
Chapter 1: Grimm Fate*

The Bottom of the Abyss, some people call it. The pit of nightmares. The Place where your hopes die first before you do...

Tartarus Prison is known for many frightening things but it's mostly known for the cesspool of degenerates it holds. Beneath the Ganymede Colony Domes there lies the tightest prison in the system. Where they hold the top of the so-called Rogues gallery. They're identified as outlaws by both the law and society. Condemned to the most inhuman treatment imaginable.

It would be a surprise to everyone if anyone could last a week without going insane, to say the least.

However one such man has lasted for a few months inside this hell hole. In the lowest level of the prison where even the faintest of light was rare and the only sound present was your breathing, lay a man bound in dark iron chains covered with a faint red hue. He sat upright leaning on the cold concrete wall. His arms spread apart like he was being crucified. His shallow breathing was suddenly replace by a weak laughter. As if he was gasping for air.

He tried to rest his head on the cold floor but the chains wrapped around his neck stopped him halfway. Too long for him to properly rest his back, too short for him to lie down. He readjusted himself to be more comfortable to no avail, his body was covered in both old and new wounds. The slightest of movements would incite great pain. Like being stabbed by multiple needles covered in flames.

Yet he would repeat the same action only to be met with the familiar kind of pain. Yet he kept laughing, bordering on the edge of insanity. He laughed at the absurdity of his situation.

He watched his memories play on repeat, unsure whether it was real or not. Whether this was a nightmare or his unfiltered reality.

Then as he was scanning his memories his gaze stopped at the thing strapped on his right arm. A metallic bracelet that looked like a watch. Slowly his irritation grew as he thought to himself.

'Power and Money are the only things that make this rotten world revolve. I don't know how many lives were taken just to achieve this fake ass world peace. Hypocrites the lot of them!

Fucking pricks telling us it's for a just cause, to make the world a better place... goddamn where's that place now? it's only getting worse...' He thought as he laughed at his own situation.

'Forgive my pessimism but I have been a mercenary all my life, Now I won't say I'm a good person... after all I'm only in this for the money, but fuck I've killed enough people to know nothing's ever going to fucking change- -' His thoughts came into a sudden halt. 'How many times have I argued with myself over this? That's not the fucking point! It doesn't matter how the war is fought! How many lives were lost... Or how many empires or government bodies are standing on the side that's right.'

He slammed his right hand repeatedly towards the concrete wall trying to break the metal watch strapped on his hand.

'Fuck!!! It's because of this fucking thing I'm stuck in this fucking hellhole...' Soon he realized the futility of his actions. He stopped and inhaled a deep breath. He slowly exhaled as he saw yellow eyes beyond the corners of his room. Followed by a slow clap. He felt that's someone was with him inside the prison cell.

What started as a soft chuckle turned into loud laughter, "Fuck... I'm going crazy."

"Oh trust me, Madness isn't that soft. It hits hard and quick. You'd know once you feel it. Hehehehehe." The damp dark room was suddenly illuminated by purple flames, as a tall man on a dark suit walked forwards. His face obscured by the shadows yet his distinct and eerie smile were ever present.

The bound man narrowed his eyes as he frowned. "What the fuck Mr.Nobody! We had a deal! I find the weapon and you give me what I want!" He bellowed, he tried to claw tooth and nail at the man called Nobody.

However the man just shrugged, "What else do you want from me? I gave you an opportunity. One of the greatest weapons in the multiverse yet you treat it like a toy... It's capabilities are even beyond mine. Yet your feeble mind only wants to bring back the dead? Now that's madness..."

The bound man struggled wildly, he wanted to grab the man in the suit. To use his remaining strength to bite his neck. He bared his fangs towards this lanky man. "Give her back!! We had a fucking deal!!" He screamed.

His struggles grew weaker and weaker his voice shrank into a whisper, "I just want her back..." Nobody solemnly closed his eyes, "I... cannot... As of now I'm still bound by my seals. Forgive me Mr.Haruki... I cannot fullfil my end of the bargain. I would suggest a change of terms."

The bound man named Haruki had his head lowered, but as he heard nobody's words he raised his head. His expression warped in his fury. "Then fucking end me!" He screamed towards the man. "I'm fucking tired.. I've killed so many... and for what? a change of terms? Just kill me."

Nobody turned around, "No... You are free to do whatever you want with the weapon. So until I can fullfil my end of the bargain I shall withhold the task you owe me, at least for a little while, so live until then. Consider it a Merchants Honor. Hehehe." He said as he was slowly being swallowed by the shadows as black tendrils wrapped around him.

Haruki tried to shamble towards him, "Do you have any idea how much I've lost!? How much I have sacrificed just to try and get this!? How much I'm willing to pay to get her back!? Get back here you bastard!!!" His screams echoed across his Narrow cell. His chains rattled as he struggled to stand.

However his exhaustion got the best of him. He sat down in silence. He tried to bite down his tongue but faint footsteps approaching his cell echoed beyond the steel door in front of him. He quickly pretended to sleep.

The door swung open with gusto, what entered was a man with a medium build. His baggy white uniform couldn't conceal his trained body. He was emitting an aura of arrogance as he strode towards Haruki.

"Wanted on every quadrant on this Galaxy... you're quite a guy Kazama Haruki. Even after Ragnarök lost its pristine reputation... You still have quite the following." Oslo said as he kicked him.

"How 'bout you tell us where the 'Grimoire' or whatever the U.C.P.'s higher-ups are calling it before we beat it out of you?" he raised the prisoner head and slapped him to wake him up. He yawned and showed a cocky grin towards the man in front of him fearlessly. "Huh?? well you see Captain Oslo... I Have no idea..." Oslo's mouth twitched and in anger he kicked Haruki in the stomach. "Even a bound wolf is still a wolf in the end huh..." He said in contempt.

Haruki bared his fangs, "These chains won't hold me. Soon it'll be your neck that's bleeding." He said as he spat blood on the ground.

Oslo turned around in a huff, "I wonder how long it would take to domesticate a wolf. I look forward to the day you'd wag your tail in complete obedience."

'I swear this weapon is as useless as it can get... Ars Magus is not as the rumors say it's more of a fashion statement than a weapon of death... I look like motherfucking Ben 10...' He stared at the so called weapon strapped on his arm and scoffed.

As Oslo left a loud explosion happened that shook the entire prison. Haruki was jolted back to reality from his daze.

(Do you wish to escape?)

Suddenly a voice reverberated inside is head. "Huh? what the fuck? is it finally time to awaken my destiny? or some shit?"

(Awaken me... for I can grant you powers you can't even begin to imagine.)

"H-How do I do it oh great one- - Pahahahahahah fuck I can't do this!" He laughed to himself thinking that he might have gone insane.

(Do you not want power? give me blood and my power shall be yours to control.)

"Blood? fuck you on about? You a vampire or something? I don't need none of that..." He said trying to shut off his senses.

(But you lack power, that's why you lost her is it not?)

"I'm warning you... you're treading on thin ice... you better stop or I'll make you sto- -" Before he could finish his sentence another loud explosion shook the entire prison. Soon after three Armed guys stood in front of his cell as they yelled "No matter what we can't let this prisoner to escape."

*Bang! Bang!*

A loud series of gunshots resounded followed by three bodies falling to the floor.

"Scepter 3 hack open this cell" said the man with a gravely voice. Haruki recognized the voice beyond the steel door as he asked. "Samuel is that you?" Haruki asked. "Yes Boss, we're here to pick you up" However he didn't notice the blood of the three armed guards were being absorbed by the weapon called the 'Ars Magus'.

They unshackled him and supported him to stand up as they stabbed him with an adrenaline to give him a little boost. He shook his head and brushed his messy black hair backwards.

"Where's Silent and Aurora?" He asked the man called Samuel. He cocked his gun as he signalled Haruki to move. "Old man Sjor'kai took them both with him. Their current whereabouts are currently unknown. The state of Ragnarök is in shambles, our resources are stretched thin as it is. I'm sorry commander we couldn't afford to search the entire quadrant for just three people."

Haruki shook his head, "It's fine... Who else came with you?" Samuel looked at the ground grimly. He aimed his pistol at Haruki, "Just me and my squadron." Haruki sighed as he stared at the white ceiling. "Is this the choice you made? Think about your family." He said softly towards his former comrade.

"My family!?" He growled towards his former commander. "After the stunt you pulled our... no YOUR! mercenary group lost its credibility. My family left me because she can't raise the kids to grow up to be a murderer like me. Do you know how many lives I've taken just to find you!? How many people I've stepped on just so you can continue your meaningless crusade!?

I have... No, we have lost more in this war than you did. The world never got better it only made the weight we carry heavier. Look me in the fucking eyes and DONT LOOK AWAY! This group was our family but after what You and Touma did, everything is in shambles! AND WAS THAT FOR THE BETTERMENT OF THE GALAXY!? OR FOR YOUR OWN SELFISH ARGUMENT!?" His hands shook as he aimed the barrel of his gun at Haruki's temple.

Haruki looked down for he knew what Samuel said was right. His own selfishness caused everything to happen. Yet he kept blaming the universe for every bad thing that happened. To make sense of all the things that happened he chose to ignore his sins and elevate the other's sins.

Oslo came out of the corridor, with his arms crossed. A smug smile was plastered on his face as he walked towards Haruki. "We had to make it look like it was a failed rescue attempt you see. The U.C.P.'s really intent on painting you as a criminal until the end." However Samuel aimed his gun towards Oslo to his surprise.

"How much!?" He said to Oslo, much to his puzzlement. "How much are you willing to pay!?" Oslo gained clarity from his words as he nodded enthusiastically. "A fuck ton and complete diplomatic immunity."

'I can't blame any of them family comes first... I bet Samuel was baited by riches and a planet after the U.C.P. gets the Ars Magus...' He silently thought as he regained his energy.

Oslo gathered his men surrounding the entire corridor. Samuel spoke, "I'll shoot. I'll sacrifice my dignity to save my men. I'm fine being hated, you can punish me all you want when we meet in the afterlife general."

Haruki shook his head, "It's fine..." He said as he chuckled.

"I guess that's just how karma works." He shrugged his shoulders as he prepared. He thought to himself, 'I'll be with you soon so wait for me.'

Then a series of gunshots echoed across the narrow corridor. The white and blue walls were painted with red blood. He opened his eyes only to find himself unharmed. Samuel's and his men lay dead on the cold floor. Their eyes showed a trace of unwillingness. His anger rose to the peak as he released his killing intent towards his enemies.

"Why are you angry? I gave him what he wanted. Complete Diplomatic immunity! The law can't get you if you're dead! Hahahahahaha!!! Besides I'm doing him a favor. After I kill you I'll send every last one of you scum of Ragnarök to hell!" He screamed in Glee. His eyes formed a crescent shape his expression livid from his bloodshed.

Haruki looked down on the floor only hearing a repeat of the same line said in a monotone silvery voice.

(I can help you escape... awaken me with their blood!!)

(I can help you escape... awaken me with their blood!!)

(I can help you escape... awaken me with their blood!!)

As the voice inside his head gets louder, the desire for blood also gets stronger. The blood on the ground was slowly being absorbed by the bracelet. "AAARRGGHH!!" Haruki howled as he was filled with inhuman vigor. He dashed towards the nearest soldier. He Took him by the neck and tore his entire jaw with his bare hands. Surprising everyone, as they remained rooted on the spot.

They couldn't react in time when the first one died. " kill him!! Tear him to shreds!" Oslo Bellowed. But Haruki has already leapt up in the air as he took the dead soldiers knife. He bounced from the ceiling towards two soldiers as he stabbed the one on the throat while he grabbed the muzzle on one of the guns and aimed at the soldiers. A series of Sparks lit up the room dropping more bodies on the ground.

He noticed something weird. The more he kills the better his entire being felt. As if he was being reborn. His silver metal watch was now dyed crimson as he danced in the corridor. Every sway was a life taken.

Haruki continued to kill the soldiers efficiently, although it resulted in him recieving bullet wounds all over his body. He leaned at the wall sideways as he held the bullet wound on his stomach. "Only...you...*pant* left*" Although Haruki is strong he has his limits. "Hahahahaha do you really think you can take me on now do you? In that condition I'm surprised you are still alive. You fucking monster." He said in complete spite.

Haruki threw away the weapons he picked up and stood straight glaring at Oslo "hehehehehe *cough cough* What you scared to fight me bare handed?" Oslo the ever prideful captain was angered. "you will be my 1000th kill!"

Oslo threw away all his weapons, even the hidden ones just to prove to haruki he doesn't need anything to end a half dead man.

"*pant pant* it seems you still have a shred of integrity... " Haruki readied his stance, Oslo charged towards him like a boar, which haruki nimbly dodges by rolling under him. "Slimy rodent! see how I deal with you!" Oslo neared the distance with a lariat. Haruki crouched to punch him in the liver. "urgh, stay damn still!" Haruki the proceeded to sweep his legs but Oslo's reflexes weren't bad. He saw the move from a mile away so he jumped up and elbows haruki at his shoulder wound as he landed. *guhah* Haruki rolled on the ground and quickly recovers as he punched Oslo on the ribs and tripped him. He then mounted Oslo then proceeded to beat the shit out of Oslo. His fist slammed over and over in the same spot in his temple. It was like a trance of pure anger. After a while oslo's body went limp as the life drained out of him. He staggered towards his former comrades corpses. He gave them a respectful salute. He leaned his back on the wall as he continued to pant in exhaustion.

"I think *Urgh!!*" He groaned in pain, "This might be it for me too."

(You need to go now before the others find you.) The Ars Magus said. He scoffed toward it's remark. "Now you care?"

(I had no power to help you before. Now I can help you get whatever you want.)

He shook his head as he waved his hand in annoyance. "Whatever, I don't care anymore." He sat down near Oslo's corpse. He was searching for something in his jacket pocket. After awhile he found the two things he was looking for. He chuckled as he leaned back. He lit up the tiny stick as he inhaled a mouthful of air.

He blew a puff of smoke ignoring the marching of footsteps towards him. "U.C.P. will probably use these corpses to taint their reputation... Fuck... Hey you! Weapon Thingy! Make a bomb!"

(I'm called Ars Magus)

He laughed, "Alright Ars Magus. Blow this fucking shithole to pieces. I need a fucking vacation..."

(Where do you want to go?)

"I don't care. It doesn't matter anymore." He said as a red vortex appeared behind him. It swallowed him whole. As he disappeared a hydrogen bomb exploded erasing everything within a 13 mile radius.

Thus began the tale of the greatest monster of remnant. He came like a shooting star, as if answering the pleas of the people. The beginning of the tale of the God-Slayer.

The Vànagandr.

Remnant's saviour...


This is the beginning of Path of Bloods Revamp! Previous readers would notice that a fuck ton of details have changed. I hope this is the improvement that'll keep you reading until the end. Peace out kiddos! I hope you enjoyed the first chapter.

Also don't forget to check out my other book:

Art of Magic!

All chapters with a "*" on it means that it's an edited one.

This marks the first chapter... whew... I hope you guys enjoyed, and to those who were expecting RWBY immediately... sorry... but don't worry next chapter RWBY story begins...

FrostByte47creators' thoughts
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