
Savage Love BL

Yamamoto Aito is psychologically affected by his ex's death and promises to avenge her. With the aid of his best friend, Shima Haruto, he began to destroy the lives of those whom he believes, killed her. Aito’s ultimate goal is to join her after completing his revenge for he deems himself as one of the reasons she died. Along came a new student, Igarashi Ryu who destroys Aito’s plans and tarnishes what's left of his sanity by making him fall hopelessly in love with him. Aito is now torn between his guilt and wanting the happiness Ryu gives him. Will Aito be able to complete his revenge and attain his goal or will he choose to let go and love Ryu? But... Is Igarashi Ryu really who he claims to be?

Zhee_Aliyu · LGBT+
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300 Chs

Chapter 81

"No no no no no don't come any closer!" I said, backing away but with each step I took, Ryu took two.

"Why?" he asked. "We haven't been able to see each other properly for three days and now you don't want to be near me?"

Sweat dropped down the side of my head. "I-It's not like that Ryu. Just stay where you are and I'll explain"

Did he listen? Of course not. My back hit a table, halting my movements and Ryu closed the space between us in an instant. "Were you avoiding me?"

I vigorously shook my head. "Of course not!"

Of course I was! The guy was so brutal to me. I couldn't walk properly because of him which earned me so many questions from my parents. I had to lie that I hurt my leg.

Ryu clearly didn't believe me. "Then why don't you want me close to you?"

I went red in the face. How could I tell him the reason? If I did, he'd put on a smug look and feel so proud of himself. Just the fact that I screamed his name all night inflated his ego.

"I-I do want you close" I stuttered. "I j-just-"

He cut me off with a kiss. His hands went to my waist and he picked me up and placed me on the table. I started to panic. We were in the abandoned building behind school. Broad daylight! What if someone sees?! Yes the classroom we were in was already locked and the windows too but still!

Ryu had sent me a text to meet him here and I knew I couldn't avoid him any longer so I did. The classroom was one of the good ones that weren't affected by the fire.

His hands went to my belt buckle and I swatted them away, breaking the kiss.

"What are you doing?!" I hissed. "What if someone catches us?!"

He smiled and kissed me again, nibbling on my lower lip. "Don't worry baby. We're completely safe here. Trust me"

I sighed. If Ryu says to trust him, then I will. Nothing can ever go wrong when he's around. He has proved that so many times. Still, I couldn't help but worry...

Ryu noticed and deepened the kiss, trying to distract me from my thoughts and it worked. I soon dispelled my worries and began to kiss him back, enjoying the way our lips fit together, the way our tongues coiled and tangled, eliciting moans from me. My arms snaked around his neck and my fingers threaded the dark soft locks at the back of his neck.

Kissing Ryu will never get old. The feelings that came with it just kept intensifying. The hardening of my lower part was proof enough and as if Ryu was already aware, he wedged his hand between us and rubbed the tent my dick made in my pants.

I whimpered from the pleasure that shot through me and Ryu growled low in his throat. He pulled away and smiled as he undid my belt, unzipped my pants, dug his hand in and brought out my dick. I held unto his shoulders as he started to slowly rub me, using my precum as lubrication.

He leaned down and whispered in my ear; "Have you ever thought of doing it here?". I shivered from the deep tone of his voice and the feeling of his hot breath on my ear. He caught my lobe between his teeth and sucked it into his mouth.

"Don't you think it will be amazing, Aito? I think the thrill of getting caught is getting you excited"

"Ryu..." I moaned, my body vibrating. He continued to stroke me and I had to bite my lips to stop myself from crying out loud. I could only hold on to him as he pleasured me. At this point, if he wants to do me in school, I certainly won't have a problem.

"Answer me, Aito" he whispered. "Should we do it?"

Should we?

His other hand was already slipping down the backside of my pants and I raised my body up a little to give him access. His fingers went straight for my hole. Not penetrating, but just touching. Even the light touches had a part of me, inside, itching.

Ryu continued to nibble on my earlobe, moving down to my neck, peppering kisses and sucking my skin. He didn't neglect me down there too. He expertly worked his fingers from root to tip. It was slow but extremely pleasurable. The pressure just kept building up and when I was about to release, he pressed his thumb on my slit, forcing it back.

"Ryu!" I screamed as my body shuddered vehemently from the intensity. It was a mix of pleasure and pain. Tears sprang to my eyes but I couldn't pinpoint the cause. It was a painful but sweet feeling.

"Sorry sweetheart" he whipered against my lips. "I want you to cum when I'm inside you. Will you let me?"

When he asks like this...Fuck it. I didn't care anymore. "Ye-"

"Holy shit, this is fucking gold!" we suddenly heard someone shout.

My blood ran cold and my dick deflated like a balloon the second I recognised the voice. Fuck. Even if my ears were stuffed full of cotton, there's no way I would ever mistake that voice.

Ryu quickly shielded me with his body but I knew it was already too late. I looked over his shoulder and the smirk of the person who caught us made my eyes sting.




"Oh my God I can't believe this" Toshiro said, laughing as he put away his phone in his pocket. "Fuck I must be dreaming. Wait wait wait let me pinch myself"

He pinched himself in the arm and winced from the pain. "Holy cow! I'm not dreaming am I?. It's really you two. Oh my God, what an amazing discovery. The great Yamamoto Aito and the church rat Ryu. Never in my dreams did I ever think you two will be in such a relationship. And to think that I'm so blessed to catch you in the act. God must really love me"

"Shut up!" Ryu shouted. He was furious. Knowing him, I was sure he wasn't mad at Toshiro but himself. He had said we were safe here but Toshiro ended up finding us. I knew he was already feeling guilty.

Toshiro burst out laughing. "Shut up? Is that all?" He shook his head. "Nah I shouldn't expect anything more actually. You really can't say anything to cover up what I've already seen. And Aito, stop hiding. I already understand what's happening. You can come out okay"