
Saving the Universe for Mom

All Adam wants to do, after being gifted by inter-dimensional super-beings a great power, is start a romantic relationship with his mother, Maria. Unfortunately for Adam, the power he has been gifted puts a target on his back, finding himself constantly harassed by those who seek to strip him of his power for themselves, distracting him from his ambitions to live happily with his mom.

Jocasta_Complex · Fantaisie
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14 Chs

Rub One Out for Mom

Unable to sleep, Adam lies on his bed, wide awake. The ceiling fan spins as he looks through Eternal System. Knowing enough about litrpg systems, he concludes that a short distance teleportation skill, or blink as it's known colloquially, along with investment into as much system storage as possible is where he should start. He finds an up-gradable storage skill, dumping out of his reality and into the system all the golden sphere's he's been given. He then finds his blink ability, but not having enough xp, he decides to go out for a morning jog to get some achievements.

Memories of the Eternal Mother, and her unique method of handing out gifts, run through his mind. He uses his newly acquired All Vision, looking over to his mother as she sleeps. He watches her breasts heave up and down, with deep breaths of sleep, as she lies face up, on her bed.

Adam gets up from his bed, slowly walking over to his mother's bedroom. He slips in through her unlocked door, his eyes never parting from her naked image. Adam looks around the room, finding on the floor, the tight navy blue dress pants she wore that day. Picking them up, he draws from them the black thong she was wearing like a rabbit in a hat. Letting the pants drop to the floor, he whiffs in the undergarments musty, intoxicating smell, as he reaches into his gym shorts, and starts rubbing one out.

Adam drops to his knees as his orgasm kicks in, cumming inside of his gym shorts, he's granted an achievement for masturbating in his mother's room as she sleeps. He gets an oddly specific potion, 'Sexual Guile (I).' From what Adam understands from the description, the potion adds a veil of discretion, allowing the imbiber to be less likely to be called out while performing sexual acts in public or in front of an audience.

The post-nut clarity now kicking in, he sends the achievement reward to his inventory for later use. He gets up from the floor, his mother still fast asleep, and walks back to his room, aware that he has a lot of farming to do.

Adam, for a long time now, has been a fan of self-help guru's and the media they upload to the internet. After having read through the infinite achievement list for a couple of hours now, he noticed a lot of the daily achievements require him to do many of the tasks these guru's have always suggested. Wake up early, get in some exercise, stretch, eat nutritious food, and complete house chores. Wanting to practice his new blink, Adam changes out of his cum-stained shorts, and sports on some fresh ones. He walks out of the house, and jogs towards the local park.

The lack of sun allows stars to peer through the night sky. Not wanting to test his skills in the park for residents of the apartment complex, he jogs out of his block towards the much bigger neighborhood park. Finally reaching the track, Adam stops to catch his breath, receiving a stamina potion along with his achievement. Adam drinks it, throwing the glass bottle on the trash, then begins running around the track. After what seemed to have been hours, the sun begins to rise, and the effects of the potion wear out. Absolutely gassed, he looked through his inventory, selecting another stamina potion. The sudden cliff dive of the potion's effects wearing out left him with his heart pounding hard enough for his eardrums to thud with the beat, and an immense heat overtake his body. Drinking it down, the fluid helps him get back to his five senses. The relief from the potion is immediate; he throws the bottle and hears a clink as it hits the first bottle he has thrown.

Adam looks through the system interface and finds the blink ability, and unlocks it. He takes a deep breath as he stands on the starting line of the hundred yard dash. Concentrating, he focuses on using his new ability. Dashing forward, he looks behind him to check how far he jumped, only to find himself about thirty centimeters away from the starting line.

"What?" He complains.

He steps back behind the starting line, focusing on blinking again, determined to jump a further distance.

"Come on." He demands, nothing happens.

He focuses again, confused as to why this no longer works. After nearly popping a vein, he looks through his interface, finding that his blink ability has a five minute cooldown. Letting out a deep sigh, he finds out his distance scales from his stamina and Endurance stats.

He takes a seat on the field, crossing his legs and closing his eyes, to meditate. After attempting to keep his mind quiet for a while, he opens his eyes to find an achievement notification for meditating for five minutes, the reward lacking the double reward from yesterday. Getting back on his feet, he stands behind the starting line, again, focusing on distance, he blinks forward, groaning as he finds that once again he wasn't able to dash a full meter forward.

He raises his gaze up to the sky, the orange hue of the rising sun coming from the east gives a serene view to look at. Adam notices cars drive past the park at an increasing rate, probably those heading off to work. He soaks in the moment, his life now heading into a completely different direction than it was heading just a day ago.

Adam makes his way back home, reading through the list of achievements he had just completed. He finds that the system allows him to run daily, rewarding based on distance, and apparently make a chain of consecutive days at the end of the week.

"This system involves a lot of investment." He thinks aloud, his eardrums still beating to the rhythm of his heart.

He walks into his home, no noise, he uses his All Vision to confirm his mom is still in bed, just staring at the ceiling, appearing to be convincing herself to get up to get ready for work. Adam chuckles, jumping into the shower, he shampoos his hair, closing his eyes to rinse it of. When he opens them again, he sees his mother, through his All Vision, entering her bathroom. He sets his eyes on his her, as she casually looks at herself in the mirror, adjusting her pillow head hair. Finally, she begins undressing, just as the tiled bathroom wall of his shower reappears.

He curses aloud, looking through the system's interface for the cooldown on his All Vision. One minute. He rests his fists on the wall, breathing in deeply. He lets the warm water run down his neck and shoulders for what seemed like hours, raising his eyes, hoping to use his All Vision. He failed, clearly the minute had not passed. Adam sifts through the system's skills menu, finding one that keeps an internal clock ticking in his mind. Fifteen seconds to go, they feel like minutes as his mind races, ten seconds, now they feel like days, by the time five seconds are left, he has to regularly check if he's still breathing or has a pulse. At last, the view inside his mother's bathroom is revealed, Adam's cock immediately gets stiff.

In her bathroom, Maria rubs soap on her body, making sure to wipe every inch of her gorgeous physique. The odd conversation she had with Adam yesterday distracts her from her thoughts of work. She smiles, her hands slowly making their way to down to her crotch. It seems she found a pleasurable spot because she begins rubbing her wet fingers on the tender flesh, giving low moans. Her loud cries rise to her core, something inside urges her to lean forward, urging her fingers to dig deeper. Wetting her fingers further, she slides in her index finger as she rubs circles around her clitoris with her thumb.

A moan escaped her as her pussy dilates, flooding, sending pleas for a climax deeper than she usually goes. But there was something else that sent the shot deep, a peculiar chill running up her spine at the same moment she touched herself, making the walls seem to vibrate. Upon realization of how her surroundings are affected by her behavior, her eyes squeezed shut, gritting her teeth as she is overwhelmed by the sensation of ecstasy. The sex aroma fades slightly with passing water, bringing her momentary return of control. Slowly opening her eyes, she waits to see if the walls continue to move, relieved to find everything back to normal. The chill rises within her again, before melting away completely, she rubs her tongue across her bottom lip to hide her smirk of excitement, the gratification of starting the day with a quick orgasm. She exits the shower and begins to towel herself off.

Meanwhile, at Adam's bathroom, a trail of semen slowly makes its way down the drain. Adam regains his breath, earning an achievement for masturbating while peeping on his mother showering. He dismisses the notification, getting back up. His orgasm getting the better of him, he had collapsed, but is able to get back on his feet to shut the water, get out and dry himself off.



BLINK: -100













WILL: 0/100


CHARISMA: 20/100