
Chapter 444

(AN: Leave a comment and a review, your feedback helps me a lot.)

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Yeah! Here's the new chapter!


-Following day-

[POV – Third Person]

It was a Sunday morning, right after breakfast, and in one of the many corridors of Hogwarts castle there were two identical red-haired teenagers, who were walking side by side while whispering to each other.

And those who passed by the corridor and saw these infamous red-haired boys whispering to each other quickly moved away from them in fear, knowing that they were up to something.

And everyone who knew these two knew that they were probably planning another one of their crazy pranks, and no one wanted to have the unfortunate fate of being their target this time.

And while the students and even some teachers tried to go unnoticed by the twins, they continued talking quietly, without paying attention to the people around them.

"Are you sure you still want to do this?" Fred asked his brother, and there was a look of concern on his face.

"Now my dear brother, if our goal is to overcome the Marauders then we cannot be scared by a simple challenge" George replied, putting his arm over Fred's shoulder.

"Well, when the challenge is a crazy, paranoid professor who is also a former Auror known for his cruelty in hunting other wizards, then yes, I guess we can be scared," Fred said dryly.

"Details" George waved his hand dismissively.

"Getting caught by Moody and becoming his new training dummy for him to test his spells will also be just details" Fred grumbled.

And upon hearing this the other redhead rolled his eyes, "Where is your Gryffindor bravery my less attractive twin?" George asked.

"It's probably being strangled by my common sense."

"Everyone knows that common sense is an urban legend," George snorted, "And I don't know if you've forgotten, but we're in a prank war against a werewolf, an ex-criminal who escaped from Azkaban, and a scary, brilliant and cruel Ravenclaw "

"Err... Yes, so what?" Fred looked at his brother without understanding.

"Well, how is pranking Professor Moody worse than facing them?" George looked at the twin next to him with a raised eyebrow.





"You have a point" Fred said, which made his brother smile, "And okay, we're going to do this prank... But just to be clear, if we get caught by Moody you'll be the first to be tortured for him, just so I can say 'I warned you' while you scream."

"Scary and a little psychopathic, but very fair" George shrugged, still smiling.

George then put his hand in his pants pocket and took out a folded parchment, and Fred, who saw this, approached him, already knowing what he was going to do.

"ATLAS, map mode" George said, before bringing his bracelet closer to the parchment.

And from the stone in the center of his bracelet, black ink came out, falling onto the parchment and spreading across it.

And this ink then began to move across the parchment, drawing something on it, and in the end when the ink finally blended completely with the parchment there was a magical map of Hogwarts drawn on it.

"ATLAS, look for Alastor Moody" George commanded again.

And again the map on the parchment began to change, and when it stopped it was showing Professor Moody's office, where his name and the footprints representing him could be seen.

But the twins didn't pay much attention to it, as they saw something strange on the map that completely captured their attention.

"Huh? Isn't that the name of Percy's boss?" George asked, looking confused at Bartemius Crouch's name on the map.

"Yes, and he is also one of the organizers of the Tri-Wizard Tournament" Fred replied, with a strange frown.

And George kept looking at the map in confusion, until he remembered something, "Wait a minute, didn't Percy say his boss was sick?" he asked, turning to his brother with a questioning look.

And that question made Fred blink, before nodding, "Oh yes, I remember him talking about that on Yule Ball day" he said.

And upon hearing his brother's confirmation, George frowned, looking back at the map, "Strange, if he's sick, what is he doing at Hogwarts?"

"More importantly… What is he doing in Professor Moody's office?" Fred said.

And what followed was silence, as the two Weasley boys tried to think of possible answers to these questions.

"Are he and Professor Moody friends?" Fred suggested, but his brother shook his head.

"Did you forget that dad said that Professor Moody has few friends and that he and Mr. Crouch don't like each other?" George asked.

"Oh, that's right," Fred nodded, before snapping his fingers as if he had just thought of something, "Maybe he came to Professor Moody to ask for some healing potion or something for his illness."

"So early in the morning?" George looked at him uncertainly, "And besides, if he wanted a healing potion shouldn't he see Madam Pomfrey or Professor Snape instead of the DADA Professor?"

"Yes, you're right" Fred pursed his lips.

And the two again fell into an awkward silence, becoming more confused with each passing second.

The twins could think of no reason why these two old men would be meeting so early in Professor Moody's office.

Professor Moody and Mr. Crouch were so different from each other, and apparently not only were they not friends, they even had a feud between them.

And because of that it was difficult to imagine that the two of them would be in the same room together, and the twins even began to wonder if the rumor about them hating each other was a lie.

"Uh... I wonder if they are, you know..." Fred started to say, not finishing his question as he looked at his brother with a strange look.

And George looked at the other red-haired boy confused, not understanding what he was trying to say.

But not a second later he understood the meaning of his brother's words, and a grimace of disgust immediately appeared on his face, "Ew, no. This is impossible" he said.

"I don't know, they look very suspicious to me" Fred said, looking at the map.

And George was going to try to deny it again, but when he was about to open his mouth, Fred spoke, interrupting him.

"Wait, Mr. Crouch is approaching Professor Moody," he said hastily, bringing the map closer to his face.

"Really?" George asked, looking at the map too.

And just as Fred said the name and the footprints belonging to Mr. Crouch began to approach Professor Moody, who was still standing in the corner of the office.

"Uh, isn't he a little too close to Professor Moody?" George said, with a grimace on his face, "Look, they're practically on top of each other."

And looking at the map you could see that Mr. Crouch's name was almost blending in with Professor Moody's name, which showed that they were pretty close to each other.

And immediately in the boys' minds came several images of what Mr. Crouch and Professor Moody could be doing to be so close to each other like that.

And unfortunately for the twins, most of the things they thought of required a certain level of intimacy that bordered on obscene.

"Oh no, I was right!" Fred said in amazement, and he couldn't even feel satisfied with the fact that he was right, since the only thing he was feeling at this moment was disgust.

"Urgh, I want to vomit" George put his hand over his mouth, feeling the breakfast he ate wanting to come out.

And his brother nodded, his face completely green as he leaned against the wall.

"You know what, I think we better leave this prank with Professor Moody aside," Fred said, starting to feel the bile rising in his throat too.

"Yes, and I also think it's better that we keep a certain distance from his office" George said with a disgusted look.

And Fred was quick to agree with this suggestion, "Yes... Just in case"

Fred then looked back at the parchment in his hands, holding it as if it were dirty.

And no longer wanting to see the two names that would be the reason for his nightmares for the next few days, he canceled the map, before putting the parchment back in his pocket, planning to burn it to get rid of anything that reminds him of this moment.

"Let's agree to never talk about this again" Fred said with a frown, "I don't want to have to remember this moment ever again"

"I agree" George nodded, "And in fact, I'm even going to start researching memory spells to learn how to cast one, and then I'll be able to erase that memory from my mind."

"Great idea" Fred said, "And I think the best time to start this research is now."

"Yes" George agreed.

And after that the twins turned to head back to the Gryffindor Common Room, wanting to learn a memory charm as quickly as possible, and also wanting to get as far away from Professor Moody's office as possible.

And Barty Crouch Junior didn't know it, but his disguise was saved from being discovered by the twins by a big, disgusting, and repulsive misunderstanding.

