

It was thundering on that Sunday night when the mystery of time was about to reveal to a little child. Eric was sleeping when the sight of the room in the basement snooped him .He didn't know quite well why the room was being so auspicious to him .But he did want to discover what was hidden in that room. So he jumped straight out of the bed and got down to the basement. There was no one there except the bare cold misted air. He opened the iron rusted gate and entered a dark room, he lighted his candle and what he saw was beyond his belief .There was a machine, he never listened about it nor did he see one in his life. He got closer and closer to it and saw different buttons on it and pressed one to check out what will happen the next movement, And in the next second the room was filled with strong light coming from the screen and the next very moment he felt very miserable he wanted to run but couldn't and felt like vomiting and thrush, he landed into a completely different place. Which no one knew where it was? No one knew, where he had land himself? No one knew neither did he himself .Hurray but quiet frightened he felt as he had transported himself years ahead into the time.

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