
Chapter 35

The Grimm invasion that took place in vale durle the run away bomb train had happened but since Ozpin knew about it he had team RWBY and JNPR to wait there and take care of it until the back up arrive.

The train hit the walls and Grimm started pouring in but RWBY and JNPR were able to hold them off and get everyone out.

Reinforcements arrived as the Grimm were taken care of and the damage caused was reversed by Glyndas semblance.

As for Nova he stayed in his room sleeping through the entire ordeal since he knew they could handle it.

Currently he's working on another chapter of Jojos bizarre adventure choosing to ignore that all the girls are in a room and are having a meeting. The topic: Him.


In the room we see Ruby, Yang, Weiss, Blake, Jeanne, Pyrrha, Rin, Nora, Coco, Velvet, and Neo in the room staring at each other with serious faces.

Silence permiated the air as the atmosphere thickened to the point where someone could cut with a knife.

Ruby took a breath which made everyone else turn to face her. However she didn't back down and started.

" I'm sure you know why we are here. To keep it simple we all know that we have a crush on Nova so what do we do? " Ruby asked.

" I say that it's every woman for themselves. " Coco said. " I have no intention of sharing. "

" Hmm I agree with Coco. " Yang said.

" This applies to all of us. " Blake said.

" Yep. But it isn't an answer. We all like him but for some reason he avoids all the hints we give him. " Weiss said.

" Not true. " Nora said. Everyone looked at her.

" She's right. He probably knows but is keeping his distance. I'm pretty sure he likes all of us. " Rin said.

" That's probably true. " Velvet said.

" It makes sense but why doesn't he choose? " Jeanne asks.

" We will ask him later. " Ruby said. Everyone looked at her. " First we have to decide what to do? We can either have a free for all for his love or have a different option. If you guys ideas just say it. " Ruby said.

They all stayed silent trying to think of something. Neo however had enough of the stupidity.

" Sigh you all are idiots. " Neo said. Everyone looked at her with varying levels of shock.

" You can talk!! " Yang yelled. Neo just sighed.

" Yes I can. Nova helped me with speaking but anyway coming back to him the simple solution for this large crush fest is to share him. " Neo said.

" What?!! " They yelled.

" Share him! " Yang and Coco said. " Hell no!! "

" Oh for the love Oum. The man can duplicate himself with solid clones and are basically him. He could have dates with all of us at the same time. Besides we arnt having unknown people so what's the harm? " Neo said. They continued to argue well mainly Coco and Yang but Ruby shut them up with a fog horn.

" Okay listen up. I think we should go with Neos idea. Nova can be with all of us and we won't fight. "

" Sigh true. " Weiss started. " However the problem will be if we have to add more members. "

" If it comes to that we can just of a meeting. " Pyrrha said.

" True. " Coco said. " So let's go ask him. "

They headed out to Novas room.


" Finally finished. Sigh with that over let's play some games before going to sleep. Restaurant is going well thanks to clones as well. I still have to hand the form so I can make a stand at the Vytal festival. " Nova muttered. He then sensed the girls coming to his room.

' Hmm Why is it they are coming to my room? Sigh let's see what they want. '

*knock** knock*

Nova walked up to the door and opened it after putting away his manga.

" What's up? " He asked.

" We need to talk. " Coco said.

" This involves all of you. "

" Yes. "

" Sigh come in. "

They then walked in and made themselves comfortable.Nova this was happening Nova noticed they had nervous expressions as they were having a internal struggle.

' What could have they talked about?Hmmm..

I'm an idiot. They talked about their crushes on me. They might have reached an agreement but who knows. '

" Nova we have something to tell you. " Ruby said. Nova justered her to keep going. Ruby took a deep breath and exhaled.

" We talked about our love for you and we decided to share you. " Ruby said. The others nodded their heads in agreement. On the outside Nova kept his poker face. On the Inside,

' Oh thank God!! This makes things so much easier!! '

" I see. Well The truth is that actually I was going to ask you guys the same thing. "

" Wait really. " Yang said.

" Yep. I like all of you but I held it off because I felt that it would end a giant fist fight. I didn't know when to ask you bit this happened so.. "

" But what if you could only choose one? " Coco asked.

" If I had one choice I would put your names in a hat and pick a name . "

" Why??!! " Weiss asked.

" Simple I like all of you for your quirks. You all are unique so choosing one would be hard and would take to much time and brain cells.The option I had for this dilemma is to choose one if you guys wouldn't share or date all of you. "

" So there was no other options. " Jeanne asked.

" Pretty much. It's either you choose one or choose all of them. "

" Well okay so are we dating? " Ruby asked. Nova looked at Ruby.

" Yes we are. " Nova said.

" Oh okay. " Faster than the others Ruby activated her semblance and rushed to Nova. Nova noticed but didn't do anything as Ruby pulled his mask down and kissed him.

The others were angry but Nova saw it coming and made clones who kissed them.They took their time for the kiss before cuddling.

" Well since we have the rest of the day off, how about a movie." Nova asked.

" Okay. " Most of them said but some of them just hugged Nova. They spent the rest of the day just enjoying their time together.


So I haven't posted in awhile due to work. As for the fanfic I will have to take a break to watch the seasons of RWBY again and regain some motivation for writing. I'm sorry if this upset you but I honestly forgot most of volume 3 and above so I will have to watch them.

However if you still want to read I would suggest reading my Harry potter fanfic ' Rise of House Black ' or my new Haikyuu fanfic ' Haikyuu: Rising. ' . Anyway thank you for the support enjoy the rest of your day.

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