
Sans in multiverse

What happens when you get powers from the game you love the most and end up in fictional worlds

Omni404_Sans · Autres
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35 Chs

Akame ga kill

Your suggestion(World)-0



Dragon maid/Demon lord part-timer-1



Reincarnated with a smartphone-0

Akame ga Kill-5

Create world-1






"Well Akame ga kill von with Arifureta being second there will be romance who it will be it must be gues it someone from these worlds now enjoy"


Ophis: "Brother can we go?"


Ophis: "somewhere with people if possible these guys are weird especially these two



"...Understandable lets go"

Ophis and I went to the star Sanses and bid farewell and I delivered cookies chocolate and muffins when I took the chocolate some Sanses and Charas looked at me like they want to tear me apart from so I escaped.

Ophis: "YEY finally we will leave these weirdos"

"Ok let's go"

We entered the portal and by the atmosphere here I already guessed where we are I could see the city and it was the same one as in Akame ga kill I have a great idea I will do something that I read in one F/F while I was alive I called Ophis and I buy a portable house it looked like a small golf ball but when I placed it down it made a lot of noise and there was a semi-modern house it was expensive I am almost at 0 but I can take this house with me everywhere in the multiverse. As I look back at the city the only thing that I could think was 'This place have so many walking XP it is beautiful.

I build the house near Night Raid base on a hill nearby it is not visible from their base and as I got a notification that cannon starts tomorrow seems like tomorrow will be a busy day.

Ophis: "Hello someone home SANS HELLO!!! I AM HUNGRY!"

"Oh yea let's eat"

Ophis: "But you will cook this time"


Ophis: "I want to taste your cooking but I will tell you something when it comes to food I am cruel if it is bad it is bad hehe"

'Ha I can just buy cooking skills and it is just 1Mc because it is in support skill I also got that skill maxed that is how you get common skills there is also skill named socks cleaner so you know it is pretty weird.'

"Ok I will be cooking"

Ophis: "Also where did you get that house from you know what never mind I got used to it now let's eat!"

as I was cooking I heard a doorbell my plan worked pretty well did I said that it is the middle of the night and that was a lot of sounds when the house was constructed.

And who could it be of course Night raid they are the only ones in the area as I opened the door there were 6 people at the doorway as I opened the door little pink-haired girl started yelling

Mine: "Who are you and why are you so laud its midnight!!"

"well I am Sans nice to meet you isn't it a bit rude to ask for someone's name without introducing yourself first"

Mina: "I am Mina now why are you here?"

Ophis: "brother who is there?" oh hello I am Ophis"

"Well seems we were too loud wait where is the black-haired girl?

Leone: "Oh not again Akame!! where are you!!"

Inside the house sound was heard by me and I dashed to it my eyes turning from human back to standard and summoning one blaster I looked at Akame who devoured all the food"

Ophis: "NOOO YOU ATE MINE TOO!!" Ophis said in a dark tone"This is the worst sin there is blast her Sans no let's torture her soul EHEHE"

The rest of the Night raid stud in attack stances I remover blaster and turned my eyes to look normal"You do remember that I can manipulate time" I snapped my fingers and all the food apaired on empty plates Akame not even looking at us continued to ate but this time Ophis joined her.

"Do you have to work with this all the time?"

Sheele: "Well yes but the same could be said to you and what did she mean by torturing her soul that isn't possible right?"

She asked in the unusual way they didn't see the blaster only Akame did "Well technically not possible for you" She gave a sigh of relief only to look at me again

Bulat: "What do you mean by for you?"

"Yap I can take people's souls and so on" I turned my eyes back to normal and summoned 2 blasters and summoned them.

Bulat: "This gear must be something similar to mine"

"Not even close that was Gaster blaster this not only kills the body but also the soul same as 45mm so you better don't be hit by it"

He just nodded and with the girl entering my house Ophis has having a great time with Mina and Leone they were watching anime.

Mina: "so Sans what are these boxes with people in them can I take one?"

"since when did my house become a pajama party why are you all in my house"

Leone: "well sweaty it is your fault that we are awake and now I can't sleep unless you will go with me for a drink"

"Forget it I am immune to alcohol also you can stay only because it seems Ophis likes you a little which is rare" I went to my room, not before Akame asked for a refill she is a bottomless pit also I left 2 blasters to protect Ophis if they try something I ma not trusting normal people even less to assassins and I went straight to bed blasters will alarm me when those people leave.


Akame won't be his girlfriend I have plans already you can guess who it is from Arifureta.

Have a nice day/night/noon/afternoon/and so on see ya next chapter (probably read but who cares)

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Omni404_Sanscreators' thoughts