

I am walking down the school hallways. It is an average day, but the noise of sparse gusts in the wind say otherwise. I walk to my locker to acquire my books for this morning. Period 1 is History and period 2 is biology. There ok classes, but I love math more which isn't until later in the school day. My geometry book will have to sit there until I come back for it after lunch.

I close my locker and look at my phone. It is 7:30, school starts at 8. I usually arrive at 7:20. I don't live to far from my high school, so I walk. Thank god it wasn't a rainy day. I get drenched to often because my umbrella is to small—got to buy a new one—and my parents leave early for work, so I have no ride. But today is a sunny day and nothing bad happens on a sunny day. I think.

While waiting for school to start I sit in the courtyard looking up at a tree. The birds in it are chirping nonstop. The squirrels are running more frantic than usual, screeching and being quite aggressive with each other. The birds take off flying in random patterns. I look over at a bush and see a squirrel with a lot of nuts digging wildly to store them. What is going on?

"Sally! Sally! Get over here," a voice calls.

I look over to see my best friend Julia waving at me. She looks good, well she looks good every day. Her long lean sporty body allows any outfit to look good on her. Not like my average looking body, where I need put in some effort to look attractive. Her eggshell blouse and blue skirt look down on my gray t-shirt and black leggings. Then there is her auburn ponytail that always seems to flow through the air with ease whenever she moves. Unlike my short blonde hair, that will flap a little if it is windy. She always seems to have a smile on her face, compared to me who can only produce a smug or forced grin, sometimes a giggle every now and then. I am not jealous but sometimes I wish I could be just like her.

Behind her is her younger sister Erica in her baggy different shades of black clothes. They look nothing like each other. Erica has short dirty blond hair, and is 4 inches shorter than Julia. She is reading book like she always does. I wouldn't call her a book worm or a nerd. More like a well learned person who is witty and has a comeback for any insult you throw at her. However she never acts like she is better than anyone, most of the time, every now and then she does to prove a point. It must be nice to be someone who knows there worth.

"Sally what are looking at?" Julia ask me.

"Oh, uh. Just the animals. You see how the birds are moving,"

"They were moving unusually yesterday. And on Monday. How did it take you this long to notice," Erica says with out looking up from her book.

"I didn't ok. I'm just saying it is unusual."

Erica doesn't respond. There is some icy silence before Julia breaks it.

"Hey did you do the history homework?"

"Yeah it was pretty easy."

"Cool can I look at your notes to see if I did them correctly."

That means she didn't get time to finish them. To be fair they keep her so long at volleyball practice that Julia has to finish the homework she thinks is more important. That leaves her scrambling to finish the rest right before school starts. I give her my notes, immediately she scribbles it down quickly.

"I really wanted to read this chapter, being it being on bubonic plague, I'll just read it during lunch or recess," she says as she continues to scribble.

"Seems like you have been doing that a lot lately," Erica says.

"Oh shut it. I try to balance time as best as I can," she says back.

"Whatever," Erica says shrugging as she walks off to her locker.

I remain a little silent waiting for Julia to finish. Then I decide to speak

"So how is the season going?"

"Pretty good. I think we will win the semifinals. Then it is off to state," she says proudly.

Julia is a sophomore like me, but the varsity volleyball team is made up mainly of seniors. Going to state has always been their dream and they pledged that it would be their goal. Julia is an important piece in their goal even though she is younger than them. I have been following them and they all seem to believe they will make it. They have been dominate the entire season with a few losses, but are ranked in the right place and have put it all together to make their state run. It's nice have goals, to see that you can touch and taste them.

"That's good. I hope you guys win it."

"Thanks," She says smiling at me. "I'm all done here you go."

She gives me back my notes, then we walk to her locker.

"Hey where is Joseph?" I ask.

"He will be here soon. Lazy bones thinks just because he can drive he can make it to school on time quickly," Julia grumbles.

Joseph is Julia's older brother. He's a senior. Like Julia, he is athletic just like her. State champion in wrestling and one of the best in our school's history, plus some good 100m speed on the track. How many scholarships has he been offered in wrestling from D1 universities. Too many to count. He picked Michigan as the university he wants to go to. Good for him.

However what Julia says about him is true. He got his driver's license this summer and has been driving it school every day. Julia's family lives close enough that he can rush over here in his car minutes before the bell rings and be in class. Julia hates it because she still has to have her parents drop her off. I'm pretty sure when she is a senior she will doing the same thing just like Joseph.

The bell rings and I head off to history class. I do pretty well in this subject despite trying to fall asleep most of the time. Look I get it, we have to learn history so we don't repeat the same mistakes, but could it be taught more interesting. I'm listen to a teacher who is old of bricks recite dates and their importance, with monotone voice. I do better at learning history from a museum. At least a get to look at cool artifacts and imagine someone walking around in their attire from that time period.

History class finallt finishes and I head off to biology. I always have a soft side for science. You get to experiment and see what happens as the result of that experiment. Very free flowing in my opinion. I still like math more, only because it feels like my brain is working harder and sharper to solve these complex problems. It is only geometry right now for me, but I think I can handle the higher math in the future. That doesn't change the fact that I love math more than the other subjects.

The door to my biology class is closed. Mr. Luck prepares the lessons during the transition from period 1 to period 2, so we wait in the hall until the transition ends. I'm leaning against the wall when Erica walks up to me. She attends the same class as I. Most freshman will take geology or astronomy, but a few like Erica take biology. I'm ok with it, even if she get's on my nerves sometimes. It is nice to have a class with someone you know. The other students I know, but not a friend basis. Erica walks up to me with a cold stare. She always has one on. Julia makes fun of her for it, but she always says that she smiles on her terms and her terms only.

"Hi Erica."

"Yes Sally."

"So anything cool happen in your last class?"

"I wouldn't call my English class cool."

"I thought you liked reading and literature and that kind of stuff."

"Oh, I do. But I just don't find a bunch of idiots with low vocabulary reading in turn, stumbling over every six words, at speeds slower than snails, entertaining."

"A little stuck-up don't you think," I say

She doesn't respond, only gives me a look that says "Are freaking serious with me right now."

"Oh look the door is open," I say changing the conversation. We both enter and take our seats.

Mr. Luck has prepared some crawfish to dissect. This is all part of his lesson on how animal bodies and cells work. Most people don't like the dissections because they get messy immediately. I don't mind I prefer hands on learning than being lectured. Sometimes I get so bored in this class that I flip through the pages of our textbook to read more about the subjects we will learn.

I go to one of the desks to join my group. I'm partnered with a boy named Alex who is acts odd all the time. Sometimes I see him walking around campus talking to himself. Also he stares at people strangely a lot. The other member of our group is a girl named Lily. She's average looking, average thinking, and I always see her trying to play on her phone when the teacher isn't looking. We don't say much to each other while we diligently work through the lab. I look over to see Erica's group. It seems like she is carrying them, like she does for every group project she is in. I don't know if she takes the projects seriously or that she wants to get them out of the way so bad that she prefers doing most of the work.

Biology class ends; Erica and I walk together to find Julia. Usually we meet at the cafeteria during recess. We go in, get our food, and meet Julia as we walk from the food station.

"Oh my god why do you two smell," she says waving her hand as a fan.

"Dissection today," Erica says.

"Well could you two at least get that smell of your hands. I can't believe you made it this far without anyone noticing."

"We did. I think there was something wrong with the crawfish Mr. Luck gave us," Erica says.


Julia pulls out a bottle of hand sanitizer. She isn't a germaphobe, but she has it incase she can't reach the restroom to wash her hands. What's special about this sanitizer is that it has a strong smell, perfect for getting rid of the crawfish odor. We each take some, rub it on, then sit down to eat our food.

"I think these tater tots are undercooked," I say biting into one that is hard as rocks.

"That's why I don't eat our schools lunch," Julia says pulling out a peanut butter and jelly sand which she made at home. "There cheap and produced to feed the masses."

"Yeah and yours is top quality and fit for a princess," Erica says in a mocking tone.

"Shut up dork. Your just upset because you over slept and couldn't make your meal in time."

Erica didn't say anything. Being her older sister, Julia was one of the few people who could keep her in place. I began to chew through the hard tater tots when I realized something.

"Hey Julia how many pages were we suppose to read for English last night?"

"The first three chapters. Why?"

"Shit. Got to go," I say getting up, rushing for my locker.

English class was next, and I needed to read the last chapter we were assigned. They are making us read Iliad. I still don't get it. Why would the Greeks and Trojans fight a war over one woman. Especially since she was kidnapped. Seems pretty stupid to me. Anyways I forgot to read the third chapter. I get to my locker and start reading until recess ends. The bell rings and I continue to read as I walk to class. I sit down in my seat an continue read. I look up to see Julia staring at me bewildered. She sits right next to me, as we always whisper or share notes during class. I look at her then continue reading.

"You know Mr. Silversire is going to an overview," Julia says to me.


"So you don't have—,"

"Shh. I am trying to finish," I say continuing to read.

Julia was kind of right. The third chapter is nothing but them reviewing all of the characters. There are so many and I'm never going to remember them all. Plus don't most of them die in this story, why should I be interested in a character who will be dead before I truly get to know them. I go through English class with ease. Looks like I panicked over nothing. Mr. Silvershire gave us a big review that you could base your notes on without reading the book.

I waltz my way through art class. It's really easy. Do you artwork before the deadline which is weeks away and goof off during the free time. After art class I go get lunch from the cafeteria. Julia isn't there, but she usually is with her volleyball teammates during lunch, and Erica likes to be in the library reading her books. So I eat my lunch alone. While I am eating the overcooked chicken from the cafeteria, I feel presence over me. I look up to see that it is librarian/janitor Gus Sarki looking at me. Most students, and a few teachers are creeped out by him. He always goes on long tirades about how the end times are near and that we need to pray to Jesus to save us. I would say he is crazy, but he isn't, even though at first the things he says sounds crazy. However, he has such a good grasp of history, the English language, and theology; that there are times when I think he is making sense. On the other hand, the one thing about him I don't like is the long stares he gives people including me.

"Mr. Sarki I'm trying to eat my meal in piece. Make it quick."

"Young lady. Now is not the time for pride. I feel it. Today is the day," he says eerily.

"You've said that for the past ten years you have worked here. Shouldn't you be in the library preaching."

"I have my TA's covering me. The principal needs me here cleaning up your precious student lunch mess since we are understaffed."

He wasn't wrong. Are entire janitorial staff quit over the summer. The school staff said we need to keep the campus clean or there would be consequences. Still Gus has to work extra time to cover those who left.

"Cool. Can you still leave. Your staring is creeping out," I say.

"Fine. But mark my words Sally Lipscomb, the Lord is slow to anger and now he is going to send his judgement to punish us. You best be praying when the end times come."

He walks off to clean up some spilled milk. I hear him muttering, and watch the other students move away from him. What is his deal. What would we be punished for. I as far as I know humanity has progressed so that we don't have to suffer like our ancestors'. We shouldn't be punished, but rewarded.

Lunch ends and I head to math class. Finally, I get to learn a subject I like. We are learning about how to calculate volume of objects. I say this is much better than learning area. I like the challenge.

During math class my body feels the urge to use the bathroom. I ask the teacher, Mr. Lake, if I can go. He says yes and gives me the hall pass. I use the bathroom, while I am washing my hands I hear groaning from outside. I don't want to be late back to class, but that groaning sounds really bad. What if it was another student who hurt themselves. It wouldn't be right to leave them just because I don't want to be punished. I decide to go out to investigate.

I Look around but can't see any sign of a person being here. I look once more, then decide to give up. Maybe it was an animal that was hurt. Not my problem to take care of them, let nature take its course. I turn to leave when I hear the groaning again. I look back and sense that it is coming from the trees at the end of the campus that touches the surrounding neighborhood. There is a fence to keep non-students out, but the trees are put there to make it feel like we aren't locked in a prison.

I go over to the trees to investigate. The groaning stops, and turns into huffing with low growls. My heart rate begins to pulse. I think I ran into a rapid animal. I don't want to get rabies, I have heard bad stories about people getting rabies. Plus no one is outside, if I get attacked no one is going to help me. I try to back away when the thing in the trees pops out.

What the fuck am I seeing. It's human, but is not at the same time. It looks like a corpse that it still alive. It has shreds clothes, torn skin. Blood covering the torn and shredded flesh. Bones stick out certain areas. The eyes look dead and rotting; in fact it smells like rotting flesh. Wait, wait, wait! I am I staring at a zombie!

That can't be, zombies aren't real, just things Hollywood likes to make movies of in order to make big profits. Yet here is one staring at me. In fact it isn't staring at me anymore, it is now coming at me at a decent speed. I back away looking for something to protect me, specifically a big stick. I find nothing and decide to run away.

I run as fast as I can. The zombie doesn't even try to catch me, but it does keep moving to where it thinks I'll go. I enter the school building and run fast as I can back to my math class. I contemplate whether I should tell anyone. What would they say if I said a zombie was walking around campus. "Oh Sally you are just imagining things." "Girl are you crazy, zombies aren't real." "Sally's crazy, Sally you are weird." I don't think I could endure those insults while an undead being is going around attacking other students. But if I don't tell anyone, it will attack someone.

As I run down the halls I see Gus Sarki mopping the floors. It easy to recognize him by the blond spiky hair he has. I should tell him; he believes in that superstitious stuff. Yeah, he will take care of it.

"What's wrong girl?" he asks as I run up to him. "You look like you've seen a ghost."


"A ghoul."

"What no. Zombie!" I shout.

Gus looks at me confused.

"Why are looking at me like that Mr. Sarki. Please take care of it," I plead.

"Girl that can't be."

I stare at him dumbfounded.

"You can't be serious. Didn't you say that there were end times. Zombie equals end times."

"Yes, I said there were end times, but I was thinking more demons, with angels coming to fight them. Not the undead walking."

I don't say anything; however he can see the panic and terrified look on my face.

"Look go back to class. I'll go take care of it."


"No but's. I'll go take care of it. You go back to learning. No walking corpse will be walking around on my watch," he reassures me with confidence in his voice.

"Okay," I say.

As we go our separate ways he turns back to me and says "Missy its best you starting praying," then he walks away.

I don't pray out loud but I hope to something that Gus gets rid of that zombie. I walk back to class and take my seat. I keep my cool, so no one asks what's wrong with me. Gus will take care of it, he has to.

Math class rolls on, but as class comes to end the loud speaker comes on. We don't hear much, except, static and low swearing from the principal. Then he comes on speaks in a calm voice.

"Attention all students. An issue from the government is that we evacuate the school due to a disease spreading through out the surrounding area. Follow your teacher's instruction and act like it is a fire drill. Do not worry police will be outside to take care of you and reunite you with your parents/guardians."

The class begins to converse with panic, but Mr. Lake orders us to calm down and follow his instructions. The principle is about to finish his speech, when he says.

"And that's—Hey stay the fuck out!" followed by guns firing over loud speaker, before it cuts out.

Mr. Lake looks at us and says. "All right class pack up and let's get out in an orderly fashion."

We follow his instructions and leave. Our class is on the first floor, so it won't be hard to get to the police outside. Other classes join us. As we walk many students are chatting about what the disease could be. A senior says that his neighbor that goes to another school texted him that his school was having the same problem. My hear rate is going through the roof. First the zombie I saw, now this. Oh my god did Gus fail. No he couldn't.

We get outside to see it is full pandemonium. There is a horde of zombies outside attacking students who left from classes on the other side of campus. I look over to see the police. They are decked out in full riot gear shooting zombies and escorting students to safety through the barrier they have set up. Most of the student decide to run to it, but parts of the horde break off and attack us. I'm safe right now since I'm in the middle back part, but I see the zombie attacking and tearing through the students. I can hear their screams as they try to fight them off. Some help, some fight trying to break through the commotion. I do the opposite and run father back into the building. My plan is to sneak around to the police barrier. As I run I continue to hear the scream of my fellow classmates getting attacked.

I make it to the other side of the building. I slowly look out to see if there are any zombies I don't but once I get outside I quickly hide in some bushes. There are enough surrounding the school building that I can sneak through to the front. Then I will have to run as fast as I can to the police barrier.

I move slowly so that I don't make any noise. Then I hear a groan. I peer through the bushes to see two zombies. They don't notice me, but they are close enough where they can hear me if I make any sudden noises. I remain silent in hope that they go away. They don't, instead they shuffle around sniffing the air. Now I don't know much about zombies, but wouldn't it be hard for a corpse to smell. The one I saw earlier didn't do anything like that. All it did was stagger after me. These ones can smell. If they catch my sent, they will know I'm hiding in the bushes. I weigh the idea of making a brake for it. I'm not that far away from the front and if I run as fast as I can, I can make it to the police barrier. I don't, because my mind tells me that there might be zombies around the corner waiting and possibly blocking me from reaching the police barrier. I am so terrified; why, why is this happening?

How could so many overrun the campus. I only saw one when I was on may bathroom break and I thought Gus took care of it. Unless that was the first one to get through and the rest slowly followed. The principal was shouting and shooting at something during the end of his announcement. Could a zombie have tried to invade his office?

I hear the two zombies groan again. Both take a big sniff, then look at the direction of where I am hiding. Oh my god they smell me. I prepare to run, screw what lays ahead I'm dead if I stay here. Before I take off, I hear a helicopter roar through the air, the two zombies look at it, then the sound of big gun goes off destroying the two zombies.

I'm grateful and scared. Grateful because my life just got save, but scared because of the presence of the helicopter. I should go out and wave to them to rescue me, but part of me realizes that they won't be able to see me well and might mistake me for a zombie. It doesn't matter what moral code they have, there job is to kill any zombie, and if I look like one I'll end up like the two that were just shot.

I stay in bushes and proceed to move through them to the front of the school. I hear the helicopter fly away along with gunfire. It must be shooting at the zombie horde that is in the inner parts of the campus. Great just what I need. Not only will I have to try to outrun the zombies to the police barrier, but also be extremely lucky and not have the helicopter fire on me because they think I am a zombie rushing the police. I remain call as I move through the bushes.

"It'll work out. It'll work out," I faintly whisper to myself.

I get to the front of the school and peer through the bushes to see the situation. It's worse than I expected. The zombie horde has overrun the police barrier. The police have fled leaving the zombies to attack the surrounding neighborhood and any straggling students. I am proven correct as some of the zombies are entering the houses, while a group of them about 100 feet away from me are ripping a girl to shreds as they eat her flesh. I can hear her screams, it fills me with terror. I want to save her, but know I can't. She dies, now I need to focus on my next move. I think about making a break for it and trying to make it through the surrounding neighborhoods. I realize that might not be the best choice. Even though I know that there are a large number of zombies on campus, who knows how many are running through the streets. For all I know they could have taken over the whole city. Plus there is still the helicopter that might gun me down if it mistakes me for the undead.

I decide to hide in the bushes until it gets dark. The bushes will give me great cover, and as long as they don't smell me I will be fine. Plus I still here firing from the helicopter, which means it is cutting the number of zombies down. I will try to make it through the darkness where the undead won't be able to see me well.

I sit in the bushes, when I hear a rustle from behind me. Scared I look behind to see it is coming from a vent that leads to under the school. It's closed, by feel like something is going jump out and get me. I try to remain calm as I investigate. One scream and the zombies wandering around will be all over me. I tap it, a head pops up. Spiky blond hair covers the head, I can't believe it is Gus Sarki.

"Mr. Sarki is that you?" I whisper.

"Girl, you must be lucky as hell. What are you doing in those bushes?" he whispers back.

"Trying to hide until darkness, then get out of here."

"That's a big mistake," he whispers shaking his head. "These things are smarter than you realize. They're pack hunters and lord knows that you are on borrowed time until they sniff you out."

"So what do you I suggest?"

"Come down here with me. I'll open it up and you quickly slide down here."

I contemplate his offer. Should I stick with my plan or hide down there? I don't want to be here anymore, but if Gus is right then these zombies will find me before darkness sets. I guess I'll trust him.

"Ok let me."

"Sure thing miss," he says, slowly opening up the vent.

I quickly slide down, thank goodness this vent can fit two human bodies through it. Gus closes it, then leads me farther down. It's pretty dark, but Gus pulls out a flashlight. This place looks weird. It smells dank, but it is well fortified as if it was ready for disaster.

"What is this place?" I ask

"Old bomb shelter. Though it doesn't look like it will protect you from a regular bomb, let alone a nuclear one. The good thing that it is hard to get down here unless you know about it, and the only people who know about it are me and the principal," he explains.

"Why do only you two know about it."

"As I said it's pretty useless, so it is not in the schools safety plan anymore, but the principal knows about it incase something really bad happens. As for me I found it all on my own after much investigation. When the principal found out I found out, he told me to keep shush about it."

"Ok," I say. Then it hits me. "Hey what happen to that zombie I told you about."

"I went after it, but then I saw its buddies waltzing on to campus and I high tailed away."

I looked at him, twitching my right eye.


"True, but we are in a survival situation now. So if you keep complaining I'll kick you out and let you survive against the zombies all by yourself."

I shut my mouth. He is right, surviving is more important than trying to be courageous.

"Oh you can't believe what I had to do to avoid those things. You think they are slow movers, but when two or more get together, they become something unstoppable. The move fast and hunt like any pack animal out there. I was lucky I was able to play them against each other, dodged them at the right second, forcing them to collide into each other. Once that happen it was easy to get away and enter this bomb shelter unnoticed," Gus raves.

"Why are you telling me this Mr. Sarki?"

"Because girl it may save you," he says giving me a crazy look.

"Got it." I say then look around the bomb shelter.

It looks barren. I know it no longer used, but there must be stockpiles of food, water and supplies if the principal thinks this place could help in a really dire situation.

"Is this place well stocked?" I ask Gus.

"Nope. We will have to scavenge when it is safe."

"When will that be?" I ask.

Gus turns to me, giving a peeved look. I think he wants me to more grateful that he just saved me, but these are really important questions I'm asking.

"Whenever I feel like it. In case you have forgotten the entire school is overrun by zombies. Don't worry I know all the places in this school the shelter leads to. Some areas I have looked at have food, and have no zombies wandering in there."

I give him a thumbs up. I don't know if he is telling the truth, but do I really want to go above ground and find out. I find a wall and sit down. Gus does opposite side of me. He pulls out a box up matches and starts counting them. I guess when the flashlight batteries run out he's going to use fire as light. I look back at him. After counting the matches he starts checking the supplies on him. They include some cleaning supplies, which I think are for sanitation, so that other diseases don't kill us. I see him pull out two knives, one is a pocket knife and the other is medium sized. Guess that one is for stabbing anything that attacks him at close range. Gus then pulls out a pistol and a box of ammo, he then starts to count the amount of ammo he has. Where the hell did he get a gun. I thought only the school police—and as of today the principal—were allowed to keep a gun on them.

"Where did you get that?" I ask.

"I always keep it on me," he says not even looking up.

"Why?" I inquire a little uneasy.

"Because I have been preaching for the longest time the end times are coming. I keep this gun on me incase they come when I am not at home. There I have a whole arsenal to protect me." He says.

I look at him scared, but pissed off.

"Oh please, just because some zombies showed up and started killing everyone, that doesn't mean we are in the end times. You even said yourself it was going to be me more angels vs. demons."

"That is what I thought girl, but hey a zombie apocalypse also means the end times. Since you know they are killing every man, woman, and child they see."

He isn't wrong.

"Plus should I be surprised that this is happening. I knew that the end times were coming, but I really wanted to make sure I wasn't right. However they are here enacting it and I can't be surprised humanity deserves this."

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"Are you serious. Look at this world, it is degenerate and amoral. We have strain from God's word so that we can mistreat each other. It only makes sense that he sends the corpses of his creation to punish those who have sinned," he says staring at me like I shouldn't even be asking these questions.

"Seriously. The world can't be that degenerate. That sounds like some religious nonsense," I say.

"No offense," I add.

"None taken," he responds.

"However girl it is foolish to think we don't deserve this. Look around: men acting like cads, woman dressing and acting like whores, humanity committing mass slaughter against each other decade after decade, sexual perversions running rampant, nature not being taken care of. I mean the list goes on and on. God is punishing us, and only those that believe in him will be saved."

"You're not wrong about how we treat each other and the environment, but come on don't you think sending zombies is a little over doing it," I say baffled by his statement.

"Not at all. He is slow anger, that anger has come. Pray and cast away your pride Ms. Lipscomb. That is the only way you will be saved."

I don't get what he is saying. I am not a prideful person. I'm humble though I can be envious at times, but I overcome it by realizing that I'll do anything to self-improve. I haven't committed all of those criticisms Gus says about humanity. So why is this happening to me. This was supposed to be an average day, but it isn't. What did I do to deserve this?

"Look, Mr. Sarki. I am trying to get what you are saying, but have I and the rest of humanity really, and I mean really, done so much bad to make God angry."

"I will repeat again. What you and humanity have done is the same thing all of humanity has been doing since Adam and Eve were cast out of Eden. Men walking around with big egos, thinking they are hot shit, not thinking their pride will lead to only destruction. Women dressed in voluptuous clothes, parading themselves like there body is the be all end all."

"What I am not dressed vol—what ever that word is," I object.

"Yes you are. You are wearing black spandex leggings that intentionally or unintentionally show your buttocks off for God knows who. That friend of yours who is on the volleyball team with the auburn hair, usually wears short shorts or a short skirt. Plus most of the girls at this school are ill dressed."

"H-hey. Sh-sh-shut up!" My only response back.

"Plus that doesn't even include the boys. Bunch of young bucks who think they can act like fools. Add that with all of the other egotistical men in this world and I am surprised that it took this long for us to be punished."

He finishes his rant then goes back to counting his supplies. I am still pissed and a little embarrassed. One the way I dress does not justify zombies wanting to kill me. Two why is Gus checking out the way I dress a long with the rest of the girls at our school. Then again, he seems to be more critical of men then women. I think being prideful and egotistical is more serious to him than the way you dress. I could even here it in his voice, he seemed to have more hatred of men's sins than women's.

I want to tell him off, but I don't know what will happen to me. Will he get angry and throw me out of the bomb shelter. It's still light out and I can't fight off the zombies. Look I'll take his rants, since he is my best chance of survival right now. There are somethings you have to take, even if you don't like it.

"Who do you think is alive?" I ask trying to change the conversation.

"Who cares," he says coldly.

"Shouldn't you."

He looks at me unamused.

"Girl as far as I am concerned my survival, and now yours, are the most important."

"I thought someone like you was suppose to help your neighbor. Like that good Samaritan story," I say trying to appeal to his Christian side.

"That may be true, but I save those I can—like you—when I can. If I find someone else to bring down here I will. Until then remain calm and do your best to survive."

He goes back to checking his inventory. I remain quiet. This whole day has been frustrating and terrifying. I want to do something. I want it all to go away. I think this is all a bad dream, but I know it isn't. Are those I care about still alive. My family, Julia, Erica, their brother, her family. All of them could be dead, and here I am in an old faulty bomb shelter with a wacko janitor whose plan is to wait this whole thing out. That's just great. I want to scream in rage and dismay, but don't. It wouldn't change anything and I'm pretty sure Gus will kill me if I make enough noise that'll attract the zombies.

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