

" Mother "

Asami said as she walked into one of the living rooms in the castle, knocking on a nearby wall as if to make her presence known

" What's wrong, honey? "

Ayami questioned as she placed her hand on her daughter's shoulder, looking down at her from behind

" I want to ask a favor of you "

Asami said as she looked up at her mother; her eyes filled with determination which threw Ayami off for a few seconds

" Uh, sure what is it? "

Ayami replied as she would then walk toward a coach where the aliens that had landed on their backyard were sitting

" But before that, could you give me a second? I need to ask these aliens a few questions, I'll be with you in a moment, okay sweetie? "

She added, to which her daughter simply replied to by nodding, proceeding to take a few steps back, looking for a place to sit.

She found a chair and ran toward it, jumping up and sitting on it, watching her mom from a far

" Okay now; Lenmio, you mentioned something about galactic energy that one time I recharged your ship "

Ayami said as she would then cross her legs, placing her right over her left whilst resting her hands by her knees.

Ayami was wearing a white blouse with long black and tight pants, with black boots to match; her haired was tied in a bun and on each ear she had an earring.

The aliens were wearing the same clothing they had on the first time they landed, since they didn't find this planet's clothes suitable

" Uh, yes I did; and I was meaning to ask you, how is it that you can produce galactic energy? "

Lenmio replied, answering her question with a simple yes just to add in a question of his own, which kind of annoyed Ayami but she didn't mind

" I think you mean sanctuary energy "

She whispered as she would then raise her right hand, surrounding it in a white flame, which left the two aliens in front of her speechless

" That amount is enough to charge one of our rifles for a day "

Lenmio thought to himself, only to then take a deep breath and look Ayami dead in her eyes

" Are you the only one capable of doing this or are there others who can do it as well "

Lenmio questioned, which confused Ayami a bit, but she simply sighed, shrugging a little; this went from her asking questions to them asking her the questions

" Uh, no, it isn't just me, anyone can do it, even my four year old daughter right over there can as well "

Ayami said as if this was the most basic thing in the world, pointing over at her daughter whilst she said it.

The two aliens simply opened their mouths wide in complete shock

" So, wait, each and every single one of the beings in this planet is capable of producing galactic energy? "

Lenmio said, still trying to process the first thing she had mentioned

" You mean Sanctuary Energy, not galactic… "

Ayami said

" But uh, yeah, anyone can; well, 40% of living beings can't use their sanctuary energy for battle, some can't even use it because of lack of training or lack of talent, though they still are born with sanctuary energy, everyone is, even you two "

Ayami added, proceeding to cross her arms as she watched the two aliens simply start to lose their minds over these 'simple' facts

" From your reactions, your people aren't capable of doing what we can? "

Ayami questioned, tilting her head a little to which the two nodded, not to mention quickly

" Well, I mean I find it impressive that you guys are capable of making artificial sanctuary energy "

Ayami replied as she would then lower her gaze, watching as her daughter round around the floor, only to then jump on top of her just to be held by Ayami

" Artificial? How are you able to differentiate? "

Lenmio questioned only for Ayami to scratch her chin a little

" Well, me and a few handful of people are capable of sending sanctuary energy, that's how I know you two posses it, but i can also sense it's purity and essence; but the moment I sensed the little amount of energy your ship had when it landed I realized it hadn't come from a living being, so I assumed it came from an object, a rock maybe? "

Ayami said, only for the aliens to nod in response

" Well—we did use rocks; rather, we used crystals, and a few other minerals which allowed us to create a liquid capable of generating a temporary amount of galact-sorry, sanctuary energy "

Lenmio explained, which Intrigued Ayami a little

" That reminds me a lot of the fuel I came up with for my multi-continental -traveling train "

Ayami replied, smiling a little as she remembered her invention

" Anyway, I think that's enough, my daughter seems to be impatience and in a hurry for me to complete her favor, so let's have this conversation some other time yeah? "

Ayami said, as her daughter began to squeeze on her cheeks and pulling on them, as if to turn her mother's attention from Lenmio and the queen over to her

" Yeah.. "

Lenmio replied, watching as the pair walked out of the room, only to then lay against the couch with a loud sigh, realizing the complete goldmine they had stumbled upon

" I think we hit the jackpot "

Lenmio said to himself, chuckling a little out of disbelief

" Do you know what this means your highness? "

Lenmio said as he looked over at his queen only to receive a left and right head shake of denial

" I'm sure that if we ask for their help, they can send some of their soldiers over to our planet and help us win our war, if what she says is true and that every person in this planet is capable of producing galactic energy, then with just a few people our war can be easily won! "

Lenmio said, grabbing Queen Netty's hands, only for her to smile at him; she didn't quite understand what was going on, but she was happy as long as Lenmio was happy