
Saving the Universe for Mom

All Adam wants to do, after being gifted by inter-dimensional super-beings a great power, is start a romantic relationship with his mother, Maria. Unfortunately for Adam, the power he has been gifted puts a target on his back, finding himself constantly harassed by those who seek to strip him of his power for themselves, distracting him from his ambitions to live happily with his mom.

Jocasta_Complex · Fantaisie
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14 Chs

Mom is Apprehensive

Adam had decided that he will take up Joy on her offer, but wanted to spend some time with his mom while she had the free time from work.

Adam teleports them to the beach where they hang out the rest of the day, they spent hours in conversation talking mostly about the video game like aspect of the Eternal system and dreams of living a quiet life on a remote island.

They sat side by side on a blanket. Their legs bump against eachother or their sides nudge together causing their bodies to heat up. Tenderly touching their bodies, admiring how delicate everything seems with their mutual touch.

When the sun started to set, Adam pulled his mom to his chest, holding her close. Both felt reassured and recharged with their embrace. With nothing else important to do, they talked for longer than usual, laughing and catching up.

Eventually the day becomes dark and cool, neither of them mind too much since the weather remained fine. They decide to return to their home back in the city.

"That was fun." Says Maria as they teleport back home.

"We should go again, tomorrow." Suggests Adam.

Maria frowns. "I need another bathing suit. The ones I have are too small now." She looks down at her shapely hips and meaty thighs. "I think I should join you in your morning workouts." She giggles.

"No way. I love the way you barely fit into those bikinis." Adam beams with pride.

Maria smirks. "Still, some exercise wouldn't do me any harm."

Adam nods, liking the idea of working out with his mom in the mornings.

"I'm going to clean the house up to get my dailys finished. Why don't you look for a movie for us to watch?" Suggests Adam.

"Okay." Maria nods, collecting her bag off the floor. "I'll take a quick shower and change into something comfortable."

She heads off towards her room, only stopping to turn back and glance at Adam before changing in the bathroom. Slipping into some comfy sweatpants and tank top, she does up her hair in a loose bun on her head, putting on some makeup that compliments her skin tone before walking into the living room.

She sits down on the couch and starts to relax when she sees Adam still working hard, mopping up the kitchen floor before collecting various dishes to wash in the sink.


He notices her and glances over, transfixed by his mom's natural beauty. She giggles when she catches him staring at her.

"Are you looking through my clothes?" She asks.

"Of course I am." He answers, mouth hanging open.

Maria rolls her eyes, a smile on her face as she watches him continue to wipe down the counters. Adam seems to notice she has her attention fully dedicated to him as well.

"I bet you wish you could see through my clothes too." He says, smiling.

Maria bursts into laughter. "Oh, shut up."

Mariat takes another glance at Adam, then turns her attention away from him and towards the television in front of her. She turns the television on. A report onthe hospital shooting explains the events that transpired.

Adam finishes up his daily chores and joins his mom at the sofa.

"There's nothing on the news about us." States Maria, flipping through the channels. "The shooting is being reported, but nothing on how the gunman was apprehended."

"Why would there be?" Asks Adam, suddenly remembering all of the media helicopters that were looking down at him during yesterday's events. "Wait, you're right. Do you think Joy and the people she works for are covering it up?"

Maria turns to him, a puzzled look on her face. "They can do that?" She gets up from her seat. "Give me a minute, I have to make sure."

She leaves Adam in the living room while she walks into her room. Grabbing her phone, she looks through her contact list and makes a call.


"Hi, Olivia. This is Maria."

"Oh, hey. How are you doing Maria?"

Maria fiddles with her hair, thinking of how to ask her following question. "Oh, you know, just taking it all in."

"Yeah, it's a lot to deal with. I hope you're doing okay."

"Um, Olivia, do you remember seeing me yesterday?" Maria bites her lip, waiting for a response.

"Yeah. Is this about your son?"

For a moment, Maria is speechless.

"About your relationship with him?" Continues Olivia.

Maria lets out a sigh of relief. "Uh, yeah. Just wondering if we could follow up on that."

"Absolutely. I have a private practice, I'll send you the information by text."

"Thanks, Olivia. I owe you."

The two women bid farewell and hang up. Relieved, Maria walks back to the living room to join her son on the sofa.

"I just spoke to Olivia, the therapist from work. She seems to have no idea about your involvement." Maria searches for news about the shooting on her phone, confirming her suspicion. "There's nothing online either."

Adam takes a moment to contemplate the scale of the coverup Joy and her employer were able to pull off. He looks over at his mom, who he noticed hadn't moved from her place on the couch. Her brow furrows slightly as she stares ahead, contemplating something.

"Mom?" Prods Adam.

"No one knows anything. It seems as if Joy and her company are very good at keeping this quiet." Sighs Maria.

Adam grimaces. "Let's just agree to never tell anyone about this." He leans his head onto her shoulder, wrapping his arms around her.

Maria feels both relieved and sad. Relief that she doesn't need to worry anymore because she is sure Adam can keep himself safe; sad because she feels worlds apart from her baby. The maternal need to look after him is becoming more challenging with every day.

"All right, sweetie. We can handle whatever comes our way. You seem to be able to handle yourself with the powers you have. I guess that means our lives won't ever really be boring again." Maria feels an immediate surge of warmth wash over her from her son's affectionate hug.

Despite her lighthearted manner of speaking, something touches deep within her heart. A sickening feeling lingers, threatening to swallow her entire existence as she is unable to let go of this small moment she shares with her own son, made all the more precious thanks to the unusual circumstances.

Adam feels his mom tremble slightly against him. He sees tears well up in her eyes.

Without even trying, Adam notices how her emotional connection with her son outweighs her current situation and the fear associated with recent events. There's more to his mother than what can be seen from just a quick glance.

Before Adam wouldn't have dreamed of such intimacy, he decides to move on past that thought immediately. All he cares about is how their lives together has changed. Despite everything that happened and continues to occur, somehow his perception of his mother has increased beyond what previously existed.

From her initial reluctance to accept his superhuman powers, their encounter on the rooftop top of her workplace with the near death experiences, Adam wonders if her confidence might have also increased with her new understanding of the bizarre occurrences surrounding her son. Her display of courage would surely speak volumes on the inner strength of the woman hidden beneath those petite features.

"Mom, I want you to know that you don't need to worry. Whatever needs to be done, I'm confident I can manage it. Are you comfortable now?" Speaks Adam gently.

His mother rests her hand on top of his and locks gazes with him.

"As comfortable as I've ever been." Her expression softens, revealing a pair of caring eyes instead of the apprehensive face before.

Adam hugs his mom tighter, noticing the tiniest shiver coming from his side. His mom returns his gesture, wrapped him in her embrace like the little child he used to be. She's once again his mom, the one that watched after him growing up. And although she often needed him to provide support and consolation throughout the years, her bond remains unchanged.

He senses a real connection between him and his mother now. His mom knows exactly how he feels inside and has a way of anticipating what actions will bring him happiness. Whether it's protecting him, providing support when times are tough, or even indulging his sexual fantasies, she understands him perfectly, allowing him to explore his feelings for her without judgement.

He will always be grateful to have his mother in his life.