn't paid school fees would not be able to register courses. She knew her course registration were due a week, that gave her just before weekend to find money for her school fees or she was as good as repeating a semester. The thought gave her the chills.

Repeat this semester all over again. She shivered with the thought.

Her mind went into a frenzy, looking up names that could help her. There was literally no one. She had just gain admission, and this was her first year. Her aunt her told her bluntly that she wasn't going to be of any help.

You want to go to school, then you find a way to sponsor yourself too. I don't have any money for you. Those were her exact words.

She thought profusely, the fear of the fact that she literally could repeat a semester clearly etched on her face. On reaching home, she dropped her bag carelessly on her bed, and paced about the room. Then it hit her, quickly she head to the shared bathroom, with hope written all over her face. Maybe there is a way after all.

Aduke knocked on the door, her heart beating crazily in her chest. She was a nervous mess, no matter how hard she had prepared herself, she was still very worried. What if she had came here to waste her time, what if things didn't go as planned. What will she do? Who else could she run to?

She knocked again, removing her dark glasses, and put it in her purse. She also removed the dark face cap, using her fingers to comb errant strands from her face. The door swung open, revealing a dark skinned, handsome man probably in his early thirties. He was surprised to see her and didn't bother hiding it.

"Mr. Bode", she greeted, hiding her trembling fingers behind her back. She forced a smile.

"Aduke" he voiced out, his eyes searching her face. She grew more nervous. He smiled warmely at her. His charming smiles had always soothed her but today, it gave her the chills.

"Don't stand there, come inside" he invited. She obeyed without a word. She walked into the familiar sitting room and took her sit on a single seater, she didn't want him sitting beside her today. She clasped both hands on her lap.

"What do you want to drink?" He asked her, taking the seat adjacent to hers. She shook her head.

"I am okay Mr. Bode, i had my fill before coming." She declined, and he frowned.

Two years ago, she would walk to his fridge and took whatever she wanted without any hesitation. She would hug him and give him a heartfelt smile. She loved listening to his stories of adventure to other countries. The last time he had gone to France, he had gotten her a book knowing how much she loved books. She had flung herself on him and called him the girl's perfect charm.

There were things she never mentioned nor wanted to talk to him about but she was comfortable around him. His presence never got her scared. He still had a shelf in his guest room, the last row was filled with books he bought for her. He didn't admit it to a single soul but he was hurt when she disappeared without a trace. When he questioned her cousins about her sudden disappearance and her current location, they insisted they knew nothing, he knew they lied to him.

He stood up and walked to the kitchen to get two glass cups. He picked a fruit juice from the fridge, arranged everything in a tray, and returned to the sitting room. He dropped it on the center table, pouring the juice in both cups and gave one to her, she didn't reject it.

He knew she didn't really like fruit juice or sugary drinks, she prefer creams and sometimes vodka but with her, acting uptight, he decides to settle for the fruit juice. He sipped it studying her every gesture. She seems to have added a little bit of weight, looking fuller and fairer than the last time they met, in her blue boyfriend jean and matching long sleeved shirt, with a few strands of her hair falling on both sides of her face. She was gorgeous with a tranquil vibe around her.

"Disappearing just like that, no good byes, nothing at all. I am still very mad at you." He confessed, and she smiled sadly.

"I am sorry but whatever i did, was all for the best. I was very tired and you know just how tired i was". She said with her gaze on her drink.

"But i told you to calm down, i told you to remain strong. You are one of the strongest people i have met, you could have stayed." He said. She looked into his eyes for the first time since she knocked on his door, her gaze intense with different emotions swirling in them.

"I was strong for ten years and i got nothing in return. I was strong Mr. Bode, stronger than you or anybody thought. I took what my age mates couldn't take. I sacrificed my whole childhood to make them accept me but i got nothing in return", she paused, ".. not a single thing did i get. Being strong sometimes doesn't help, it means having to take it all till it breaks you or make a monster out of you ". She said gently

"You heard when they beat me, you heard when they shout at me and you can see the marks of the beatings on my skin but you have no idea what i went through. What about those words you didn't heard or maybe the emotional scar they kept leaving that nobody saw? Isn't that where it really hurt the most? " she added, her voice now very low. She force herself to sip her drink.

"I am sorry Aduke, I am really very sorry".

Aduke forced a laugh, shaking her head. "It's okay sir, you don't have to pity me. I don't want anybody's pity. If i had stayed, i would have killed Mr. Williams and gone straight to jail, i didn't want that for myself." she said, and stood up to drop her glass cup on the center table. She returned to her seat, while he watched her carefully.

"I gained admission, i am going to school." she announced, with a genuine smile on her face this time.

"Congratulations Aduke!" He said, elated to hear the news. He was very happy for her. She loved school, he knew how much value she place on school. She brought out her admission letter and gave it to him, he skimmed through it, a proud smile playing on his face.

"It's the school of your dreams, this alone calls for celebration. Which restaurant would you love to go? What about boutiques or supermarkets, just say a name! " he exclaimed with excitement. She chuckled, the smile on her face had dropped.

"I have no one to sponsor me, that's why i am here." she announced. Silence reigned for several seconds. She couldn't bring herself to look at Mr. Bode in the eyes, scared of what she might find there.

"I cannot rely on any family members, my aunt told me point blank that she has nothing to offer me. She is still mad at me for insisting i won't learn tailoring. I have nobody, i just need you to pay my school fees and house rent, i can take care of the rest." She quickly added. The silence stretched on.

"Everything comes with a price, i can't help you just like that ". Bode spoke out. She wasn't surprised, she didn't expect him to help her without something in return.

"What is your price?" She questioned without hesitation. Bode was shocked, he clearly hadn't expected her to ask so quick. He sighed.

"If i ask for sex, will you give me sex? " he asked. She smiled, clearly not reaching her eyes. She never would have imagined sleeping with Mr. Bode, thinking about it alone made her feel dirty but what could she do? She couldn't go to school without a certainty that her school fees would be provided. Nothing in life was free, a price has to be paid.

"Yes". She answered. It took all the strength in her to maintain her calm. She was a wrecking mess inside.

"Really? What about marriage. You must think about the society, whether you can cope since it's a lifelong experience and also about my age" he said. She looked down, obviously in deep thought. He gave her time to think, he didn't want to rush her

"I didn't come here to think about any of those and i don't care. Just tell me your price", she said, looking up at him finally. Her eyes had become red, and his hands clenched in a tight fist.

"Think about this, you can't make decisions like this in haste".

"Tell me the price! I have just a month to resumption. Let me tell you, i have had enough time to think. Just go ahead and tell me the fucking price!" She half yelled, both hands clenched in a death gripping fist. She lowered her head, tears began to drop. She wiped them away in anger.

"I know how harsh the world is, you don't have to tell me about it. I didn't come here all naive, expecting you to be okay with just a 'thank you sir'. I know exactly what i am getting myself into", she said. Her head still lowered.

He stood up, and placed a hand on her head, giving it a light squeeze, she looked up, and he smiled at her. She didn't return the smile. She was here for business and not for fun. She wasn't the same girl who used to feel very comfortable around him and after this discussion, she knew that things would never be the same around them.

He sighed and returned to his seat. He would never imagined that he would have this discussion with her. He really like her, and was even infatuated once but had to caution himself. He respect her a lot. She was different from her mates, always thinking ahead. Although she refused to admit it, she's very intelligent, always creating a solution for any issue.

There were several times she had advised him and it always turn out well. He knew he could take advantage of her situation, this was the perfect time to strike, especially now that she knew exactly what she was getting herself into, yet he couldn't find the courage to do so.

He cleared his throat to speak. She involuntarily stiffened in her seat.

"I can either sleep with you or insist we get married but not now, when i am ready, i will let you know, it could be a year, a month or several years..."

"No!" Aduke interrupted.

"you have to let me know now! You can't keep me in bondage. I don't have the heart to leave here, knowing fully well that i owe you" she quickly added.

"My mind is made up", he blurted.

"But Mr. Bode! You can't do this to me..." she protested

"Do you want the money or not!" He questioned, the whole room turned silent. Aduke opened her mouth but no words came out. She closed her eyes and nodded in agreement.

"Good, this is my money. You can't tell me what to do with my money. You would have to play with my rules." he declared. She nodded again.

"Forward me your account details, you will see it this weekend ". He instructed, she forced a smile.

"Can i use your restroom? "

"Do you seriously need to ask? You know your way, and when you out, I would be taking you on a shopping spree, let me spoil you ." He grinned, she gave him a warm smile and stood up. He watched her go, all manner of thoughts running through his head.

Aduke closed the door behind her and turned on the tap, she leaned on the wall, hot tears rushing down her face.


She tried smiling, yet a sad countenance plastered on her beautiful face. She didn't want to go down on memory lane. It has always been a rough ride. She dropped the book she had been reading on the table and stood up, she went to the kitchen and poured herself a glass of water, and returned to the room. Her phone was ringing on the table, it was a video call from an unknown number. She wanted to ignore it but after considering the fact that she runs an online business, she decided to picked up. Shade flawless face popped up, a deep scowl on her face.

"You this witch! Disappearing for four years without a trace. I should get a gun and shoot your fish brains out!" Shade ranted loudly. Silence reigned and they both burst out laughing.

"Cut out the joke Aduke, i am not joking with you. You are wicked, thoughtless and foolish" she added. Aduke could only smile warmely.

"I miss you Shade", she confessed.

Shade rolled her eyes

"If you had truly miss me, you should sit your tiny ass on a chair, grab a cup of water or whatever it is you have in that house and let's have some girly chat". She instructed. Aduke sighed, this is going to be a long video call.
