

Composing music? Yes.

Making lyrics? No.

I like both of those things, but making the lyrics is more complicated for me, because it's quite hard to express myself through words. But it's much easier doing that while just turning notes into songs, or just simple melodies. My lyrics turn out stiff, and very simple, not creative at all. They certainly don't match what I'm going for. I'll just create music, without the words. -K

Composing music? No.

Making lyrics? Yes.

I like both of those things, but composing the music is quite complicated for me, because it's quite hard to express myself through sounds. They sound cold and sharp. But it's much easier simply saying what I feel and hear. Lyrics are easier than music. My music doesn't help me. It expresses what I feel, but doesn't make me feel any better. I think the words help a little bit. I'll just write them down, without the melody. – Yuki





" Miss Yoisaki, I made some stew! If you're hungry eat it, try not to consume so much ramen, it's not good for your body if you don't change your meal plan a bit. " – Oh, stew's ready. I wonder if it's with some chicken this time.

" Thank you, miss Mochizuki, that's very thoughtful of you, but I'll have to eat it later, I'm a bit busy with my work."

" Alright, just make sure you eat it before it gets cold and take a little break maybe? You've been working almost non-stop this week, as far as I know." – Honami commented. Miss Yoisaki is a very hardworking individual, but she's still human.

" Yes, I'll make sure to do that, you worry too much miss Mochizuki. It's alright, I'm not going to die from not eating for a bit. " – she sighed.

" Okay, I'll be leaving then, you'll see me on Thursday, take care."

" See you." – Kanade smiled before waving goodbye to her housekeeper. Such a sweet person. Back to composing then.


Ah, I forgot about the stew! It's probably all cold now... She quickly scurried off into the kitchen. Oh, it's all cold now... But that's alright, I can just eat it like this, it's no big deal. She opened the cabinet and took a bowl out, then proceeded to pour some stew in. After she sat down at the table to eat it, she realised that she left her phone in her room. What a pain. Sigh. I'll get it later. The plate was soon empty and in the sink. Kande returned to her room slowly. It's not like she's in a hurry anyway. A message? Oh, it's from Yuki.

Yuki: K, sorry to bother you, but do you mind meeting up tomorrow? I need your help with something.

K: Sure, when?

Yuki: Around lunch, if that's alright.

K: Yes, for sure. Do you mind joining the voice call a bit earlier today? I also need your help with something.

Yuki: Alright, I'll log on around 24:00 then.

K: Thanks, it means a lot.

Yuki: No problem.

Around lunch, huh? That's about 12:00, right...? I don't eat lunch very often...


" I'll add a higher pitch at this part... Maybe quieten this one a bit... Hmm, no that doesn't sound right..."

* Click *

" Hi K."

" Oh, Yuki, hi, right on time."

" I mean, it is exactly twelve. "

" Yes, yes. So, first of all, how are you doing? Mentally and physically."

" I'm alright. I didn't get enough sleep last night, so today was a bit fuzzy. "

" Oh! Are you feeling better now, at least? You can go rest if you're tired, we can clear this next time." – she replied quickly in a worrisome tone.

" K, don't you find this situation a bit ironic?" – Mafuyu chuckled. You don't sleep enough yourself and yet you worry about me.

" Ah! Sorry, I wasn't thinking, it really isn't my place to comment on things I don't have control of in my life as well, heh. "

" Alright, let's make a little deal then. We'll work for a few hours and then both go to sleep, so we would be actually rested. What do you think? "

" Oh, uhm, I don't know... I still have a lot I need to fix..." – A sigh could be heard on the other end of the call.

" Kanade, we're still living creatures that need rest and even if you don't sleep, you're going to doze off in a bit anyway."

" I'm not going to... Doze off...I had enough sleep last night, so you'll probably fall asleep faster than me, Mafuyu " – Kanade giggled.

" I don't... " Why does my chest feel fuzzy? Is it because I didn't get enough sleep, so I'm feeling a bit drowsy...?

" Yuki, are you okay? Do you need to go rest? "

" Oh, no, I'm fine, just zoned out for a little bit. "

" Ah, okay... We'll, if you actually need to go rest later on, tell me, okay? " – she stated seriously.

" K, I asked you to promise to go to sleep as well. "

" I'll try "

" Alright, what do you need help with? "

" Oh, yeah, could you help me see if I should adjust this part..."







* Click *


"Shhhhhh, Amia, be quiet please" – Kande shushed her. Mizuki joined. It's not going to be quiet.

" Huh? Why? "

" Yuki fell asleep. You can hear her lightly breathing near her microphone

" Ohhhhhhhhh... I don't think Mafuyu has ever fallen asleep while we were working." – Mizuki thought out loud.

" Yes, I think so as well. She said she was very tired today, though. Didn't sleep well last night ."

" Oh, alright. Let's let her rest then"

Sounds of keyboard buttons could be heard, often mouse clicks as well. Light breathing from one side of the call. A quiet melody coming from K's side of the call. Amia's groaning from their side, trying to wake enan up by spamming her in the chat.


" I guess she really won't show up. So much for 'working as a team'. I thought she would at least have an alarm or something." – Mizuki was complaining non-stop about ena not joining the call.

" I mean, we have to stay up working, not that I'm complaining about that, but she's going to hold us back without finishing the illustrations- K? Are you there?" – she was met with silence.

Guess she fell asleep too. Damn, I'm bored and tired. I should probably log off and get some sleep as well. Well, good luck with your 'sleep on call girlfriend' in the morning Kanade. If you both even wake up.



Hmm? Why is it so bright... Mafuyu sits up while rubbing her eyes. What's the time...?

" It's seven forth five?! I overslept! I'm going to be late! " – she jumped up from her chair. And I slept in a sitting position at my desk? That's not going to end well.

" Hmmm... Yuki? "

" Gah! " – You could hear someone falling down.

" Oh I'm sorry! I didn't mean to scare you, I just woke up and heard you talking..." – Kanade yawned.

" It's alright, it's alright... I just woke up a few minutes ago, I forgot that my computer was still on. " – silence filled the room.

" I should get going, I need to eat something or I'm going to get scolded by my housekeeper if she finds out I haven't been eating... "

" Yeah, me too, I'm going to be late for school if I don't leave in a few minutes. " – she was about to press the leave button, but Kanade stopped her.

" Uh, Yuki, wait a second please... Can I ask for a favour? "

" I suppose."

" Do you mind letting me enter your school grounds today during lunch? I'm sure you won't be able to eat breakfast l, because you overslept and that's on me... If I would've told you to go rest instead of working a bit, you wouldn't be late, so if you'd let me to treat you to lunch? " – she murmured the end of the sentence out quietly.

" Kanade, did you forget we have plans to meet around lunch today? "

" Oh! I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I forgot, honestly! " – How embarrassing, I forgot! Her face turned red from embarrassment.

" It's alright, don't worry about it. Though I could've just not said anything and you would've had to treat me, silly." – the nickname just slipped out! Gah... I don't even think she's silly, just forgetful... You could hear Kanade giggle on the side of the call.

" Alright, I'll see you at lunch Yuki... Actually do you mind if we eat in sekai? We could bring food there and we wouldn't need to go anywhere... "

" Sure, let's do that. I'll talk to you later, I have to hurry and leave, see you. "

" Bye... " – the silence once again settled in the room. I need to speed up my process of making songs. If I don't make one to save Mafuyu in time... I don't want her to disappear. Without her help and presence... It makes everything seem harder. As if I won't be able to concentrate, knowing that I'm not going to see or hear her again. She shivered. I need to boil some water for the instant noodles. She left her room, humming a melody.


There was no food in the kitchen. Of course, excluding instant noodles, but that's not really food you would offer someone for lunch is it? This was a problem. Maybe the stew leftovers in the pot would do well for lunch? They might be a bit tasteless, but that's alright, right? Kanade sighed. It looks like she'll still need to leave the apartment to go to the shop around the corner. How unfortunate. Maybe we could reschedule this for a little bit later...? Oh, a text. Doesn't matter, right now, time is of the essence. Maybe there were some fruits in the cabinet? At least then she could make some fruit salad.


Is K not here yet? I'll have to go ask Miku if she saw her. Mafuyu started walking slowly while looking around. Is she not here as well?

" Mafuyu? "

" Ah! Luka you startled me. "

" Oh, sorry about that. What are you doing here? "

" I'm waiting for Kanade and I wanted to go ask Miku if she's here already, but I guess there's no need since you're here. Have you seen K? " – she was met with silence.

" Luka? "

" Oh, Mafuyu, yes? " – she replied calmly.

" I asked you if- actually nevermind. Do you know where Miku is? "

" No."

" Oh, okay. Do you at least know if Kanade came here? "

" Yes, she was here today, talking to Miku. "

" Is she still here? "

" I don't know. "

" Luka. "

" Yes, she's here, but she asked me not to tell you yet. I was told to keep you occupied for a bit. " – Luka sighed.

" Do you know why? Because we're supposed to have lunch here and she didn't show up yet.

" Not really. She didn't tell me much. "

" Alright, I'll go look for her... See you."

" Bye."

As she started walking further, a quiet melody could be heard. Someone was singing. Miku? No, the voice is definitely not her's . Is it Rin? Her mind was working on who could be singing, as she wandered through the emptiness. A few meters ahead you could see kanade and Miku working on something. The melody had turned into quiet humming. Kanade's voice.