
S O U L M A T E | Chaennie

Jennie Kim, a successful model, and a young CEO coming from the Kim family. One day she got into an incident that makes her forget all of her memories which she has met the doctor with who she is strangely feel comfortable, Doctor Roseanne.

arya_nna · LGBT+
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2 Chs


South Korea, Seoul

December 31, 1996

11:47 PM

"Unnie you're here!!" A squealing kid cheerfully said then running towards the brunette not bothered by the mess of the treehouse

She hugged the brunette and the brunette chuckled she looked at the kid and putting a hand in the kid's cheeks "You miss me?" She asked the kid and the kid nodded

"Sorry then, I was busy with school and I have to sneak out because my family are protective towards me," Said the brunette then pinching the kid's cheeks and the kid pouted

"Unnie I am not cute I am cool, you're the one who looks cute here plus unnie, stop treating me like a kid, I am just 7 and you're 8," The kid said confidently with her arms in her waist and the brunette feels giddy

"Arrasso arrasso, I am still questioning where do you even get that confidence of yours" The brunette sighed and the kid just shrugged

"Yah where does your confidence of yours come from? Cheesy kid" She asked the kid

The kid looked at her watch and her eyes went wide open she pull the brunette to the balcony the then looking at the sky "Unnie it's almost new year!" The kid squealed then looking at her unnie seeing that her unnie was looking at her too smiling and they both look away with their cheeks with a tint of pink

"Yah unnie, what is a soulmate? I just heard that word from grandmother" The kid asked her unnie to get away from the awkwardness

The brunette looked at the kid and asked "Why did your grandmother tell you that word?"

"She said to me that when I grow up I will have a soulmate and she said to ask my parents and siblings but I am too shy to ask so I decided to ask it to you," The kid said and the brunette nodded

"Well first when are you shy huh? I can't imagine you being shy" The brunette teased and the kid just scoffed "Well where do I even begin? A soulmate is like a best friend but more, it's that one person in the world who knows you better than anyone else, that person who makes you a better person, the person that will stay by your side the whole time of your life, the person that you will love till death, the person who will accept you or even believe in you and no matter what will happen you will always be together. If you find your soulmate then you get married and have kids" The brunette said and smiled at the kid

"Wow, unnie! How do you know this stuff?!" The kid asked still amazed by the new information that she got again from her unnie "I just know" The brunette shrugged

The kid was flushed by her thoughts while the brunette was waiting for this year to end "Well are you my soulmate unnie?" She asked her unnie and the brunette choked her saliva at the sudden question

"W-why do you even think about t-that I'm your s-soulmate?" She asked the kid while catching her breath

"Well, you're my only best friend and I feel like a better person when I am around with you," The kid said innocently and the brunette just chuckled 'She's too innocent' the brunette thought

"Well is that so?" The brunette said while fixing herself "But how about me? I don't know if you are my soulmate besides, we're too young" She said then the kid pouted again

"Then if we get older let's found out! If I am your soulmate I'll marry you!" The kid said while raising her hand and pinky

"Aishh arrasso arrasso but grow taller ok?" The brunette said while ringing her pinky to the kid's pinky and just in time the fireworks were lighting up in the sky

"Wahhh unnie!!! Look at the fireworks it's so beautiful!!" The kid said and her unnie looked at the kid smiling

"Happy New Year unnie" The kid said while hugging the brunette

"Happy New Year, Chae—"


A brunette was woken up by her sleep and she cannot move anything, she was at the hospital

"Jennie!! Doc!! My Jennie is awake!!" Someone yelled. The person who yelled rushed to Jennie caressing her cheek, it's an old woman in her 60s wearing expensive clothes and jewelry that she cannot recall

"W-who are you?" She asked the woman and the woman is stunned by the question, her own daughter doesn't remember her

"Y-yah Jennie, it's me, y-your mom, don't you remember me?" The old woman who claimed as her mom asked and the brunette shakes her head as a no

An old man came with two women beside him a young pale woman, two nurses, and a doctor

Her head throbbed and memories were flashed which is the one that she dreamed 'What was that kid name again?' She asked in her thoughts trying to remember anything but her head betrayed her, her head even hurts more which made her squint her eyes and groaned and fainted